Which religion is best to follow?

I want to believe. Please try to convince me.

This is both rooted in a desire for purpose and for community, both of which I lack. The difficulty is that I can't seem to find any religion convincing. I have an open mind though, and would like to hear what you have to say.


Attached: world_religions.jpg (434x431, 33K)

Hindus are the richest religious group in your country, so ditch your trousers for a sarong and go to your nearest temple

With that set of mind, I think, Scientology, Jehova witnesses, or any american generic cult will fit you perfectly.

Honestly, when I think about any religion, they all have something good going for them BUT at the same time, something bad going for them.

Buddhism imo is the closest to a "pure" religion. Plus, if you hate the idea of dying and becoming nothing, you can always believe that you'll reincarnate.

Also, just fyi, you can believe whatever the fuck you want. Fact is, no one knows jack shit. So if you wanna believe in something that encompasses several facets of let's say buddhism, hinduism, christianity and taoism, go fucking ahead. It won't any less or any more believable than any of the major religions.

There are many temples near me, but I'm hesitant to just walk in.

All three of those are inauthentic.

I agree with most of what you are saying, but the communal aspect of these religions is important as well.

Catholicism is the only one that was founded by God himself. Aquinas already btfos polytheism so don't even fucking consider that.

but the main point of buddhism is to exit the cycle of reincarnation

You havent studied enough. Most major ones are convincing, but some are more convincing than others.

Which religion are you using congitive dissonance to avoid? Thats probably the right one

kek, based.

I know that. I was under the impression that you can choose whether you wanna leave Samsara or not once you're "enlightened" enough.
He could embrace the community aspect of buddhism, be a nice person and all that jazz and still be guaranteed a next life.


I am extremely curious about your last statement, as I feel you're on to something. Can you elaborate further? I understand somewhat what you mean, but not entirely.

Youre degenerate on Jow Forums, so what ever is pure is the opposite of everything you like. Thus you're avoiding it, or finding excuses not to follow it.

>Also, just fyi, you can believe whatever the fuck you want. Fact is, no one knows jack shit. So if you wanna believe in something that encompasses several facets of let's say buddhism, hinduism, christianity and taoism, go fucking ahead. It won't any less or any more believable than any of the major religions.

A couple of the medieval Mongols were raised simultaneously Christian and Buddhist and then became Muslims. Not to mention a Shamanist background.

I strongly recommend The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon).

Neo-Jow Forums. Get it right.

Are you that Canadian Mormon whose harem was approved by the Supreme Court?

It is the desire for this purity and traditionalism that has caused this question to begin with. I don't watch porn and I lead a healthy and productive life, but I still have no fulfillment. I don't expect you to believe me, as most people on Jow Forums truly are degenerate, but try to believe that this is where I am coming from for the sake of discussion.

I believe you. Look up traditionalism. Ill leave you with that, safe journeys.

>as most people on Jow Forums truly are degenerate

See , if you're stubborn in your error of calling this place Jow Forums, don't expect to get bigger things right.

I really don't see how this is topical. I've been using this website on and off for quite a few years now, so I'm fully aware of how things have changed.

Thank you.

I've had misgivings with Christianity in the past, but Mormonism seems even more unbelievable. I can't understand how people can reconcile the beliefs it requires. That being said, I admire the communal aspect and tradition.

>I really don't see how this is topical. I've been using this website on and off for quite a few years now, so I'm fully aware of how things have changed.

Shut up.


Purge your mind of guilt and fear (and score big-tittied goth chicks in doing so)!

I'm curious how that happened
I think either jedism/neo taoism or philosophy it self as a religion