what happened
i remember everyone hated us after the war
Suddenly western people love japan
This map is fake. I don't think anyone care about Latin America or India. Not even Latin American countries like each other.
India should be demoted to green desu
Pokemon happened
thanks finlan
we love you too
Brazil should be brown, so should india.
10.000 Indians could die in an earthquake and people here would be like
"ah okay, nature sure is weird lolz"
unedited version
Weebshit happened.
>alaska is still yellow
you sure about that
Why is greece in the yellow category?
Wait, are you saying - are you actually saying -- that international relations can change over time? That countries can actually co-operate and respect each-other if they don't go to war for a while? That's amazing!
just look at what they let g*rmany do to your country a few years ago
Is isreal red just for America?, because I dunno anyone here who ever hears about rockets or anything and cares about them, just Part and parcel of living in a active warzone.
Sad but true. 1st world lives mattering more. Its pretty unholy for lack of a better word
yes and that's why the west is great
you should be proud
some countries cannot move on and dwell on the past forever
>no colour for GOOD, SERVES THEM RIGHT
map is bogus man
we literally do the same
will never forgive the austrohungarians nor tolerate their existence
simply not as easy to trigger a war as easy as it once was
Who's in those colours?
For starters:
usa is red
everywhere is legit meh to me, i dont really care and i wish we could go back before ww2 when the government didnt care either
Forgive them for what? You are the one that occupies south tyrol and betrayed the tripple alliance.
The West has always liked Japan since the Meiji period for its apparently unique culture and Westernization, which has made it more relatable than China, for instance. So they gladly cooperate with Japan in exploiting Asia. On the flipside, it has been always rather apprehensive about Asians in general, and Japan in particular because it became a rival in rather short order. All of these tensions come to fore after WW1 and into the Depression. Reception of Japan by the West really depends on how threatening the Japanese are at any given moment, and right now the threat is minor compared to China and to a much lesser extent, North Korea.
hah okej
At this point America should probably be yellow
Except we control the outrage
God I fucking hate these maps so much. Left-leaning virtue signalling cunts in Norway and probably everywhere else in the west too go on and on about "lol but what about that bomb in outer Djibouti that killed a couple of people" after e.g. a major terrorist attack in Paris.
Like, fuck off, of course we care more about France if we're European. God the high-grounding they always take pisses me off
more like a map of how frequently tragic shit happens around the world, brown is tragic shit central and red is "oh something bad happened for once what"
its because of your racism. but you cannot know that as a euro. you are mad because they are right
>Not knowing where mongolia is
>hating on based alaska
Japan makes me happier than my own country
Did you even read what I said, Zhang? They're saying that it's NOT ok for me to care more about France than Djibouti, no matter if I'm European or not.
Am I not allowed to care more about France by virtue of being European?
Don't make us hand out a peace prize to Taiwan's president, now.
>caring european more
there is only 1 race, the human race. its racist to care about 1 race more than other thats what racism mean?
The average normie can vaguely place most of the countries on the map for the reds and yellows
It's hard to feel bad about events you don't even have a geographical connection to
Because they make you question yourself and your perceptions and they are right.
>pan-European Norwegian.
Fucking lol.
>your country isn't in the EU, therefore you're not allowed to want to join the EU and have pan-European sentiments!
Fucking lol.
Read my posts.
>there is only 1 race, the human race.
Then I can't help you.
>Forgive them for what?
not giving away where their good fellas pastaniggas(some speaking German) lived
Wrong, there are many races. Humanity is a species :)
why would alaska be different
that IS the joke xddd
alaska is honorary canadian
I wouldn't care if everything south of the US and north of Argentina turned into a nuclear wasteland.
I also don't get why Egypt or India is highlighted as yellow.
if it was anything else it'd be russian you braindead retard
>Egypt or India
i thought they have generally good relationship with the west
Fuck japan :^)
>there is only 1 race, the human race.
Marxist brainwashing.
>what happened
Why would anybody care more about Sahkalin than the rest of Russia?
>i remember everyone hated us after the war
Why would they hate the 51st US state?
>mad about the superior island nation
people keep telling it to me
but does anime really have that impact
I honestly think anime would not have the success it has without fanservice
also hatred related to wars fades off with the next generations, people have no reason to hate Japan now
>North of Argentina
No, Argentinian, no one cares about you
argentina es blanco
need my hair combed by a moose
Brazil and India green, Eastern Europe probably red, Russia yellow
we never hated you