

Attached: flag_yellow_low.jpg (600x401, 54K)

Based EU destroyers

If dubs the EU federalizes

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And then Nigel woke up, realized Belgium was still a country, and made a frowny face.

*except it doesn't*

Go go England

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duh, no shit
serb politicians are hyping it up, most basic rules of nature teach us that if serb politicians like it then it must be utter shit

*colonizes you*

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*sacrifices itself for the European cause*

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What an unbelievably cowardly people mainland Europeans are. Absolute disgrace.

Hey Brits, you can ask the Norgays how it feels to be left out from every European statistic in the future because this will happen to you guys as well from now on.

*colonizes you*

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We must go all the way with it

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Former pro-Brexit protester here. May made a lot of good points. I’ve been talking to my family and friends, and we all pretty much agree it’s time to move on. Things will get better; we just have to trust in the government and EU. With enough time, immigrants will reinvigorate our nation. I'm convinced and very happy with her proposals. It's time to stop the protests, go back to work and heal Britain.

or maybe you should start taking statistics at face value because they are never truly accurate

you forgot your proxy, idiot

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is this a problem though? if you don't like it don't buy there

I agree

France will be leaving soon. So will Italy. What do you do then?

I don't get this meme. Foreigners are so misinformed

I like EU, does it make you seethe Breivik?

>heh, i bet you feel silly now that you arent a part of my autism charts!

Half the country works against it.

I hate the entire continent of Europe. I wish bad things upon you. Praise Allah

Then you didn't deserve independence from Russia, since you're going to throw it away anyway.

t. polack

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is this the int make fun of brexit retards thread
the pol cheer on the sure-thing demise of the EU and rebirth of the British empire (Without Brown People) thread

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Finland has more independence than you in many EU aspects lol

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no, I just don't see the point in looking for things to be mad about where there aren't any

It's the greek faggot with a new proxy

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imagine being a leave voter lmao

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Kek this

Watch Europe slowly collapse

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Do you think they feel... in control

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brits are subhuman

I'm leaving this here.
Open your eyes, sheep.

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>Do you think they feel... in control
Probably the most amount of control they have ever had in their pathetic uneducated prole lives

Will me and the lads still be able to hunt down slavs for sport on the weekend when the EU collapses? Or will they all go home?


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So you're saying... they took it back, they took back control....

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My granddads fought against communism and for capitalism and democracy that are embodied in EU. Also, atleast we have a say on what EU does unlike you Norwegians who implement all the EU directives without any input on what they include.

fuck off shill

Finland has zero say either. It's Germany's way or the highway. The EU is inherently anti-democratic.

And then you fought for the Russians so they wouldn't invade again and rape you

Attached: Picture of a sign the Germans left in Muonio, Lapland As a thanks for not demonstrating brotherhood (1920x1226, 713K)

>My granddads fought for capitalism and democracy that are embodied in EU
tappaa ittes

How dare they sell real tasting bread, top value beer and proper vegetables

>not buying the sausages

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The European council is made up by the heads of governments that are democratically elected, European parliament is democratically elected and the European commission is appointed by the European council and confirmed by the European parliament. How is this undemocratic?

sääli ettei sun kaltaisia kommareita voi muiluttaa enää onnelaan itärajan taa

>he hasn't discovered the benefits of a plant-based diet

Sup boomer

You wish britcuck

>plant-based diet
>Sup boomer

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>Germans simultaneously saying "why don't you want to be part of our club" and "I hope your economy fucking dies and your country collapses"

Gee I wonder.

Trust me m8, five years ago I was vehemently against it but now I wouldn't look back

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Not their fault Thatcher sold off what was left of your industry

Stop reading the daily express

because in his mind the commission is the real power behind the EU parliament, even though they can't pass any legislation and their only job is to propose motions that will be up for debate in the parliament

>brits simultaneously saying to EU "you will collapse without us" and "r-rule britannia" while uk itself is collapsing

Please don't listen to him, he is not the voice of Britain

What is this?

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you are the toxic norwegian from yesterday right?
why are you so angry all the time? did someone pee on your rotten fish ?

Do you feel..In control Madam Prime Minister

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He's Greek not Norwegian. He's just on a new Proxy

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ruining someone's honest business.
another victory for the pride of britain

>bane lmao
how old are you?


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i see, that explains a lot

>n-no u
eurocucks never change

Everyone should be angry that Europe is being controlled by unelected bureaucrats who are trying to destroy every nation state.


Stop getting baited retards, he's obviously proxy posting

>Everyone should be angry that Europe is being controlled by unelected bureaucrats
How is EU undemocratic? Who are these unelected bureaucrats? see

>muh unelected

why should some belgian fag elected by belgians control what happens in france

You tell me how Jean-Claude Juncker got there through the will of the people.

He doesn't control what happens in France. He, together with the others, prepare regulations on matters that concern the EU and then the French government can comply and integrate them or not

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He won the last European elections as the spitzenkandidat of the European People's Party against his opponent Schulz from the socialist bloc.

You're a big guy

European commission members are appointed by democratically elected heads of governments and confirmed by democratically elected European parliament. How much more will of the people do you require?

the common people have no say

quints confirm

Are you dense? The European Council is made by the Presidents of all the member states and the European Parliament is directly elected

The people elected the parliament that elects the commission president. This is as much democratic legitimization as the British prime minister has, in fact it's more since the EP is actually elected by popular vote and not FPTP voting.

>Directly elected representatives
No Say. Take Back Control Fund The NHS

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A lot more than that on average.

European council is made up from democratically elected heads of government and European parliament is voted for by the common people every EU election. Of course common people have a say. I'm starting to realize why brits voted to leave if they are this uninformed.

Only in Switzerland. Representative democracies are the standard in Europe

I get it, they're voted in by proxy. What a democratic process.

They don't even learn about the European institutions in school. It's not part of their curriculum. The whole country is a meme.

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Even Switzerland is hardly direct. Referendums are subject to translation by elected parliament. Which means a lot of stuff ends up being either ignored or softened regardless of the vote.

They voted leave because they thought they were important so the EU might consider a favourable deal.
Turns out they are not and now they even get bullied by Spain

It's called representative democracy like the current system in Norway or when was the last time you directly voted for your prime minister?

how does it work in swiss? for a country less than 10 mill people things are much easier to coordinate

According to wikipedia Norway is a representative democracy too

stop pretending that is the most democratic thing in the world