Whats my business worth Jow Forums ?

So I invested in a "Snackmaster jr. Dehydrator" and quickly got to work on my herbs. My first harvest came to about --20 on a sauce jar.

I have no idea what its worth by the jar and need help figuring this out. Any ideas what I should sell each jar for?

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You have to build your own solar dehydrator. Dehydrating is a lot lok bitcoin mining-- the cost of electricty costs more than the yeild in most cases.


This will get you started but I'm not going to spoonfeed you any of the stuff I'm dehydratng. DYOR newfag this game is NOT for little kids. It's adoggy dog world out here, kiddo.

> Dehydrating is a lot lok bitcoin mining-- the cost of electricty costs more than the yeild in most cases.

Well the total amount of time was roughly 4 hours. I dont think I used too much for my first attempt.

>>It's adoggy dog world

>Babby's First Meme

IT doesn't matter user. Your marginal costs will always be higher than your marginal revenue unless you switch to solar energy.

You're literally never gonna make it. I'm a 3rd generation food dehydrator and while it's nice to see kids getting their feet wet in the industry, you have no fucking idea what you're getting into. You will get absolutely fucking rekt. I have over 500 accounts where I sell my products and 4 guys covering my sales routes for me, and I'm telling you, you have no idea what you're getting into and you're probably already stepping on the toes of some very powerful people. Just stick to worm farming.

> you have no fucking idea what you're getting into.

I dont know user, it seems simple. Grow in the basement, harvest when ready, clean, toss in dehydrator, grind it up, and package. Seems simply really.

All I really need is just a better grinder, had to do most of this using a jar/spoon and by hand.

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Pfft dehydration knowledge is a diamond dozen

Jesus christ kid. YOu're growing under grow lights? What exactly are you dehydrating?

>greasy, smelly NEET approaches me on the street
>h..hey.. wanna buy my ground herbs?

who buys this shit? i thought it was weed when i saw the thread. Why dont you just sell weed, way easier and probably more profitable

>YOu're growing under grow lights? What exactly are you dehydrating?
Well I'm not gonna grow this shit outside, weather is too bad for that here.

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>who buys this shit?

You would be surprised. I know a few people who are looking for natural grown stuff like this here. I know my girls already love it, so it has to be good

>What exactly are you dehydrating?
Orginaicly grown catnip. my girls love this shit. What did you think i was dehydrating?

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i am in the screenshot

and how are you selling it cheaper than the dozens of catnip sellers? you got your expenses too

What the fuck are you even talking about lmao

its organic bro. nobody trusts that factory shit when it comes to their lil fur babies

In my area nobdoy really grows organic catnip. Yet we have a ton of people having cats in the area, Its a untapped market.

Finally someone understands. While I was drying it out, my girls where meowing all morning long waiting for some of it.

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>people buy drugs for their mobile toxoplasmosis parasite's


This idea sounds so stupid, I'm 100% sure you can make tons of money with this in a big liberal city.
Fuck, ripping those fuckers of their hard earned welfare money.

user, I applaud you for that idea.

Think I should ship it by mail, or maybe have a delivery system via motorcycle?

I'm only an hour away from the big city, but locally its a decent sized town.

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just checked, that is already getting sold at amazon enough.
You will most likely have to sell it directly at some kind of farmers market / other events.

Well I was thinking of selling it locally, in bulk to undercut amazon. For $10 you get a tiny ass jar, I think i can do better than that. Its fresher too. That factory stuff even if grown organic has been sitting around too long in warehouses.

As far as i know, no local business sells organic catnip like this.

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Pretty it up. Make some unique cat toys, stick some of your homemade catnip in it and sell it for bank on etsy.

The absolute state

The pics dont do it justice, its decent. As for toy making, i could try that. But I think i need to keep it simple. How about smell beanbags (the kind you toss) filled with this stuff? Maybe add a tail to it and a mouse face c:

As for what else i can make, im unsure.

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you can sell it locally maybe even with a higher price then at amazon.

Hell, advertise the use of glass jars for the cats health reason - avoiding plastic.

this, get some neat packaging
knitted balls filled with catnip

just google and copy that stuff you find 1:1 and use catnip.

>Hell, advertise the use of glass jars for the cats health reason - avoiding plastic.

Good idea, I got a ton of jars left over from cooking, all glass. Maybe I can just get some fancy sticker made and place it on the jar?

I wanna keep costs down, so I can profit for my time here.

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regarding labels I can't help.
some sketchy cats, or draw everything with window color on the jars, haha
Maybe different labels and you can collect them, putting them together they have some meaning or a picture.

Cut your supply with three leaf clovers or grass. Cats can't tell their owners the drugs they bought are weak

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>some sketchy cats, or draw everything with window color on the jars, haha
>Maybe different labels and you can collect them, putting them together they have some meaning or a picture.
Thats a neat idea user. I'll get some blank labels and just draw cars on them with the name. If anything it will make it seem home made and from their community so people might support it more.

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>Cut your supply with three leaf clovers or grass.

That seems dishonest man, I cant do that to their furbabies. It just isnt right. I raised cats for 18+ years, and I cant short change them like that. Besides if the cats dont have a great reaction that might cost me business in the long run.

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Cats are gonna go crazy for it either way. If you want to make money, you sieze every opportunity to do it

If i dull this shit down they wont have a huge reaction. Cats already have lesser reactions the more they use it, i dont wanna decrease that time.

As an honest man, i cant do that to the cats.

even worse, if someone gives their cat a finger of this stuff, and its dulled down they wont like it at all. thats a way to lose business.

this, just find ideas online. Honestly as long as it cute and not shit it will sell.

keep it nice and clean
You know what happens if you dilute drugs, BAM a nice bullet through your eyes.
Imagine what happens if some SJW faggits find out you are fucking with their cats.....

Oh, if you have, create a webpage and have a slideshow of how nice and organic your catnip is growing.
So people can see what a good person you are.
Maybe pinterest / instagram with cat/catnips memes all containing your logo.
"Follow me on social media for free catnips"

writing this shit down, this is good advice

Maybe I made an user rich today.

You could also make some videos of your cats enjoying it, of course don't post such videos on socials (for privacy reasons). Last polls show an alarming increase of people that masturbates to cats on catnip

He is literally a drug dealer for cats, they cut their supply all the time. It leads to greater profit margins. There are no morals in drug trafficking, It's a doggy dog world out there.