Would you legitimately rule-out Black women because of 'purity' ideals?

Would you legitimately rule-out Black women because of 'purity' ideals?

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black women have been attracted to me for as long as I recall and I could have a black gf at any point I want
I choose not to
strangely white women hate me

I'm already dating a black girl, that should answer your question

I've seem some pretty ones, of course, but I'm just not attracted to them.

I prefer White grills, desu.
T. Harpreet Singh

I rule out all women because I am homo

>MuH PuRity IdEaLs
No, I'd rule it out because race mixed children tend to have identity issues and when they do identify they always identify as a non-white

Well, if the child is half black, yes...
If it's any other race, they (90% of the time) self-identify as white.

Are you black?

Iiving in probably the most mixed region of europe, nothing is out of the question for me. unfortunately almost no foreigners here

I'm white
I just mean white women are general very obscure about attraction and black women so utterly apparent really

Yes, and also because they are not attractive physically or mentally.

What would you say your area is like?
% wise or whatever?

is there an actual reason why one shouldn't date someone of their own race?

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is there an actual reason why one shouldn't date someone outside their own race?

Not really, but the majority of them don't align much with my quiet and reserved personality.

No because I'm not white and I love black grills :3

based and Han-pilled

Yes, only because of the mixing-with-whites-obsessed political climate while being flooded with human trash to the point that we are under threat.

Plus non-whites doing white-face is very obnoxious.

I don't need any ideals as women don't even like me to begin with


Incel in me says ill fuck a fat granny but the wn side says no....so no aint gonna be beta about it

White an tight only

not because of "purity", I simply don't want half black children.

Yes. Blue birds fly with blue birds.

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>Would you legitimately rule-out Black women because of 'purity' ideals?

No, I rule them out because they are hideous.

The only halfway decent "black" girls are mulattas or quadroons.

Well I wouldn't want my son to look black, and they aren't attractive to me.

No. Only people who hate your race would say otherwise.

I just don't find them even remotely attractive. That rules them all out long before racial purity comes in to play.

Now for actual attractive non-Whites, especially if they're from civilised and decent countries, it's a bit more difficult to make sweeping statements.

It is important to me that my descendants resemble me physically and culturally, but that is less-compromised with some non-Whites than with others.