Visits Brazil

>visits Brazil
>Rio de Janeiro and Fortaleza
>most women are fat
>many men are Jow Forums or normal, maybe the majority
>lot of couples where the guy is Jow Forums and the girl is fat

Explain this shit, Brazilbros. Why are you so cucks?

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wait, weren't they having some sort of economic collapse in brazi? shouldn't they be starving and stuff, instead of being fat?

Fat women have nice bunda, nothing more to it.

No, they're OK.

Nothing wrong with fat women

I would never go to gym because of women. Cucks.

Having something to squeeze is nice

You can also use muscle to influence and intimidate men. It's all about power.

Monkeyzilian laws of jungle?

>Rio de Janeiro and Fortaleza

They're not just fat, they're all fucking ugly due to lack of Euro genes. Fortaleza is in the worst region of the country where we joke about about the fact they're ugly. I don't know about the situation in Rio actually, but I think it is the same, but they're darker.

No, I'm not from the south, I'm actually from from the northeast too.

Here's a nice BR body for you to enjoy.

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Women are primitive, you will learn that sooner than later.

Here in the Brazil, if two men look each other in the eye, they must fight to decide which one is the alpha male, that's why we need big muscles, it's to survive.

Brazil being a primitive society worships fat women the way our ancestors did.

>No, I'm not from the south, I'm actually from from the northeast too.
Sure you are.

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Just like pokemon trainers.

It's to intimidade Indian beta "males" and steal their women and bring them to Brazil where they can enjoy first world things such as having a toilet, you know.

Attached: bobs and vegana].webm (404x720, 2.94M)

Nah, you are OK. Way better than most Latin America on average. I just find your women fat.

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

That’s Venezuela you autist

Have you ever been to other countries in LA? Rate and tell your impressions.

>she didn't block him after 2 messages
Probably one of those white ass nibbas with his ebin maymays

I think I'm one of the few rich anons of Jow Forums. The best girls are in Buenos Aires. I recomment it. Brazilian girls are OK but tend to be fat. Cartagena, Lima, Cancún and Santiago are full of ugly girls. The lasts ones are also fat. You are the only country where I see plenty of couples of Jow Forums guys and fat girls.

Late stage female hypergamy.

My uncle also went to Cancun and said that Mexican girls are extremely ugly.