/smg/ Stock Market General

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:
youtube.com/watch?v=TBAQtjyqNHw (embed)
youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE (embed)

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for Jews. Don't forget to buy HMNY, goyim.

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AMD 40
TSLA 375

TSLA will hit 355+ this week most likely.
AMD is not a sell, stay on the run till EOY

Cha Ching

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I swear if we get a double thread again I'll kms

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who here /got bogged/ during power hour

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How much AMD did you lads buy?

elon musk just bought 72,500 shares of TSLA


looks like YOU didnt

Don't miss TSLA under 350. It's going to rocket this month.

I mustn't understand the term correctly then

-.05% on a day is not getting bogged bruh

when is the right price to buy Caterpillar

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Have you bought SNAP yet user?

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How is this not insider trading?


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So glad I bought a $33 put on TLRD against my better judgement. Should be a good day tomorrow.

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One of the worst investments on nasdaq. It's unironically pumped by boomers who don't understand social media.

I wish I could short privately traded companies. My lab bought some cameras from a company for thousands of dollars and they can't even fucking record a video properly.


are you ok?


Pic related is the weekly MACD.

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>November 2016
>Product has since improved algorithm to user specific from time based
>Dude in video uses Apple music as an analogy
>Apple doesnt give a fuck about their music platform, they just want to take users away from Spotify.
Is this your King? dot jpg
stay poor faggot
keep letting youtube boomers make decisions for you.

When AMD hits $20 the OP for every thread that day on biz should be lisa su

How much yall got invested into AMD?

Zero us dollars

well get there man. im certain of it. that one has the possibility to easily catch up to canopy if they play their cards right

dubs confirms this

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that must feel shitty but it will get worse when you check it and see 35 one day

Aphria is shit, even Aurora's price is about to over take Aphria.

aurora is going to get smashed for sure
at least aphria has some upside

It does but don't expect the markets to be rational. It's still going to bleed for a while.

Buying stock isn't insider trading, moron. Telling other people to buy, based on inside information is. It's a pretty fucking simple concept. If you can't understand what it is, you have no business investing.

i dont think so really. its shown the least volatility, and has a pretty strong support right now. im mentlly prepared for some big bumps, but im playing this one for a little longer term

Ok man but I'll buy the bags once it goes back down to 8.70.

it can be though. if you have info about the company you work for that the public does not and you buy or sell it would be. so really he has a point. it's a weird area because he's CEO but if he knows they just had a breakthrough and the company is going to 500 that's really no different than someone else doing the same thing with that knowledge, and they would be prosecuted for it.

I have very little knowledge of stocks and options trading. But seeing this thread popping againg and again, I got curious.

Are there instruments that theoretically allow somebody to x10 in a month ? I saw people wanking over x2 on wsb, and it's a bit depressing. Are there high to very high leverages (x100+) ? Any of you doing forex ?

150 shares, its about 10% of my portfolio

Yeah, just ask one of the trip fags. Making 10x a month is considered chump stuff here.



yeah dude we all make 25x if you dont make atleast 10x a day youre a fag

ha git fucked m8
thats probably one of the only weed memes thats actually gonna make a positive move on legalization

>posting this from the swimming pool inside my swimming pool in my mansion

Buy NLST calls.

no one will touch elon

he mentioned battery breakthrough at the investor meeting.

Which is still 12 weeks away before sales begin.

Just buy TVIX calls with a very soon expiration date, you'll be there in no time.

Elon Musk is sure garnering a lot of haters.

didn't say they would, only that "insider" trading is vague and someone in a different position like a worker in the company could be prosecuted for the same thing.

I'm putting 25k in TSLA at open. How based am I?

Most ppl on biz are retarded. Once you realize this simple trick, you'll see how easy it is to 10x+ your gains.

What people try to tell you is buy penny stocks and hope that they moon. What they don't realize is that you just need to make 4-5% a day.

Here's what you do, browse biz and sites like stocktwits and see what companies people are taking about. Buy 1 or 2 in the morning, and sell by eod. Rinse and repeat for each day and you'll be sitting on 10x gains in no time.

Also make sure to get a trip so that you can brag about how good of an investor you are.

When I buy/go long a stock option and want to sell it for a profit, would me selling it be considered shorting it, or is shorting an option and selling an option two different things?

I'm still confused as to how you actually profit off of them if you're not actually supposed to buy/sell the shares once it expires

>he doesn’t make his own search parameters and algorithm
Never gonna make it.


which is why chose aphria over some of the others desu.
they already make money doin medical, and they will be able to stave themselves off during the lean times before sales come in. this allows them to keep their spending really high and, ideally give them an early competitive advantage over the others.

aurora is obviously in the similar position, however, like i said, i did NOT dig on those financials one bit, and the chart was too far up for me to wanna FOMO in on something im already expecting will dip

not to mention that news of a brand new facility in columbia (for aphria i mean). if they swing that the right way, that company is gonna blow the fuck up

post picture with timestamp

It's not insider trading if you buy your own stock, moron.

If he was going around telling people to buy his stock, because [insider reasons], that's insider trading. This "news" is after the fact, he didn't announce it, he isn't being accused of giving tips to anyone, he just bought back stock.

How can you not understand such a simple concept? Or are you just a neckbeard who is compelled to argue every fucking point to soothe your pathetic ego?


I got 350 july calls early this week

In traditional markets? No. x10 is a pipedream. You're only going to score like that in margin trading, and you have to be either lucky as fuck making a bet, or have been doing it for years and years.

That’s a good choice to take a long position on. Value stocks usually are. You’ll be mad when it takes a huge dip like it has historically during crashes, but if you bought in literally any time in the last 10 years and held till now you’d be pretty stoked.

If you’re trying to margin it, you’re doing it wrong. If you want aggressive strategy, it’s probably not your stock.

I panicked yesterday and sold all my TSLA. Then late last night I counter-panicked and bought it all back at a $50 profit. After reading the news, I feel like a genius.

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no you're just retarded thinking that acting on insider information isn't insider trading. you have some weird hang up that you have to tell someone about it, probably because you don't understand it but claim you do. rest assured, if you have insider info and buy or sell, even if you never tell anyone else, that's still insider trading and if the SEC ever finds out it doesn't matter you kept it to yourself.

Fuck options imo. You know how people say “stock market is just gambling”? They’re retards. But if they said “options/futures is just gambling”, they’re pretty savvy.

Aphria does have the best share structure and financials relative to market cap of the large LPs but I don't recommend choosing just one horse in that race. You'll be better off hedging your Aphria holdings with the ETF so you have some buffer if one you're not holding looks like it's going to pull way ahead of the pack. Weed sector does not trade rationally and won't get to a point where it at least half-ass reflects actual earnings/revenue for at least a year after rec sales start.

Always use stop losses to protect gains in this sector. It'll bite ya if you don't.

you'll be about 5K less rich soon!

Long term options are not gambling, short term options are in my opinion.

>not playing short term options on triple leveraged volatility ETNs

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I was under the impression stocks were options. Please spoonfeed me the difference.

Pic related is me.

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thats really good advice user. ive been thinking of doing that anyways.
i wish there was a liquid options market on weed ETFs. ITM puts is my favorite way to hedge

Are you from Jow Forumswsb or Jow Forumsrobinhood?

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I just want to make a pretty penny. I'm still floored I somehow made $12 in like a week on the stock market, but then I see other people in here making what I make in a week in one day, and most of them aren't even doing options. They just made that much from stocks in one day.

I just want to know what the fuck they're doing to make that kind of money on the market. Granted I'm probably going to spend most of my profits on lube for when Mr. Tax Man wants a booty call, but that's another thing.

what's the difference between short and long term options? Like, what makes one gambling but the other one wise business? I'm doing my best studying up on them but they're still extremely abstract to my monkey brain

its in the OP

Now you're playing with power.

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Oops... Well I'll leave that post up so other people can call me a retard if they want.

i do this. you can get some wicked gains if you do straddles when IV is really low. the IVs move around like crazy on those things

just hold tesla the next 35 days and enjoy the easy gains.

Literally easiest play in the stock market right now.

actually wait i dont do it with short term ones. thats a bad idea and theres no vega left


Robinhood is increasing their users ability to lose money. This is quality


People who buy short term options are usually expecting major moves and handicap themselves because of time decay. If somebody is buying and option for 2 years out short term price changes and time decay aren't going to destroy you. There is a shit ton more to it than that and i'm no expert on the matter.

TSLA 348 after hours. The slow brains are catching up to high IQ people.

if it was +10% down to -.05% that would be a bogging, but I doubt he was up that much.

I got Dog of the Dows start
Need the good entry for entry

time to watch the think or swim options video again for the third time I guess


also donating to Tesla is fine if you're into that kinda thing, but saying "UHH $370 IMMINENT" is misinformation and harsh to the less informed users of SMG.

>he didnt buy campbells soup

you're fucking low IQ
I'm high IQ
Telling SMG 375-400 is imminent is me helping people make better decisions

>musk doesn't care about profits

you're fucking stupid

could be like AMD man. failed for years then finally a breakout. i'm sticking to calls only now

SO whens the market finally gonna crash, when can i short the DOW,NASDAQ, etc?

Who bought shopify.?

desu I think Trump's shitposting has saved us for awhile. PE is only 25 on the index, could be several months before we hit 30 PE again.

I have never posted about AMD prior to 2018
I have not been active on /smg/ prior to 2018

I am not "amd man".

TSLA 375 short term is a given.

how does it feel missing the rocket ship

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We as a thread have already established that your IQ is sub 70. You can stop larping now.

You would be sucking the actual Tesla's cock all the way to $0. You're going to get dumped on by the end of this week and we'll see how you feel about your IQ then.

elon musk = god

never said this
also 350 calls are already up a huge amount from when I bought.

>mfw the one user who constantly posts "low IQ" memes fights 3 Tesla Spergs

Quality SMG

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Then be realistic about his plans for his company. Oh wait, you can't, because deep down, you're in love with Elon Musk.
>Elope with Elon
>Elope with Elon
Elope with fucking Elon

All in