What makes Italy a great power? Does it really have that much sway in the world?

What makes Italy a great power? Does it really have that much sway in the world?

Attached: greatpower.png (170x315, 6K)

Rome shall influence the world forever

they aren't a power, their military spending is only slightly higher than australia and they lack completely sovereignty over their country due to the EU

That list is very idiotic.

But Italy is quite powerful.
They have a g8 economy, decent military, and have a significant naval influence in the med, and East Africa.

Poo poo motherfuckers, we’re coming, update the list.

Attached: 1685DF4C-0C8A-45D8-A864-CF2E4CEBD98B.jpg (1536x1532, 571K)

>UK, France and Italy
>great powers


Germany doesn't belong on the list; France has significantly more influence than Germany.

Germany's only influence is in the EU, and their influence within the EU is greatly exaggerated

>France has more global influence than Germany
Would agree
>German influence in EU exaggerated
ehhh, not really.

>ehhh, not really.
It is by people on this website.

Macron has proven that Germany's influence within the EU is a paper tiger. As he has taken away so much.
Germany certainly is a major contender in the EU, probably the biggest. But acting like they own it, or are even as much as a dominant partner is ludicrous.

Depends how you define "great power" innt.
I'd argue you need to tick at least two out of the three to be regarded as a relevant player