What exactly is it that you want from your university experience?

What exactly is it that you want from your university experience?

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I dropped out lol

me too.
I got a job

LMAO me too


Already finished the uni, m8. Got a job.

Access to research chemicals

Knowledge so I can make money

I got the knowledge but didn't convert them into money lmao

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A degree so I can not be a NEET

I want to gtfo this shithole with annoying kids as soon as possible

A degree which will allow me to fund my parents' lives once they retire because the criminal country of Pooshitfuckland sure as fuck won't give them enough to survive even though they pay huge taxes every month.

Attached: Defend your family from the enemy.jpg (419x600, 72K)

gonna study law so i can make money atleast
to think i was gonna study history first lmao, what kinda idiot wastes his time studying history

it was free room and food away from family
me too after they kicked me out of free room. based.

to delay adulthood


Death to this kleptomaniac idiot run shithole


>education and diploma which allows me to get a nice job
>make new friends
>go to fun parties

>free room
This is why you have denbts

Uni should be for people genuinely interested in what they are reading

Otherwise just attend cooperative education and get the same salary in 1-2 years without the social bullshit and employment before you graduate

A degree that will get me a future-proof and lucrative career.

Yep if you are a poorfag you might get a free room where you live with other poorfags.

i want to be a exchange student and go to some other country. cuz i know its probably going to be the only realistic situation that i can live in a different country for long

i want to be able to get to a level where im an "expert" in my field (linguistics), become a teacher somewhere and give a positive impact the same way my english did for me.

I just want a job desu

Nothing, because I didn't finish high school

Knowledge so i can design a service rifle.

shit, what do you do now?

Haven't been there in 5 years lmao
Didn't really even start desu rofl

To get shot

I first read this as universe experience and that was a much more interesting question.

Now THAT is based.

mucked about in various vocational schools until I turned 25, now I'll probably drop out and go full time NEET

I want to meet lots of nursing students who will suck my dick. In their line of work they see a lot of small penises, so I'm sure they won't be able to resist my large one.

go for fiscal law if you want to earn actual money because stuff like criminal law are memes if you arent a 0,0001% top lawyer
t. law

i want to make frens

>>make new friends
>go to fun parties
Lol you won't suddenly stop being an introvert loser by going to university.

Lmao at the ones who couldnt dedicate themselves to something for 3 or 4 years.

t. summa cum laude all over your face

Can you just go straight into law school in Clogland? I am a lawyer but I also have a history degree, law school applications are only open to people who have at least a bachelor degree

>tfw all the hot nursing students study in a completely different building at the other side of the city
not good

Can't dedicate myself to something for even an afternoon, so it's not surprise. Congrats to you though.

Im just being an asshole. Im sure you are very capable. I dropped out of high school before doing so

A degree

dick sucking faggot
honestly kill yourself
there's nothing worse than humble bragging

Learn to live independently and learn life skills.

Drugs too, I guess.

Not him but I study law and you can go straight to a law school when you get out of high school (if you did VWO) Studies like medicine are a numerus fixus study where you either finish your VWO (en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voorbereidend_wetenschappelijk_onderwijs) cum laude or you get lucked out and they pick you out at random (although the chance of that happening is not too big)

wat moet je dan doen als eerste studie?
ik kan meteen fiscaal recht kiezen of rechtsgeleerheid en daarna een master met een economische richting?

Ligt eraan in welk rechtsgebied je geïntereseerd bent, maar als je nu al weet dat je enkel veel geld wilt verdienen zou ik direct voor fiscaal recht gaan. Bezoek gewoon een paar open dagen en kijk wat je leuk lijkt, want ik heb wel gehoord dat fiscaal recht retesaai is

Have a yike on me friend