What the fuck is our generation going to do?

>cant afford housing anymore
>women don't want kids or families anymore
>jobs are shit, pay is shit, and what hasn't been outsourced will be automated soon

I'm so frightened to think about the future, not just for myself, but for my fellow millennial and even Gen Zers. I refuse to believe our future is looking this grim. Bros, we are SO fucked.

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Other urls found in this thread:


attack mosquees

flood the streets with the blood of baby boomers

get off your fucking neet ass and do something about it faggot
or don't
sit at home all day and complain
your great grandparents fought in fucking wars so you could complain about how hard ur little basic life is
fuck off and die

Take the hammer and sickle pill

Play vidya, get fit, maybe build some diy. I don't know man, live, enjoy. You just have to figure out how to make a life without a wife or kids.

We are about to have the greatest economical collapse EVER, and with some luck, you will be able to make a real fortune by preying on the old and weak.
Man up, my friend, we will tame this land, make it our bitch and enjoy all its spoils!

c o r r u p t i o n
o o
r i
r t
u p
p u
t r
i r
o o
n o i t p u r r o c

but first, attacking mosquees and jewish temples

I laughed...

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Day of the rope

get rich off peddling garbage direct marketing products online and marry a gen z nazi tradthot

You guys realize that we are literally going to have to share wealth if all or most work is automated. If not, it's a hellworld where the few people owning the businesses have everything and everyone else is groveling for scraps.

We’re on the verge of one of the largest advances in productivity in human history. If you’re not investing now, you’re fucked. We’re headed towards an economic utopia. Unironically.

Learn to code.

Technology and medicine has never been as advanced you NEET fuck

Unfortunately, the latter is much more likely than the former.

Just wait until the bull run
If that doesn't happen then we sudoku

Good, people with average IQ and below really are the cause of all evils in the world.

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Yup. Short western civilization. Develop yourself. Try to make it out alive.

You wanted to claim the future and the lords of the land would not allow it. Crypto has anticipated this response and is prepared for offensive action.
Nothing can stop me from releasing a dapp on a coin platform, immutably. They've already lost.

>women don't want kids or families anymore

Have you tried being less of a fat pathetic loser with absolutely ZERO sex appeal? Better yourself before you point the finger

Things could not be more opposite right now. USA experience the largest economic boom in decades, if you are not getting rich right now you are not trying.

rational man plans for all three t b h
be invested in bleeding edge technology, both intellectually and financially
use your leisure time to stay fit and make good friends, so you'll have a chance if shit hits the fan
never trust a jew or a muslim, and screw them over the moment it gives you benefits if you can do it without consequences

Me work on farms

OP this is what revolution 2.0 is for. Get a good battle rifle 30/06 or .308 pracitice with your scope, group up with other young poor people head to rich areas and kill as many jews and ultrarich as you can. look on the net for very rich targets get a big group together and START KILLING THE RICH. ALSO NIGGERS AND JEWS, but focus on JEWS cause they are worth more dead than niggers

It's not super hard but there is a real problem of a fleeting "win-condition", which is really demoralizing for a huge amount of people.

Reaching middle class is becoming more of a pipe-dream if you're not there from the beginning, starting a family is becoming harder, buying a house might be literally not possible and the corporate ladder is getting rid of it's first basic steps with automation.

Becoming financially stable enough to support a family and then starting to build that family are luxury of the upper class in many populated places now especially if that dream includes owning a house.

What is there to drive you forward if you don't ever feel like you're even a step closer to your basic goals? Not many people can stomach that kind of life and there are plenty of ways to escape that harsh reality.

The situation is borderline perverse if you compare it to boomers' and looks just a bit grim when compared to early millenials' (people born in the early 80's). It's been a trend downwards for a while but now the "game" is so shit that it might have reached a tipping point, there might actually be no hope for the average Joe.

The American dream has been dead for some time now. It's time to turn to socialism.

No, attack synogogues

building shit wont make you rich

>TFW I have a comfy wage slage STEM career
>I have a cute blue eyed wife
>I have a new car
>We just bought a house
>We are planning on having kids soon
I make double the minimum payment on my student loans and still have enough $ for a new carpayment, a mortgage payment, and I taking my wife on a cruise this July. Keep on believing that college isa waste of money, retards. College is a great choice as long as you get a major that is in demand and actually focus on learning relevant skills. Don't get a retarded liberal arts degree in African American Homosexual Women's Studies. Don't go to an overpriced school.

>will be automated soon
I work in biotech and one of my skills is programming the robots my company is acquiring. Learn how to adapt. I've been able to improve productivity of my company about about 33%. I brought it up at last review and I got a 10% raise and a promotion.

this, stop the jews and the muslims wont have a reason to leave their countries

Great job dude!

How common do you think your situation is, do you feel like you got lucky or something extraordinary happened to you that made this possible? Genuinely curious, I'm a wage slave and my only goal is to buy a house some day so that I'm not just lining some boomer's pocket with my monthly salary.

With the current trend I'm really fearing an extremist political movement or a fad taking advantage of the fact that there are going to be (and already are) a lot of aimless, demoralized young adults that feel that their needs are not being filled and their lives are meaningless with no way out. Universities are already leftist-hellholes, how long until it becomes actually violent?

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to those curious

>women don't want kids or families anymore

lol women are socialized from early age to believe that child rearing is their only purpose in life. Of course all women want kids. They just need your money to do so, and if you don't have any...

>Live in Murrica

>tfw not getting rich
>tfw only losing money since life savings in crypto

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I didn't get lucky. I carefully considered my options, worked hard, networked, and got a good job. I realized biotech was an emerging field. Once I got my biotech job I realized it was moving towards robotics much like other fields so I focused heavily on getting educated on robotics. My employer gladly paid for me to get trained on a few different robotic platforms that we were acquiring. It is cheaper for them to have somebody in house who can develop new programs on the robots than to pay for a 3rd party. So while everybody else at my company is scared of the robots I have job security.

I think it is fairly obvious that biotech and robotics are both great fields to get into. They are both expanding. I also considered things like computer science, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. But all those fields have been around for decades and are saturated.

You need a graduate degree to be worth anything in biotech though. If you only have a bachelors degree you will never advance beyond a mid level technician. Nobody really respects you unless you have a PhD or a Master's degree.

I also fear political uprising. Which is why I recently bought a CZ Scorpion and an AR-15 and have stockpiled several thousand rounds of ammo. I'm also looking into stuff like MREs and water purification. I'm afraid there will be another civil war in our lifetime in the USA. But the leftists will lose. The right has all the guns and the military is like 80% right wing.

Idiots on the left are like:
>Are you going to fight a predator drone with your AR-15?
Odds are the predator drone pilot is a right winger that supports the constitution and the 2nd amendment.. Commies are literally retarded. Just like how they expect to live on government handouts, they expect somebody else to fight their civil war for them.

Everyone already knows how to code, the market is over saturated


Problems solved I guess

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you are literally retarded. Are you planning on rebelling against the government soon? I'm not sure what vision you have in your head of a modern day civil war but if you think youre gonna be on the right side of it....I have bad news for you user

>has student loan debt
>buys new cars even though he's still in debt
>buys property at the top of the bubble

you are actually just a good goy

In the process of getting my PhD now and fuck me if it's not the most depressing thing. My PI and group are great, but the department is full of mouth breathing retards that really shouldn't be in the program and while I'm glad I don't have any debt from tuition, and while we make enough to live comfortably, it's incredibly hard to save anything even living a bit frugal. All the women in the department are very unattractive both on the inside and outside too. I can't wait to get out of here in the next year or two.

Guess we need a new Hitler
before its too late

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What to invest in fren. Please spoon feed.

This guy gets it.

Why do we blame the corporations. Rather, I feel a good bit of blame can be put on the parents. Parents should not have kids if they can not provide for them. That means through good times and bad times, you have to be secure first. So if this means that bad times are coming and you're bringing a child into that world, give them a leg up. Invest early to help your children. Especially if you as a boomer were able to make hsittons of money easily, then you should now have a surplus to be able to easily provide for your kid. I know lots of families who help their kids by giving them money or at least the down payment to buy a house. More families should do this. Boomers have no excuse

I literally cant wait for the soon coming great economic collapse.

Yeah goy, forget that all the wealth created is hoarded and squandered in the new gilded age, pull those bootstraps harder.

All true.
Bitcoin is your last chance to escape. Done blow it.

It's literally the exact opposite to this now. how can someone be so wrong lmao

u mad kiddos?

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Dont talk to that user. He's a normie. He also thinks institutional racism exists and that the wagegap is real.

i dunno, I'm a soon to be lawyer and life is already comfy


>i didn't get lucky
You may have worked hard in life but there was luck involved.
.00000000001% chance being born
*16% chance being born in first world country
*60% not being born into 0% motivation poor town usa with dumb ass parents and friends
*50% chance being over 100 IQ
so on and so forth
I also went to college and got a good job, plus I paid my way through with the military. Still not saying I didn't get lucky.

Realize that if you had the exact same upbringing, genetics, and luck as someone, you would be in their exact situation.

"There, but by the grace of god, go I"

slow day at the office, wagie?

DESU I really think we need a WAR, just think about it, there will be open vacancy for those who are fighting in war, jobs related to war stuff, war stuff itself, population will decreace meaning a lot of space will be available, and so on IDK just think about it from a different perspective

a WAR is needed, Lot of jobs from those who died, more space, jobs from war stuff itself (manufacturing and shit) population reduction, idk bro just think about it in a different perspective

College educated STEM millennial here with coding skills to boot . You're missing the point faggot. Most of us ARE doing something about it, but no matter what do we can barely make ends meet to support one person ourselves. And they want us to start families? Kek good luck with that.

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Yeah...we are in a pickle, aren't we? Well, look at what the fruits of Feminism have done. In the West, it is literally a culture of death. It's like everything in our life is a scam.

>Pay enormous amounts of money to be indoctrinated in school. start out life in debt
>Instead of getting married early while young and virile, we get married later, now into the 30's
>Having less children, children are looked to be a burden now
>Working mothers are celebrated
>Single mothers are celebrated
>Masculinity is demonized
>All media representing positive male role models (Look to Star Wars for instance) is being systemically erased
>We live in a police state where we get frisked at the airport
>Mass Feminization of men and masculinization of women (Basedboys)
>Promotion of transgenderism in our schools
>White men posting their wives getting fucked by Blacks on porn websites, and its everywhere, men willingly cucking themselves
>All pride in one's culture is gone because the culture doesn't exist now with "multiculturalism"
>Entire economy being set to fail, due to Feminism we have a massive workforce, lowered wages, takes 2 people to barely make due
>Children are now sent to daycare and to government run facilities to be "taken care of" since parents can't do it
>Most women celebrate working and could care less about staying home and taking care of their kids
>Europe being flooded with more migrants
>Most of the population is hopelessly brainwashed and dont realize the level of betrayal their leaders have done

And this list can go on and on and on

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the clean state initiative will erase all debt and allow for the government to control the monetary supply, and return the dollar to the people.

The larp is incredible

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I went to the mall this weekend and this is what I saw. It was a fairly large mall in a decent surburb.

>The mall was not as crowded as I remember it
>Not many teenagers as I would expect, mostly everyone is on their phone
>People kind of just walking around like zombies, like that movie (coincidence, I think not)
>Cashiers look especially like zombies, dont even say hi or hello
>People dress like slobs
>People have this glazed look on their faces
>People happily pay $10 for a cup of fucking Starbucks coffee
>Conversation is limited, people dont talk to one another, it is awkward having a conversation
>The teenage and young men I saw their looked completely basedboy. Shocking. Complete feminization

The Elite dont want people fighting back, and they did a good job of bio-engineering men, especially White men, to become complete wimps. And masculinze the women. Fantastic job, Elite. You really did it, you really destroyed Western civilization from the inside.

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“So far, the evidence is this: the 4th industrial revolution seems to be creating fewer jobs in new industries than previous revolutions. According to an estimate from the Oxford Martin Programme on Technology and Employment, only 0.5% of the US workforce is employed in industries that did not exist at the turn of the century, a far lower percentage than the approximately 8% of new jobs created in new industries during the 1980s and the 4.5% of new jobs created during the 1990s… Innovations in information and other disruptive technologies tend to raise productivity by replacing existing workers, rather than creating new products that need more labour to produce them” p.37 4th Industrial Revolution by Klauss Schwab

The fourth industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

"This research concludes that about 47% of total employment in the US is at risk, perhaps over the next decade or two, characterized by a much broader scope of job destruction at a much faster pace than labour market shifts experienced in the previous IR.” p.38

"The countries and regions that succeed in establishing tomorrow’s preferred international norms in the main categories and fields of the new digital economy (5G communications, commercial drones, digital health, advance manufacturing an so on) will reap considerable economic and financial benefits.” p.74

It hasn't even really started yet

>can't afford anything, generation is fucked
>why aren't we having more kids
The absolute state of our planet. Nobody wants to have the conversation, but eugenics is the end goal for the human race. Maybe if we gradually thinned out the population over time there would be no worries about resources and finances.

The real issue is that the jobs that it does open up require a minimum level of intelligence. You can't just take the average burger flipper or factory worker that's being replaced by machines and tell them to become programmers or technicians. Only real question is whether we'll end up with a mass culling or some sort of UBI, I'm not really a fan of either but don't see an alternative longterm.

It will get much worse with accelerating economic downhill you've seen nothing yet

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i guarantee you faggots if I audited your work days you'd only be actually working for < 5 hours
you call that working hard?
today's little bratty entitlement complex is fucking cancer
adapt or die

The future is binary, either:
Nerd's rapture: transhumanism, immortality, ai
Societal collapse and world war III.

it can go either way. This is simply a new era for the human race as a whole.

We are seeing increasing integration between industries and digital augmentation of our lives. Whereas back then electricty was only first used for light and then electrical appliances decades later, the internet will only be used for communication initially, but the usage will evolve into other aspects in the future.

Hopefully things get worse, couple that with hundreds of millions of frustrated incels all over the world. Then WW3, where you will all be sent to the front lines.

This has the happen for all these new retarded generations (z,x,etc.) to die off.

>gen X
You realize most of them are in their forties now, right?

We are going to wait until things are so bad that we have no choice but to wage war or die. Weimar 2.0 except 50x more deadly. Pissed off awakened white boys with rifles, all the Jews will flee to Israel and we will be left fighting hordes of niggers and spics for supremacy

>there might actually be no hope for the average Joe.

either they throw poorfags a bone like FDR did in the 30s or else poorfags and millenials are eventually going to revolt, despite the massive sheepification they have been subjected to for decades.

But shaniqua doesn't work at all and she gets her housing paid for.

Keep in mind it took decades since the invention of electrical lightbulbs before mass manufacturing becomes adopted

in a similar vein it'll probably also take decades since invention of internet before something truly huge can happen. Blockchain and smart contracts are the next step built upon the foundation laid by the advent of internet

This. And sadly instead of eugenics it seems like we have the opposite, where each Shaniqua has 5 kids without a care in the world because the government will pay for it, yet middle class couples are afraid to have kids because they're not financially secure. It's literally a human tragedy that the low IQ people will take over within the next generation

>dance to the tune the Jews call or die

This is true slave morality.

Thas right whitey, and i need a new jacuzzi

no it's called survival
it's been a thing for like 2 billion years

fire women from traditional male dominated jobs
women want to have families again
women want to please men again to have families
more jobs for men
better pay
less traffic
businesses perform better
less time wasted on bs harassment claims and meetings about how to incorporate opinions that were never wanted in the first place
end the placation

For 1,999,995,000 years, we didn't have Jews.

Retard, you won’t survive being in denial

all we need is for interest rates to start going up a little bit. boomers are fucked if that ever happens, and we will buy their houses for less

this. Fire the dykes, kill the kikes.

and what?
a little faggot with blue hair streams himself playing video games all day and makes millions
12 and 13 year olds made more money than you have in your life by doing stupid fucking 10 sec videos
blaming it on a 3rd party is just you in denial that you aren't self aware enough to know what to do to thrive in your current environment

Already happened once when our species ooga boogaed the neanderthals to extinction. They had higher IQ but much lower fertility rates.

how can a person enjoy life if they're alone? what's the point of doing anything if you can't share it with someone else?

that's ironic, i'm the only one here that seems to have a grip on how the world works

How sad it must be that you need validation from an external source and aren't happy alone with your thoughts. I quite like being alone. Doesn't mean I don't like spending time with others, but I like being alone. I know some people who would go crazy

but he's right. women don't start wanting children until they're well into their 30s. And by that time they're used up cumdumpsters with pair bonding atrophy.