Is crypto basically for brainlets who need fake play money and can’t handle real trading of financial instruments...

Is crypto basically for brainlets who need fake play money and can’t handle real trading of financial instruments like stocks and derivatives? A bit like training wheels for mentally challenged kids if you will.

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But it's also for risk-takers and people who have no time for the stocks to increase in value.

I've gone up your whole portfolio this year and I'm tiny and meek. Your attitude is for brainlets.

Congrats boomer

crypto has peripherals. but its also just faddish for its volatility. everyone wants to catch a ride on a coin that makes a 100% gain in a week. stocks are a marathon by comparison, most can only do that much over a years' worth of time

whatever makes you feel superior though OP

>3% day change
I would say stocks are for mentally retarded, lmao. Action so slow grandpa soros can fuck you.

Crypto is way to get rid of fiat currency. I like sending coins without using a bank.

Trading is just the first killer app of crypto.

What you call 'real trading' is far more synthetic, and fraud is the value which these networks have specifically over crypto.

Patrick Byrne of Overstock raison detre is unlimited naked shorting of knight capital group and other market makers.

Crypto 'solves' the oracle problem inherent to derivatives.

Crypto solves bad actor high frequency trading.

Crypto solves kyc. Crypto solves governance.

Because traders outnumber the ideological, why normies will want crypto becomes elusive or tail eating like trading.

I’m a financial advisor, licensed with series 7 and 66. Currently sitting in my office with downtown view.
In my spare time I fuck around with crypto. Granted, I don’t tell the others in my firm about my interest in it, just because I’m the youngest person in the firm and blockchain is way over their head and none of them would take it seriously.

No its for people with a starting net worth less than 100k who don't have 30 years to wait to hit 1MM.

I went from 50k to 800k at ATH and currently sitting with 500k in tether ready to jump back into a top 5 crypto for that final 2x. Or I could have bought Amazon two years ago and be sitting on 100k.

Lol what are options you dumb brainlet. I bet you think all wallstreet does is buy and hold too. You should probably stick to your toddler coins

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Stock owners like yourself will cry blood this year.

what do other FAs think of crypto in general? do they have clients wanting to buy some?

t. used to work in wealth management a few years back but quit due to crypto gains and working on CFA

Nah, i can't write bots for the stock market because it has to go through banks here


I'm 1% in crypto lulz, and only put in .25% to start

>Says crypto is gambling for retards.
>Thinks derivatives aren't gambling.
Wew lad

No it’s for dumb dumbs who can’t into option greeks. I regularly make 10-20x from option trades. But it requires me to understand things like option payoff convexity, delta-theta decay, stock fundamentals and technical and not gambling it all on some 20 year old autist who decided to raise a bunch of money and hand it over hand over fist.

Stick to your toddler coins you are embarrassing yourself

>boomer cope

Oh wow, tell me how based smarter you are than us because you understand greeks. It must be nice to graduate from an Ivy and get connections from mom and dad

Derivatives are like poker, part skill and part luck. Buy skill wins in the long run. Look I am not going to convince you that you are a retard, but your parents probably know and are embassed to tell their friends about your Japanese love pillows and low functioning autism and that is really all that matters in the end.

Just stop embarrassing yourself

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Come back when you actually get old enough to experience a downturn with your mom's trust money leveraged out 100x

>That 26 year old boomer who needs the validation of people making more money than him with play money

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I remember my first little win, I was so proud of myself. Took my gf to puerto rico and everything. What a fucking idiot I was. When this is your normal monday morning you'll be good enough to realize you're not special lolllll

>bragging about 46% gains

You've obviously havent been here for long. You're just embarrassing yourself.

>I use big fancy words so I'm smarter even if I objectively put in more work for the same or smaller gains because the work is harder.

Jesus you sound like one of those American boomers who's been so brainwashed with 'muh hard work' that you actually brag about working overtime etc.

I understand all that shit mang, I'm just not here to impress anyone with words, I'm here to make money, the easiest and best way possible. I got out of crypto in Jan, gonna buy back in soon, in the meantime my ROI in 2017 for my entire portfolio was 600%, if that's 'easy' for you, then surely by 2020 your net worth will be tens of millions since 6^3 = 216x.

He thinks options are leveraged. Please kid, go run Along now and talk about your white paper and make excuses why there is no rapid adoption. Maybe because the world run out of basement neet money to scam

Imagine being such a poorfag that when you hit six figures the first thing that goes through your mind is to go on Jow Forums and start an entire thread where you have fictional arguments with imaginary 'weabs' to feel good about yourself. What did your parents say that hurt your feelings so much user? Because my portfolio 'crashed' to 4x bigger than yours and I felt suicidal for weeks lmao. I once made 80k in 3 hours on Kraken during the BCH flippening event, while you're here bragging about your lunch money portfolio.

>This fucking boomer bragging about 46 percent gains

KEKEKEKEK. I can buy ETH right now and sell it in a few months outperforming your fagfolio competly and there's enough liquidity to go in 200k deep.

600% lol I have achieved way more than that in my option portfolio. Please tell me where are you in January? Oh if you didn’t get wiped out you are now in tether, a literally fraud set to blow up any minute. How do you cash out without getting butt raped by the IRS. Tell me you little brainlet, it’s ok, you should take a nap now, all this thunking probably made you tired

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>Using Merrill Lynch
>Not using Charles Schwab

>46 percent gains

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Generally that it’s too volitile. People who come to a FA are GENERALLY looking to make steady 2-5% gains (if lucky more) long term. Not 50x in a fucking month like biz.
They couldn’t handle being up 20% one day and down 15% the next, much less over 2 hours.
We handle peoples fucking money. Imagine if every pink wojak / suicide post on biz was a distressed client calling to BITCH YOU OUT.

That being said, I love this shit and it gets my dick hard.

>I can buy ETH right now and sell it in a few months outperforming your fagfolio competly

Go ahead

I moved all my money into Boeing and LMT.

I made roughly 70k in Q1 off my stock portfolio and I still have 100k in shitcoins. Sure maybe I make less than you now, but I'm comfy, 0 stress, and I'm not gonna start going grey at 30 like every Wall Street cuck I know.

The fact is though I'm skeptical about your gains, your constant reference to this autistic, body pillow hugging strawman speaks of bitterness which makes me think you're assmad you missed out on E-Z cryptogainz. I mean I don't go into /smg/ threads to create fake arguments with Wall Street cucks because I don't actually care. If you were making good money I doubt you'd care either. So I'm pretty sure you're poor.

Exactly what im doing. If you're accumulating as much as ETH as you can right now, not gonna.make it

I am about to make a massive bet on amazon hq2 by buying a house. I only have 700k net worth so yeah I am poor still. But I am going to get there much faster than you fags and your ponzi coins

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this brah

Wtf so you're net worth is only 8% more than mine and you think that entitles you to shit on me? Lmao.

I’ve shown proof, where is yours or are you too embarrassed to show your 80% loss since January or 100% USDT portfolio

Lol as if proof really matters all this shit can be faked so easily but whatever, here's my main account with IB. Then I have another account under a corporate name for tax purposes which I can't get access to right now.

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I will see you in Atlanta, poorfag

Why don't you simply buy 50k worth of bluechip coins during this bear-market and finally reach that 1m within the next 8 months?
It will ease the salt you feel for missing out.

Hi nate