Whatever happened to XLM marines?
Whatever happened to XLM marines?
I think alot died in the March blood bath, not even IBM can resurrect a dead corpse
XLM marines have got to be some of the most patient fuckers in crypto. I sold my stack at .80 a long time ago. Even then, we were all waiting for fairX like it was just around the corner.
You should buy back in
Look at the price of bitcoin and the price of xlm compared
Waiting two dips for .17 didn’t get it
Yes sell high buy low
Take profits
It’s a strong alt coin
I like XLM. It's the best at what it does. I'm a poor fag though and so my strategy right now is lower cap coins.
Hope they killed themself, they were some of the most annoying faggots with their XRP little retarded brother coins, the snake, Teeka and shits.
So comfy
Xlm bags ready
Slowly accumulating inflation payouts
Bought im december. Not selling no matter what. 20k lumens only.
Stellar is fucking gay, it doesn't really do anything to differentiate itself from other, more advanced companies
2k Stellar here just waiting patiently
I'm slowly accumulating. I don't buy anything above 3500 sats or $0.20, whichever comes first. Target is 10,000
so like $5 a month
i went from 28k lumens to 4k ark and went from making $6 a month to $70-90 a month.
remember, not much "mooning" in a coin that literally adds a billion to the supply every year and needs 100,000 transactions to use up a single lumen
I sold my 20k at 36 cents. Should have sold when it hit 1$.
>still have the backing of one of the biggest, most well networked tech companies in the world
We're comfy af
user, every transfer or use of the XLM network will take a lumen. When you have large companies like IBM controlling shipping down to the unit, do you know how little 100,000 'transactions' is?
A large portion of the supply will be given to central banks so they have liquidity and can handle the anticipated transaction volume. Plus with fixed inflation, banks are incentivized to accumulate, thus reducing circulating volume and increasing price.
Holding. As well as XRP
wasnt fairX meant to come out in feb? lmfao
Bitcoin is going below $5k. You might want to unclench your hog for a couple months.
How do we know IBM is going to use Stellar in the first place? They could easily deploy separate private blockchains using Hyperledger
I expected FairX to give a decoupling from BTC too by allowing the use of a Fiat gateway (USD/XLM)
Xlm is by a mile the boomer-est alt out there.
That said, i'm patiently waiting for the stellar snakey to wakey wakey.
Like anybody can know anything about anycoin at this point
Please don't buy xlm.
This way next year I can pay you poor fags to sharpie selfie yourselves with my inflation.
Fairx is priced in, and is being delayed because it needs to be approved by SEC. Fairx needs to be really careful about what crypto they offer for fiat pairs, or else they're offering securities to the public. If anything, Fairx not being shitcanned by SEC means xlm isn't a security, and is here to stay. I expect it to be a lot like coinbase or gemini, but on the backbone of the stellar network.
Rolling for dubs coral
we sold
There was an interview with the blockchain guy at IBM that said one of the benefits of XLM was that it was already compliant with all regulations
Down 7k this month from mu 40k stack
Sold in early may