Okay biz i have an idea for a new consensus method/algorithm and i want to create a new cryptocurrency

okay biz i have an idea for a new consensus method/algorithm and i want to create a new cryptocurrency.

what language should i do this in? go or c++?
i can already code in c++ but coding in c++ is slow af. e.g. making a simple calculator in c++ takes at least 5x the amount of time it takes to do the same thing in python.

is it worth learning golang to do this? i have heard that developing in go is relatively fast/easy. i am just concerned as to whether or not performance trade off is worth it.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-06-13 at 17.30.57.png (332x384, 44K)

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> 5x amount of time
> avoiding C++

Veteran Software Engineer here.
I guarantee that your crypto will succeed or even come into existance with such brainlet dev.

>doesn't program in Assembly

Evolutionary dead end you are OP.

lol what a faggot. do you really think coding is c++ is faster than coding in python?

Writing C++ is not harder than writing python if you have at least an average IQ

i never said its harder.. i said it takes longer. you have to handle memory management, explicitly declare types, use vectors etc.
>inb4 muh auto

>he doesnt use CPP11

do with C#

>Has an idea for a consensus algorithm
>Can't even program

did you even read the post faggot? i can program in c++ already but i am asking if it is worth the effort to learn golang to save development time

Chainlink is wrote in golang



LISP or you're a failure.

golang is convenient but shit

learn it if you don't know what is valgrind or a debugger or have frequent memory problems in your c / c++ apps.

ye i think im gunna go with golang. i cba to deal with all the extra memory management that comes with c++

FiM++ is the best language to use when making cryptocurrencies from scratch.

At least a hundred coins are made using FiM++

Attached: 6E8A7BCA-C6BD-4B39-A048-70124D1FCF77.jpg (1200x1793, 212K)

the manual management its what makes a good programmer and good code, dont be a lazy ass faggot

wtf haha

kek this is actually a real thing

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-06-13 at 20.54.34.png (1158x602, 82K)

okay but why do i need it for a cryptocurrency?
ethereum seems to be doing fine in go.

Have fun once you reach the Meta programming.

etherum is shit lol

really? can you give some examples of why?

*examples of where go is creating problems that C++ wouldnt have

its not the language, its the coin. Use whatever language you want dude, they're just tools. As long as it works and is fast enough..

Use Pascal my friend.
Oh someone already has done that -> PascalCoin

Just use Python my friend.
Oh someone already has done that -> Bismuth

Just use Erlang my friend.
Oh someone already has done that -> Aeternity

Just use lolcode my friend.
No srsly, use lolcode, that shit will be hitlerious.

Why should the programming language matter at all? blockchains are language-agnostic. they are protocols.

if you want others to participate, you should use a language that is fairly common.

ArnoldC ofc

People at cardano implemented ethereum in scala. It worked on the same chain as the go-ethereum/py-ethereum/cpp-ethereum did. Stressing about the language is missing the point.

nobody is going to use your crypto just because it has a new consensus algorithm, so you won't hit scaling problems anyway.

Go with js and build it on Ark. V2 is comming tomorrow.

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