Am i just poisoning myself ?

i'm taking 150mg wellbutrin, 50 mg amisulpride, 100mg sertraline, all self prescribed .
and they aren't doing shit to help me cope with the current market

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Dont be such a fucking pussy wtf user.

>self prescribing ssri's

you're a special kind of stupid aren't you. turn on off the computer and get some exercise

You'd benefit more by stopping taking bullshit pharmaceuticals and start exercising more and eating better.


>ingesting anything other than what your body requires to function correctly
fucking idiot

try self prescribing fentanyl
>haha I was kidding it's a LARP XDDD gotcha

Stop being such a fucking pussy. Either don't look at your portfolio or sell it all and cut your losses. Grow a pair.

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The universe is going to teach you say fuck it one way or another. Stop all meds at once!!!! Exercise, weed and good food. GO!!!!! oH YEAH, FUCK THE MARKET. PUT THE COINS IN A DRAW AND CHECK IN A FEW MONTHS.


try rope

>mixing self prescribing ssri's

What could go wrong

jesus fucking christ OP
out of all possible medications to choose to abuse without a prescription, you chose anti-depressants?

unironically kill yourself already

id say kill yourself but i know youre going to do that already

2 grams niacin DAILY

kek thinking a pill can solve anything. You fell for the pharma jew op.

If you're gonna self prescribe might as well take testosterone which will actually make you a Chad, unlike all those beta medications

you fell for the scapegoat us vs them jew retard

Taking any one of these, after having been prescribed, is insane.

Prescribing yourself is the dumbest thing ever, we all suffer from Dunning Kruger to some extent, but I remember knowing this guy who was somewhat clever, but he thought he was a genius, this dude literally thought he was basically a doctor just from reading wikipedia articles. This type of arrogance is most potent at the ages of 18-24, and that's precisely why you need to be careful not to permanently damage yourself in a way you'll regret forever. Cause let me tell you, going to university I learned how dumb so many smart people are, but also I learned how dumb I was until then, like there is so much you don't understand at all. You are literally poisoning yourself because you think you're smart enough to understand all these chemicals and how they work because you read a 5 page article on serotonin. Sadly in your thirties you're going to give anything to go back in time and wish you hadn't. SSRIs (Wellbutrin is bad but not that bad) especially are absolute evil in pill form. Not to mention all the interactions holy shit.

If you ever have kids they're going to be subject of intense debate and research by psychologists in the decades to come. You only get one life and one body and you're literally ruining it permanently because of how you feel temporarily.

No fap
Start lifting
Eat raw onions

All I can tell you is that even if it does eventually work, long term it won't. You won't fix underlying problems with chemicals.

t. Depressed schizophrenic trying to quit smoking

change the sertraline for paxil my dear user


What was this pornstar's name again?

Rich Piano

Helen Thomas

SSRIs are pretty good at lowering suicide rates, and you aren’t going to see success stories in the news because it’s just not as exciting as seizures and deadly rashes.

My experience with SSRIs was disastrous, though. Turns out I had the other kind of depression.

Take note, OP. There are very specific rules when dealing with SSRIs if you want to be safe. And if you’re not on a strict regiment they straight-up just won’t work at all.


I was prescribed wellbutrin and a few other antidepressants, but they didn't really do anything at all for me except make me think about suicide more. Idk if it will have the same effect on you, but yer, I'd be careful m8. Not saying you should never take antidepressants, but from personal experience, it did much more harm than good.

>discusses dunning kruger effects
>taking antidepressants when prescribed is insane

PharmD BCPS here the irony blows my mind. Never go to Jow Forums for health advice. Antidepressants are over prescribed with things like cognitive behavioral therapy being better for a large number of people with milder depression, but the argument that these agents are "evil in pill form" is so fucking dumb.

I know someone who did this.
He died last year at 29 years old.

>self prescribing SSRIs, antipsychotics, and wellbutrin
I hope this is a larp


fucking idiot you are poisoning yourself. stop taking them before you die

You mean psychiatrists

They aren't just over prescribed, but they also have a shitload of potential side effects ranging from mildly annoying to life altering, all of which are downplayed by those that prescribe them. And a lot of those checks and balances that are supposed to be a safety net to those that are on these medications when the medications aren't working as intended can easily neglect their responsibility or just accidentally let people slip through the cracks. I'm not one of the "those are school shooter pills that make you dumb and emotionless and kill your penis every time" people, but the whole psychotropic pharmaceutical industry, in the US at least, can and does actively harm people and make them worse off for dealing with it. And no one talks about it enough outside of those communities. That's why there's such a strong backlash and vitriol online -- people are overcompensating in the opposite direction of the status quo.

whats wrong with wellbutrin?

can we get a sauce on that btw

it makes your dick gay

>all of which are downplayed by those that prescribe them
I've been to quite a few psychiatrists and have never found this to be the case. They all tried to be very direct in explaining what could go wrong and what to do if it did. I think the issue may also lie on the patients' end if they're just too stupid to retain all the safety information, which I think must happen frequently.

Now, *benzodiazepines*. You have to do your own research for those ones. The withdrawal process is so unusual that your psychiatrist might not even have the time or experience necessary to fully brief you on what might happen should you get hooked. I wish I had been told more than "it's very dangerous to abuse these".

>Now, *benzodiazepines*
>I wish I had been told more than "it's very dangerous to abuse these".
quack doctors like this deserve rope. one of the most dangerous pills out there. way over-prescribed

Jayden jaymes is the hottest porn star EVER

are you retarded?

I would at least remove the Wellbutrin, as mixing it with other antidepressants and anti psychotics will cause agitation and anxiety which will worsen what you are trying to alleviate. 100mg sertraline is all you need actually.

Hedge your positions and get some sun. Go for a hike

*tips fedora*