Why don't Asians use ovens?

Why don't Asians use ovens?

Attached: oven.jpg (800x1000, 117K)

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Why do you think we don't use oven?

Attached: PICNIC_20181215_165929300.jpg (3264x1836, 2.39M)

we are not obese like you

But ovens are much healthier than pans. They don;'t require additional oil and moreover they even remove some of the fat from the food.

our microwaves have a toaster feature

That's odd. Never realised that.

asians dont have space in their mini houses for ovens

Toasterovens don't count

Big ovens are not energy efficient. Asian countries in general lack natural resources to keep the utility cost low

>he doesn't know microwave with function of oven

Use the oven as a drawer.

Why haven't you gone back to the oven?

>he thinks it the same thing
Lmao get a real oven pleb

It is better. Back at my parents we had both and after a while nobody used the normal oven

We use gas ovens
(These can be used as microwave oven)


Attached: ガスレンジオーブン.png (373x353, 145K)

What's that VCR thing between the stove-top and the oven?

What's "VCR"?

It's a fish broiler, basically a really small oven used for cooking mainly fish. Lived in thailand for 3 years and never could find a single full size oven or bath for that matter.

Video cassette recorder. Guess I'm too old for this site.

Do Asians really not do this?

Video Tape Player for TV

Video cassette recorder? (´゚д゚` )
There are only cooking appliances in that pic desu

Thank you

it's drawer of hot plate to grill fish

We(Japanese) use that desu


Attached: ガスレンジオーブン.png (343x226, 129K)

I want to put my baguette in your built in oven, japan kun

more like a crouton

Na, probably a kebab

Why don't Americans use electric kettles?

because they can't deal with Celsius

127 volts isn't enough to boil water efficiently.


Some Japanese bake baguettes at their home (´ェ` )
Of course, their baguettes are more inferior than ones made by French bakery
But they try their best to have freshly baked baguettes...
