Argentina appreciation thread

Argentina appreciation thread.
Say something nice about them.

Attached: argentina-flag1[1].jpg (1200x800, 52K)

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that sun looks even creepier than the real one

Are you that retarded brazilian?

97 percent white, so they're good in my book

How is that book called? "Things that we'll never be"?
lmao gtfo mutt you are a negro

I've only met one Argentinian in my life, he liked to sniff lobsters. Pretty weird guy, but fun to have around.

why are all Mexicans this obsessed with Argentina's genetic makeup?
it's not healthy.

they have nice islands

I've liked Les Luthiers since I was 10 years old.

why? a lot of it would make sense only to Argentines.
in that very clip you posted he says "da Bahia Blanca", which is a small Argentine town that literally nobody outside Argentina would know of.
and the physical commedy is only good if you are still actually 10.

Did I mention Argentina?
the 56% mutt is talking about muh 97% white lol, the jokes it's on him not you. you can be whatever

>Mexican't reading comprehension
he's talking about Argentina you absolute mongoloid


Argentina Is the best Sporting nation in latinamerica and, only second to the usa in the whole continent , also their food Is good

fuck them

Yes please turbosatan

It all started when my parents bought me these CD's, I happened to like them a lot and through the years started to lurk about Argentina and other south American countries, 31 minutos had a very similar effect on me about Chile. And I also happen to have an Argentinian friend who moved to Mexico City, he explained me other tjings. And I live in fucking Mexico, media in general is shit, I have to get my hands on stuff from outside.

Attached: 1538942523430.jpg (677x676, 47K)

Forgot the pic lol

Attached: IMG_20181213_003118.jpg (2976x3968, 2.33M)

Cristina is a milf

How did Rabinovich's death affect you?

I would

les luthiers is quite known outside Argentina. They actually come here relatively often, like once a year or every two years, but most middle class boomers and gen x-ers know them

I personally love everything about Argentina

Eran, son y seran

Attached: islas-malvinas.jpg (340x269, 29K)

Made me realize how much he defined the group, and how he also represented the inner kid we all had, then at some point you lose it.

Good country outside the capital

sadly can't say anything nice about them
they're exactly like us but somehow all bad personality traits known in psychology are multiplied by a thousand, and they're just 100 meters away across a river
it's unexplainable