Hurrdurrr just put some solar panels up coaltard

>hurrdurrr just put some solar panels up coaltard
Why don't environmentardists understand that the sun is not always up and the wind is not always blowing? Is your cunt populated with these scum?

Attached: 1533447986512.png (400x400, 175K)

Nice Americanposting.

Nice Brazilianposting

I met somebody who legitimately believed that when the wind changed direction windfarms would suck all the electricity back out

its awesome what propaganda can do to the NPCs

its basically mass firmwareization

your fw2018_hate_russia_and_china.bin have arrived goy!

That's why solar panels charge a battery, which is then drained over the course of the night.

just build more fucking nuclear plants

Attached: frogs stare.jpg (400x400, 27K)

Is Xi now paying Russians to distract from the hour long downtime every night in which anti-China posts are removed?

>coaltards turning complex issues into strawmen
Every time.

Nuclear Power is the cleanest and most efficient form of power