Anybody here want to go into business with a real life Jew?

Anybody here want to go into business with a real life Jew?

I honestly was just getting snubbed by a lawyer, casually brought up that I was Jewish (ethnically) - and got “welcom to the tribe”d and invited out to lunch.

Now I need financing.

Attached: 046EBE0D-1F66-4E03-9E8A-65F9991C3EF9.jpg (3264x2448, 1.95M)

Other urls found in this thread:

BTC is crashing, but I’m blowing up

I've been considering Judaism for the financial benefits. Anyone else?

I’m atheist, but ethnically Jewish. All you have to do is casually say Mazel to people instead of congratulations and you’re in.

If you don't except Jesus Christ as god you will either be in hell or purgatory forever. I suggest converting to Christianity.

Sell me this sharpie

What if my DNA test says I'm 2% Jewish? I'm mestizo though. Could it still work?

I wish I was a Jew. It's like living on easy mode.

Still works.


Until the gas chambers start back up

Yeah thanks I ment accept. I mean you could always be a Christian and just infiltrate their ranks using their nepotism tactics against them.

Scenario in the OP was the first time I pulled that card and it worked beautifully.
Now I’m pulling it on you guys so I can finance this stupid low risk project and offer somebody 100% of the profits from it, because what I want is the exposure.

Bump for this

>OP is the golden jew

Buy this Sharpie.

paralegal here, can confirm jews do indeed say this "are you part of the tribe" spiel when weeding out others.

>the gas chambers

Ah yes, the leaky shacks with shower heads.

Attached: Santa_Fe_gas_chamber.jpg (1000x753, 330K)

Yeah, this was a real encounter. It fit into the conversation only because he asked if I was Jewish when we first met, and at the time I said no.

I’m a non-Irish, non-British white person, meaning I can pass for a lot of stuff. Always been called out as Ashkenazi though.

Report pol threads


This isn’t pol at all you weirdo.

I am Jewish, that has community implications. There’s literally nothing politically incorrect about stating that.

are you lost?
this is BIZ

Anyway. OP needs to finance this stupid low risk project and offer somebody 100% of the profits from it, because what I want is the exposure.

It’s in the blue-chip art world and commodity.

I have never heard of this until I came to the west to study

People don't like Jow Forums because when you strip away the censorship it's really hard to refute the Jow Forums narrative. Cognitive dissonance. Your world view gets challenged and when the jackboots of political correctness get tossed out the window and censoring the challenger is no longer an option you are helpless but to sperg out in rage.
That said.
>go into business with a real life Jew
When I was growing up there was a large influx of Jewish people to the neighborhood I lived in. Before that point in time there was no such thing as bullying in my school. Sure, kids got into disagreements, sometimes those disagreements got physical. Sometimes there was teasing, but it never lingered past the school bell. Every day was a new day and sometimes even the biggest loser one day could be the cool kid the next.

When the Jewish kids got there things were different. If you weren't in they would go around behind your back to make sure nobody liked you. They would take delight in thoroughly destroying somebody on an emotional level and keep kicking them when they were down. Me, my folks raised me right. I wouldn't allow myself to be manipulated into tormenting another human being like that. As a result I was the second least popular kid in the school. Friends that I thought I had just vanished. I spent many summers alone and friendless... But I had 2 brothers pretty close in age, so it was survivable for me. That other kid (the least popular kid in school) well he went into adulthood ill adjusted. Miserable. Alone. The campaign to destroy his life on every possible level was a complete success. He stepped off a stool into a noose a few years ago.

And I can thank Jow Forums for finally having the ability to frame those childhood memories in such a light.
Would I go into business with a real life Jew?
Let me tell you something. If I could only afford 1 vacation before I die, and I saw that the pilot was a Jew, and there was no refunds. I'd step off the plane.

lol. Welcome. OP is Los Angeles based. Where you from?


How's jewelry-making, OP?
Unironically jellz

It’s something that I’ve been involved in since childhood. What was initially very hands-on for me has evolved into a more organizational position.

Now that the pipeline is set up, I have a few projects for exhibition that are being welcomed into the contemporary art world.

Hence the need for financing.

my dad works with a jew for drafting floor plans since hes a mechanical engineer, they go out to lunch and work a lot. but once my dad overheard him talking to another jew who asked if my dad was jewish and he said no hes a goyim. irked my dad off, we thought they were memes but Jews really do view non-jews as worse than vermin

Goyim just means non-Jew. Your dad got mad because somebody said something true about him?

Your dad sounds like a buster.

We are careening quickly towards the Nazi side of the Jew-Nazi cycle. If I were Jewish I’d be looking at Israel because people are waking up fast.

Lol wat?

Interesting observation but not a response to the thread.

>untermensch just means non-Aryan.
>why by mad just because somebody said something true about you?

dont they check your bloodline? i thought jews had a book of every family name they could trace

goyim is like calling a black dude a nigger

No, as someone who’s assumed they were goy their whole fucking life I can assure you it’s not.

Lol, nope.

Idc, shrug

As someone who has multiple Jewish friends I can assure you none of thelm use the word goy, I said it once jokingly calling myself a goy and they freaked the fuck out at me. Maybe because I'm not in the dogshit states where Jews run rampant, or worse Eurofagland.

Also, I’m Italian, Portuguese, German, etc. I’m a fucking ubermensch you slut.

Idk what type of shit your friends are on, but where I’m from (Los Angeles) goy is descriptive and not perjorative.

Old blood Ashkenazi here. PCOG@proto
Send pic of mutilated penis with time stamp and thread and I will add you to our telegram pump and dump group. The entry fee is only 5btc that should be chukp change my fellow askhenazis.

Youre not allowed to say it in mixed company. It's on page 67 of the protocols goy

Can show penis. Don’t have 5BTC. If your group is so good, let me pay you later.

Look at this guy. I love this guy.

Yep you are definitely from LA

I’m not here to lie to anyone.

I told people I’d give them 100% of the profit. I meant that too.

Wanting to be Jewish now is like buying the top. And when those ovens start up again, you'll be selling low in a way

Catch me on my private island, bitch.
(This ones a lie)

>Los Angeles

lmao of course, just from your first post I knew your ass was from California.

Are you in nyc?

Los Angeles

If true, good call.
I could use a guy like you.


COUGH bullshit COUGH

Well, duh.

I'm a cryptojew, been thinking about taking advantage of muh DNA heritage for the bennies

It actually works. There’s a whole tribe that will prioritize working with you because of your DNA.

That said, how’s crypto going for you?

blows my mind jews blend in with their host nations so well for most people. just look at the one psychopathic fuck itt (you know which one). honestly, hard to begrudge the tribe for winning when the average native is so easily manipulated

I’m OP, if I’m a psychopath you should describe why.

WAsnt being sarcastic, only people in LA call people buster, especially LA blacks

I grew up in a multicultural area. I can wear a lot of different hats so to speak. Walk with a lot of different kind of folk.

Anyway, just confirming that everything I say in this thread is true for any doubters.


No, you fucking kike. Do the world an entire favor and kill the kike you're eating lunch with, then KYS.

Yep. The Russians are totally trustworthy of finding and reporting actual (((gas chambers)))

Uh.. nope, not gonna do that.

Not in because poorfag

With the state of things, I'm kind of glad I don't have anything invested right now. All that red.

Yeah, I must have mistook what you meant by

I got a fat fucking nose do you think i can pass as a jew?

uh, nose doesn't matter.

They do. Look at Israeli citizen laws

I might be part Turk is that close enough?

We’re talking about social benefit, not Israeli citizenship weirdo.

AND EVERYONE. Just to get the thread back on track. This Jew just made an amazing business offer. Read through.

Try taking a DNA test, idk. Decide for yourself whether you feel comfortable claiming it.

my brother took one and he got part Turk

La creatura, got it.

That’s a call you’re gonna have to make.

I’m beautiful though

>as someone who’s assumed they were goy their whole fucking life
How did you find out that you are part of the elite? Do you feel any new urges to undermine western civilization?

96% of Zionists are 100% white caucasians. my friend

And regarding undermining western civilization - no, I live here. Any inclination to prioritize money over anything else is a product of being raised in a capitalist society, not my ethnic heritage.

How do I take advantage of being Jewish? I'm Jewish but my mom is atheist and I never grew up around other Jews.

Go somewhere with a high density of Jews. Enter industry of your choice, you will find Jews. Drop a little Yiddish. You’re a part of the club. You don’t really have to say anything about it.

>Just to get the thread back on track. This Jew just made an amazing business offer. Read through.


Jews can't even take being called a jew *it's called jewish person* but normal people should be fine with being called cattle

Goyim means non-Jew.
It certainly doesn’t mean cattle.

Anyway, please stay on topic.

Have you tried using your newfound jewiness to do the whole "my fellow white people" thing? I hear the goyim really hate that

Attached: DOGlRfLXUAMp0w3.jpg (974x928, 206K)

White privilege comes from the way you’re identified socially by others.

I am a white person, because that’s what people see when they look at me.

I am also an ethnically Jewish person.


>tfw only jewish kid in my high school went to college and got a fucking art degree
>Moved to new york city
>Within 6 months of being there he had some of his photography displayed on the giant vertical display in times square
>All because he knew the right people
>Is stupid rich with a fucking photography degree selling his photos of random bums around new york for literally every major newspaper in america

Except the root for Goyim isn’t anything along the lines of “little man”.

Hope you get your kike nose smashed in.

It's completely necessary to separate you as a non-white "other" to protect ourselves from your subversion. Just because you can pass as white doesn't make you white, it just makes it convenient for you to conceal your true nature.

See, if the Irish tactically switched between being white and going "begorrah, remember the potato famine and the 3 gorillion, you owe us Irish reparations and by the way destroy your own nations with mass immigration" then the Irish wouldn't get to be white either.

Read the forward.

Attached: TG1-768x431.jpg (768x431, 36K)

OP here

Also in art, also jew, also know the right people.

Now I just need a production budget for which I’m willing to pass along 100% equity in the work it funds.

Literally just treating this as visibility.

I don’t determine my whiteness. Society determined it for me, bitch.

I’m priviliged if nothing else for the color of my skin. Suck a dick if that’s not about whiteness.

Additionally, there’s no subversion going on. Criticize something real, other than something as arbitrary as my heritage.

Is my offer bad?

You are literally bragging I. This thread about your kike privilege knowing other kikes. Nothing about being white is privileged but it will be a privilege bringing back holocaust part 2.