It's a "non christian country celebrating christmas while not celebrating the birth of our lord and saviour" episode

>it's a "non christian country celebrating christmas while not celebrating the birth of our lord and saviour" episode

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Isn't Christmas day just a old pagan holiday Christians slapped into christianity to build appeal? Santa ain't Christian. Christmas trees are a german tradition too

KLK and Trigger are cancer. Kill yerself faggot.

Christmas originated from the Romans and is a synthesis of Roman and Christian religious belief.

>Christmas trees are a german tradition too
Then why do prodies do it? Also this pagan and christian divide is a judeo-protestant thing.

We actually can't pinpoint the birth of our great lord and savior so we just set it to Dec 25th, the Romans did it first.

literally all of the west
coincidentally replacing saturnalia and later the Catholic church having it replace yule

You mean the heathen "Protestant" cunts.
Are we the only cunt that actually takes Christmas to heart?

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Nothing people celebrate here is remotely related to christfaggotry.
Abrahamic cultists need to be rounded up and killed.

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Pretty sure I read somewhere he was most likely born in september.

You think Asspain and and Shitaly are paragons of piety?

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>jeremiah 10:2-4
2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.


even research suggests that Jesus was born in summer or fall.

There is no strong evidence that says that Jesus was born on December. It's all created my the catholic church to replace Winter solstice which is a pagan celebration.
>The pagan Scandinavian and Germanic people of northern Europe celebrated a twelve-day "midwinter" (winter solstice) holiday called Yule (also called Jul, Julblot, jólablót, midvinterblot, julofferfest). Many modern Christmas traditions, such as the Christmas tree, the Christmas wreath, the Yule log, and others, are direct descendents of Yule customs. Scandinavians still call Yule "Jul". In English, the word "Yule" is often used in combination with the season "yuletide"

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I dont get what you infer with the quote
the christmas tree is not and have never been idolatry, in fact it is not even a pagan tradition

Yes, christcucks are completely deluded and can't comprehend anything outside of their brainwashing

few religious people deny this and even fewer are bothered by it

>Tree worship was common among the pagan Europeans and survived their conversion to Christianity in the Scandinavian customs of decorating the house and barn with evergreens at the New Year to scare away the devil and of setting up a tree for the birds during Christmas time.
>viking and Saxon worship of trees
>Roman traditions, rites and rituals from the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons have survived into our modern celebration. The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe is sometimes attributed to the Viking goddess of love and marriage - Frigg - whose legend is associated with the plant. The origin of the traditional Christmas tree may also linked to Pagan tree-worship.

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>It's not in the book! It's not Christian then! Therefore pagan! It's not in the book!
Why can not proteshits understand things like traditions and religious synchretism?

christianity is monstrous

>its a non pagan christian celebrating yule

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>The origin of the traditional Christmas tree may also linked to Pagan tree-worship.
>may also be linked with
that is a dogshit article my friend
paganism isnt a hot topic so its bound to be filled with shoddy padding to attract attention
the christmas tree comes from 19th centuary Germany and nothing points to it "being linked" with any yule logs burnings or such

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