Have black Americans maintained any of their original African culture?

Have black Americans maintained any of their original African culture?

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They seem to rape and murder almost as much as they do in Africa but that’s about it

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What do they even have?
Bantus basically just did what every other empire did during their expansion: rape and pillage. Not really much else.
I mean, cushitic people like somalis and ethiopians are pretty historic? Idk man, africans have huts and some made some nice looking food and that's probably it tbqh

No they just steal any African culture they find interesting

African-American Vernacular English, which is not the same as general African-American English, is connected to African languages. Islam was largely brought to the U.S. by the African Americans and is still a significant part of African-American culture.

They don't steal real African culture. They steal Egyptian culture. Ask a black person about the Nubians or another African tribe and they don't know shit. Most African Americans don't even know about the country they founded (Liberia). Being black is a meme and Im tired of it.

just some days ago , KSI claimed the history of his egyptian ancestors

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how could they ?


do American blacks unironically belive Egyptians were black, or is it conscious effort to pretend like it was the case? how did it even started?

Doubt he is that retarded, he's probably just doing it for the american views

Sort of. Supposedly some of the creole food and shit like voodoo in Louisiana has African roots. And with black power they became interested in current African cultures and borrowed from those. But yeah some full on Larp as Egyptians or Israelites.

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honestly, I find it idiotic that even if it was somehow plausible that niggers were egyptians and etc
first of all not everyone was a king or KANG as they like to call it, being a descendent of such a lineage would be an extremely rare case compared to how millions of niggers in the US claim they are descendants of egyptian kings.
Second most of american niggers come from west africa that are absolutely unrelated to nubian niggers in north east africa. There's no way their descendants were related to them.
Lastly if everyone of them was a king, then wouldn't it make being a king normal and they would just be normal "people"? I put people in qoutes because I don't find niggers human.

Your """Islam""" is the most ridiculous and laughable piece of crap I have ever heard of.

They are mostly descended from tribes that were pretty low tech and conquered.

Jow Forums meetup?

There's probably every black moroccans in the country on that pic.

Many of them actually believe it.
There is a sliver of truth in it - enough to make them dream of a better past.
There was a very short period, an interrim, where Nubian pharaohs ruled Egypt. Egypt was at this time way past its prime. Blacks living in the west claiming that
>we built da pyramidz n shiet!
is utter rubbish.

Hes sort of right most of the first muslims here were slaves from africa.

Yes that's the NYC meetup Britney Venti was taking the picture.

It was in utter collapse when they came but AA arent descended from Nubians.

You are considered woke if you believe egpytian culture and history was founded by a black man and woman. The delusion is too real. Arab culture is becoming popular it will soon be claimed as well.

They're not actually Moroccan, it's just some weird conspiracy theorists that believe Morocco was once a black super power populated entirely by blacks and they discovered America and built it but somehow they later ended up being enslaved there and replaced in Morocco

Depends on which country you're looking at.

Yes my parents are from Morocco which automatically makes me African American and therefore black. I was raised in a Moroccan household and I even lived in the mountains of Arizona, similar to the Atlas Mountains of Morocco

In the early days, slaves were deliberately taken from different tribes so they couldn't communicate. The initial lack of a mutual language inhibited cultural exchange somewhat. Despite that, some aspects of black American culture show African influences, such as music, certain regional languages or ways of speaking, and first names.

I think it was WEB du Bois who started it


That's what I got from this
And various websites related to this thing

so what? current muslim african americans aren't descended from those but from the nation of islam we wuzzery period

Yes actual black user here

can you speak ancient egyptian language ?

Hence the sort of. The nation of Islam oddly enough was started by a half white half (not sure if Afghani or East Indian).

The song's name is Beerus. So he might just be trying to emulate Beerus from Dragon Ball, who looks like the Egyptian Anubis.

KSI isn't african american. He is Nigerian British. So he has no reason to we wux.

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Take the red pill.

But american blacks arent nubians. Thats like saying me and you are the same, we might be part of the same european group but its a completely different part of the continent, different ethnicity and history.

what the fuck did i just read

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No. An Afro-American brother on /his/ said he's visited sub-Saharan Africa and that his family knows it's from Muslims of the 19th century or earlier.

Maybe he said they converted back again, I'm not sure, but I know he said that.

I guess that's what names like Jamal come from, they didn't come out of thin air with the new black-Muslim movements.

Even the Arabic language was brought by black Muslims before actual Arabs arrived.

The only muslim area here is Senegal and even they don't speak arabic or use many arabic names

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Some have, the ones who speak Gullah, not their master's Irish-English. Carribean islands have it preserved best, Voodoo n shit.

don't reply to me again with your bs

I've seen a documentary that said that the blues originated from slave chants of Mali niggers. Don't know if its true. Anyway some of their music/dance reminds Africa so yes I suppose

Some of the instruments in traditional black American music have African origins as well. The banjo is an example.

West African Muslims learned Arabic without speaking it at home just like Persians and others. I read about a black Muslim in America who wrote Arabic mullah works in the 1800s.

I didn't post bs.

What do arabs and egyptians feel about african americans stealing their history and claiming it as their own?

The oddest thing ever