Why don't we have a thread where African peoples(including African american and the counterparts in other non-black-majority countries) gather together and talk with each other, discuss something, and exchange pieces of information, like /brit/, /cum/?

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Other urls found in this thread:

because there are like 3 actual black people in this board

I guess there are more
if they manage to assemble, they can also make a protesting statement against white-supremacist argument which is predominant in this board


are you black?

>He never see my flag
No I'm just jap. I just wonder why there is no thread where black people collect together.

I'm sure there are blacks in your cunt

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black power

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black cower

Anyway I'd like more black people to come here and BREAK DOWN THE WHITE SUPREMACY AND INTRODUCE DIVERSITY IN Jow Forums
>Politically correctly speaking

/tr/ is a thing you know

Niggers don't have internet, Japan

Nah there are increasing possessors of internet in developing countries you nerdy valueless "developed" fag.

Tu deviens quoi alors ? Ton apprentissage du Français se passe bien ?

He's a japanese leftist, hence he learns french

You can't possess the internet

tabernac pls be satire

No, it's a Nazi

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>Tu deviens quoi alors ?
Je suis justement japonais comme j'ai dit.
Ma connaissance du français est limitée; probablement mon niveau de ça est A2 à B1...
Then how on earth do I post here

What is the problem with my name?

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>l'état absolu de la francophonie

Surprise test : if you don't understand what is said your french isn't good enough

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Why are French niggers so cringe? They always seem to just be copying Ameriniggers, but with about a year or two delay. Can't they come up with their own subculture?

>Can't they come up with their own subculture?
>C'est quoi La Sape ?

Number one hip-hop country in Europe my friend. I took that particular song because he is speaking fast, das all. Our hip hop is extremely diverse.

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>Société des ambianceurs et des personnes élégantes
très sympa

>living in poverty and spending a fortune to look like a million dollars
Why do all niggers do this? I get they're status signalling, but it's pretty obvious when a poor person is pretending to be rich, which means the signal is ineffective.

You don't try to impress the rich. You are impressing other poor people.

Weren't we doing the same (not really for status signaling, tho) back in the days where you had to take care of your appearance?

Because it is a bit bold to think they all get along under the banner of Africa. north has their arabs, subsahara has hundreds of ethnies and they are able to distinguish each others.

Go check Cameroun and see if anglos there like the francos (it's the opposite of Canada, francos bashing violently anglos, a dream :') ). Go check South Africa if blacks the white living there. Go check if Ethiopians like Erythreans.

what do you mean by that pronoun? the clothes and belongings which such Sape guys have?
we can say the same thing about /mena/, but it somehow functions.
Even though as we know there are a lot of ethnic groups in africa, at least we can build "a thread of africa".
I don't care if some conflicts stemming from ethnic difference happen in that thread, all I'm interested in is whether such continental threads can be set up.

>because he is speaking fast
Sûrement pas parce qu'il marmonne ses mots et utilise du vocabulaire sortant de nulle part, non Monsieur.

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>J'ai hâte de voir des Africains régulièrement sur Jow Forums autre que le Marocain.
oui moi aussi.
C'est pourquoi j'ai construit ce fil pour le test.

>I'm interested in is whether such continental threads can be
J'ai hâte de voir des Africains régulièrement sur Jow Forums autre que le Marocain.

They is in regards to niggers and other status-signallers, in this context

More like
>J'ai haine de voir des Africains régulièrement sur Jow Forums
Am I right :DDDD

ah I see.
I thought that "status-signaling" was adjective saying "that thing, article is signaling some attribute, social status.".
That is, I didn't reckon that "status-signaling" was used to refer to persons; when describing someone in that way, I suppose that one may use such statements as "they signal their status." or the like

I guess if I wanted to be extremely proper, I might have said "I get that they are status-signalling"

>the tiny difference of the existence of "that"
well, in that sentence it is for me obscure and fuzzy what that "they" means, which it refers to, people or stuff.


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Given that the first part of the post was:
>Why do all niggers do this? I get they're status signalling, ...
It should be clear from context that the 'they' is referential back towards the subject of the previous sentence. Sentences needn't stand alone.

well, I wonder whether that adjective, "status signalling" refers to persons or stuff,
If it mentions the people, then that "they" is none other than "black people", but I couldn't be convinced that it says about people's attribute, not that of their belongings.

'status-signalling' is a verb, not an adjective

In addition to , I assume that it looks unnatural to mean by that phrase those flaunting their belongings.
whatever, the fact won't be changed that it looks unnatural to describe persons by that word..."they are signaling (their) status" sounds better!
"X is status-signaling" can be interpreted like "X shows status of its possessor.", not possessor him(her)self.

Because we have enough generals already. We don't need a nigger one.

To simplify, english is a language you can easily "make up verbs".

To "status-signal" ► to signal his status
Another example: To "ego-masturbate" ► to fake having deep knowledge of a subject by only citing mainstream big names like Marx or "1984" by Orwell

P.S. this thread derived from a francophile jap calling Africans to discuss anything to Cucknadians and eurofags shitposting. Lovely.
Yo, my nip, when did you want to learn french and why? I'm interested. Je t'aide quand tu veux.

>To "status-signal" ► to signal his status
>Another example: To "ego-masturbate" ► to fake having deep knowledge of a subject by only citing mainstream big names like Marx or "1984" by Orwell
well, by putting objectives before transitive verbs, one can make new intransitive verbs?
Well, while ego-masturbation can be found out when googling, but I was unable to make out what you said, nor find an article on urban dictionary even after I looked up the word in google, which was why I got confused.

>Why did I start to study French?
Because it was my second foreign language which I must study in my univ. Moreover I come to want to use grammatical knowledge of the French effectively, not throwing it away and letting it decay. That's why I keep on studying it.

>P.S. this thread derived from a francophile jap calling Africans to discuss anything to Cucknadians and eurofags shitposting. Lovely.

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fuck off

hello negros

tell me about yourselves

>Je t'aide quand tu veux.
Umm sweetie if you can't even speak French you probably shouldn't be offering help ;)

I hope you understand that there is a reason why blacks had no rights some years back.

>there is a reason why blacks had no rights some years back
tell me the reason and it cannot deny the status-quo within which the empowerment of "colored" like us is important, you retarded mongolian.

>colored like us
so you are a black living in japan?

I'm a native Japanese..."yellow" colored who used to be feared in the name of yellow peril.

when you've got lots of different types of shit you still just have a lot of shit

calling you yellow is over exaggeration

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but asians were/are often expressed in that way.

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The same reason there isnt a euro general


nah even now some call us yellow

you're right

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fuck off moron

t. chinknadian

>t. chinknadian
Nice try, Lin Chong

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六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system
民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行
法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗
胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨
獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官
黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩
台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama
The Хinjiang Uyghur Αutοnοmοus Region 新疆维吾尔自治区

Black isn't a nationality
We just post in the general respective to our nationality

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how about /mena/?
it's the assembly based on region where several national backgrounds gather together

my sides

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It's a containment general for subhumans.

Black americans of Jow Forums, can I say the n word?

ooga booga kabooka
i agree


think you're underestimating just how many different kinds of african black there are, not to mention just how much they hate neighboring tribes, etc

your power couldn't run a 20 watt lightbulb obunga.

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Hello my BLACK friends


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what do you think of this idea?


yes good idea , we need a peaceful general
just curious , are you japanese or african in japan ?

Wassup guys
And praise KARA BOGA

rappel que la tunisie n'est pas un vrai pays

many blacks wear euro flags.

I learnt an african language if that counts

what language ?

Greetings fellow BLACKs
Praise Kara boga

I'm a native jap. thank you for your constructive and positive opinion.

quelle musique tu écoute ?
tu regarde des anime français ?

Haha opinions are like assholes
What's a "constructive opinion"

>anime français

lika a constructive asshole if we follow your logic :^)
Wakfu, Last Man, Miraculous Ladybug, Oban Star Racer, Code Lyoko, Dofus

anime with french dubs

i forgot Peepoodo and the super fuck friends, and Vermin, and Crisis Jung who will be out soon

le chante d'anime
>regarder l'anime français
est-ce qu'il y en a un?
at least he admitted the value of such a general.
This is a great foot for my plan.

>at least he admitted the value of such a general.
>This is a great foot for my plan.
Well, you got yourself a thread. What's the next foot in your master plan?

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look at the list i did there and there those are the good ones, the rest are trash

also Muthafuckaz is good too

closest thing you'll get is a thread full of nafris like ITT.

there isn't much black people here


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