When was the last time you've seen two men kissing each other in public in your country?

When was the last time you've seen two men kissing each other in public in your country?

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2 years ago i was walking down a street and i saw a guy tickling/rubbing his bf's hips and abs and as i passed them the guy looked my way then looked back at me.

never thankfully

Never but I did see 2 bears holding hands

Some fellow males have tried to kiss me, but I've never seen other men kissing.


I worked at a call center about 2 years ago and I saw it almost every day. Like 90% of the employees were gay.

Never, and this is in leafland of all places. Thankfully there is still enough of a stigma against faggotry to keep these abominations from flaunting their degeneracy too much. I guess it's shame or fear, either works for me.

I'm straight but I go to the gay bar sometimes. I'm not a scared prude so it's fine.

I hope you talking about animal bears

>I am not gay, but go to gay bars regularly (alone) and find myself a one-night stand

I've only seen it at university like 3 years ago


never 2bh

Never wtf

i've seen lesbians kissing, though; it was pretty hot

but they weren't polish, it was at the warsaw airport, and they were speaking english

Last month. I was in line at subway and there were 2 of these people in front of me making out . My meal was ruined

Kys pos

Last summer at the fireworks.

I see these behaviours at uni quite frequently, among all sorts of degenerate shit. Sometimes is painful to even attend classes

I almost never leave my neighborhood, which is mostly populated with Turks. all their women wear hijab, so they are conservative. if something like that happened here you'll have a really bad time. doubt anyone is willing to experiment.

Not what I said or meant. I have a couple gay friends, and a lot of straight girls hang there too. Good drugs at gay bars, too. Fags are true party animals.

never seen that happen

I just wanted a (You) :>
But you're kind of an ass if you're going to gay bars as a straight man...

This weekend at a club

Like 3 years ago

pdas should be banned regardless of sexual orientation tbqh

Like 3 months ago i saw some fags kissing at the club, I told my friends and we beat them up
Good times


Literally never, but I did see a trap out in public at least twice in my life.

Yesterday, but they were joking, for some reason people really like to make gay jokes here.

Why, man?

All the time, and I make sure to kiss my boyfriend publicly very often. I'm here to make the world a gayer place.

Cry more haters, your side is losing.

Because these places serve a purpose. It's for gay men who don't want to have to ask whether a stranger they want to get to know or hook up with is gay as well... It's also kind of a safe space. You're destroying this purpose if you're going regularly as a straight man. You probably wouldn't find it that great too if it was the other way around, would you?

I dont go outside

Preach it man

We are everywhere

I dont go outside


That's not how any of the guys I know feel about it. I mean I only started going because they were inviting me.

>i hate le fags they are soooooo degenerate amirite?
>look at that bitch i'd fuck her ass then make her suck my dick and then i'd titfuck her
unironically kys if you think like this hypocritical nigger
don't do it
no one cares that you're in a relationship
just kiss in your fucking home or in a hotel or something but not in public in a non-romantic setting because no one fucking cares that you're in a relationship
and it's not because you're faggots, if you were straight the same would apply to you


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I have a gay friend who kissed his boyfriend in front of me, it was kind of gross tbhdesufam

>tfw i am gay but ive never seen this

feels bad man

what did you do?

Never but thats because I don't leave my house. If I did see gays kissing I would support them though!

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nothing, i just looked back at them because we were the only people on the street. idk if he thought i was ugly or something lol.

Never, but I've seen lesbians kissing plenty of times. even today I saw two 14-15 years old girls eating each others tongue, I'm sure that if I was close i would've been able to see a saliva thread

you wouldn't exist if your fantasy gay world were a reality a couple of decades ago

mexico is the poland of south america

Never. That'd be really gay.

I know that feel

>That'd be really gay.
Literally can't argue with this.

That is kind of sad. Where do you dudes live, more specifically?

>faggots blogging about 3DPD IRL shit
This is why we hate you. Fuck off.

pretty bold statement from someone like you

A month ago.

was it empowering?


kys you alt-right retard

no i'm not. i just hate faggots like you

Once in a university
Edgy cunt

your puppet is going to be impeached soon and putin will be powerless

Only seen it happen abroad.

Never in the sauna with your bros?

he's already powerless eveywhere except in his own country. Nobody likes Putin anymore.
We vote for democracy but without faggots


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No that hasn't happened.

Yeah I just wanted a (You) desu. Thanks friend.

You're welcome. I got ASMR tingles from your (You) so it's fine.

thank g_d

Nightclubs are considered public right?

Why can't you say God mr schlomo?

god is gay

Never desu. This place is homophobic.

was so long ago I can't even remember.


never, actually. I have never seen two guys kissing eachother in public

About 8 years ago in a park.

Based and rainbow pilled

I saw 2 lesbians on a crowded bus once, they'were standing right next to me and one was leaning on the other arms and were enjoying it, I felt sad.