The story of Trump and Bitcoin Cash are one in the same. Left vs Right. Bad vs Good. Crook vs Patriot

The story of Trump and Bitcoin Cash are one in the same. Left vs Right. Bad vs Good. Crook vs Patriot.

If you support Bitcoin Core, you support Hillary. You are corrupted.

Attached: th.jpg (474x228, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>m-maybe if I say m-my coin is like Trump all these alt-right kids on the imageboard known as four chan will buy it! Kids love that kind of thing, right?
Are shill teams really this transparent?

Pretty much.

Is the opposite. Bcash is Hillary, full of lies and shilling. Bcore is Trump, winning.

Yes that is the narrative you are trying to push.
It's pathetically obvious your head pageets are trying to force that idea but thanks for coming out and just stating it baldly lol

Real Bitcoin thread

Trump delivers, Bcash delivers

Segshitcoin will fall into irrelevancy just like Hillary

Attached: fresh beauty vs discarded hag.png (1296x700, 1.55M)

Core coin is old and washed up too, establishment against the freedom loving youth

Can we just leave software implementation to the professionals.

The reason why a soft-fork segwit upgrade was implemented over a hard fork blocksize limit increase was to keep the community together without limiting the functionality of older software. It's really annoying that all these fucking nigger faggot retards who support bitcoin cash don't understand how much damage they are doing to the community. Now we're fragmented into two groups and every hardfork from here on out will only fragment us more. If we had stayed with the modular way of upgrading the software (via soft forks), then the community wouldn't be so fucked up like it is now. It's typical Jewish divide and concor techniques.

Attached: 1522889277979.jpg (480x376, 35K)

Shut up faggot. Blockstream destroyed the community by restricting the blocksize. Kill yourself nigger

This. BCH shouldn't have forked, but Bitcoin would have increased block size.

Yup. Its embarrassing at this point.

>thinking hardforks are a bad thing
>spotting newfags 101

life isn't white and black retard

Bcashies are cultists, shills, idiots and generally unpleasant people.

No you fucking retard kike, satoshi did. Satoshi literally implemented the line of code that limits the blocksize to 1 mb. Blockstream just refused to do a hard fork to upgrade the blocksize because it would fragment the community.

You know there are still banks using legacy software from > 10 years ago? If bitcoin is going to be a system that is actually used in business, it needs to be modular. It needs to make sure legacy software still fucking works. You can't do that by hardforking the shit out of it. The software needs to be upgraded with soft forks.

Satoshi put the 1 mb limit in to stop poison block attacks. He also gave instructions on how to raise the blocksize.

You are obviously a newfag or a shill. Fuck off

Segwit effectively increased the blocksize. It just did it indirectly by adding another data structure. These fucking retards don't understand that though.

>almost 1 year later
>segshit adoption is still less than 30%

Attached: D24402C4-53A4-4698-80B4-9550F66EA581.jpg (708x800, 63K)

Because it's optional. You don't have to use it if you don't want to. Why should the community be forced to adopt new standards via a hardfork?

Hard fork had more support than Segwit.

>implying a hard fork that has consensus is the same as a contentious hard fork like bcash
>spotting newfags 101

>Because it's optional
>segwit transactions are forever in the blockchain

>new standards via a hardfork
>only change blocksize and not functionality

Because hardforks force you to adopt it or else your software doesn't work. Soft forks add features OPTIONALY if and only if you decide to upgrade your software.

Doesnt monero hardfork every 6 months without consensus? Kek

Having segeit transactions in the blockchain does not affect legacy software. It does not change the functionality of legacy software whatsoever... What do you not understand you nigger retard?

>forcing whole community to accept illegitimate transactions in the blockchain vs a split and allowing the free market pick the winner

Tough choice.

Looks like the free market already picked its winner, sorry you lost cashcuck.

>Hilary has a 98% chance of winning the election yall

Attached: BCHPLZ.png (711x339, 55K)

You deserve everything you get if you force these two options upon yourself.

>Implying the free market isn't adopting BCH at a rapid pace

BTC is a dead man walking

Compare market lows from April to now. Bch is on the upswing. Btc is expected to channel sideways for the next 6 months while bch gains more ground. Keep your segshit coins though.

BCH has gained more since the fork. Sorry you lost AND are retarded, corecunt.

>i-it will flip any moment now
>Jow Forumsbtc told me it's being adopted at a rapid pace!

some hilarious coping. thanks for this, no really

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So who's the Gary Johnson in this analogy?

Attached: tounge.webm (212x302, 367K)

Let me guess, bought at 0.25 ? :3

Nice friendly fire

>he doesn't know about bitpay
>he doesn't know about the Japanese market

Kek, I hope you corcucks jump ship soon

>reddit spacing
go back to Jow Forumsbtc, you glow in the dark here

How's that negative merchant adoption treating you, corecuck?

>YOU are destroying the community!
fuck "the community". you and i are cut from a different cloth, and i don't like the way that you or any of your fellow cucked unpaid blockstream shills think. if our ideologies are different, you'd better believe that we're gonna split—just as we have. moreover, you'd better believe that it's gonna be survival of the fittest, just as it is in a free market.
you want a coin controlled by a company that makes profit off of bitcoin's current shortcomings, siphoning it from the miners' hands; we want a coin that demands that the miners make such an investment in the network that their hardware reflects the contemporary state of powerful technology, and even helps to advance the state of technology—providing enough power to keep everything on the blockchain, and meet the demands of a profoundly more demanding, profoundly more POWERFUL bitcoin.
in return, the miners will enjoy the benefits of an endlessly growing, supremely more valuable network—and they'll get their reward, giving them their full incentive to mine long after the supply of bitcoin has depleted, just as satoshi had intended.

Attached: 1526504340668.jpg (703x685, 151K)

I don't give a shit. Have fun circle-jerking about merchant adoption in Jow Forumsbtc though.

>idc that bitcoin core is LITERALLY worthless for commerce


Nice reddit spacing paid shill faggot, go back

what a fucking dumbass lmao your shitcoin has less adoption than doge

U mad?

Show me actual value transferred and get back to me, okay sport?

Attached: gym.webm (480x600, 570K)



SegWit at 100% adoption increases fits at most 70% more transactions. Absolute best case scenario and then the blocks take up 4 times more disk space. Current adoption is around 37%.

SegWit is not optional. You are forced to either go along with the changes and implement SegWit support or you are forced to get a broken blockchain without any input signatures.

SegWit adds a ton of complexity that may hurt the protocol in the future but only gives a very minor boost in the present. This concept is called technical debt.

Attached: ahegao fist.webm (640x382, 1.05M)

Enough value for you, "sport"?

BCH is 10 months old and BTC is 9 years old. It's astonishing that BCH already has 10% of the amount of transactions that BTC has.

Most BTC txs are probably just moving money in and out of exchanges anyway.

Attached: hoola hoop.webm (474x640, 2.81M)



Attached: state of cashies.png (1911x961, 448K)

>bch is overtaking BTC in adoption!!!!
>w-well i-it doesn't matter if there's no actual transactions on BCH b-because bch is younger

Try again bro

$582M v $13M

Attached: Screenshot 2018-06-14 00.56.14.png (1226x275, 67K)

Looks like you got no counter argument there, squirt.

look at this craftmanship. now that's skill.

Attached: glass horse.webm (640x480, 2.74M)

using muh identity politics to shill a shitcoin to retards
nice tactic

wrong. it is the other way around. the typical left projecting as usual.

Ive seen the first part of that post word for word several times before.
You'll have to shill better than that rhajesh or youll get no curry tonight.
Yeah compare it with btc you stupid fuck. Ill wait.

segwit adoption is still only at 20%
you see not forced to use it all, retard


oh yeah? but have you seen this several times before?

Attached: hulahoop.webm (640x360, 2.14M)

>makes argument for doge
>gets btfo
>immediately moves the goal posts


i use this site, it's ~35% right now

aye, everybody is forced to go along with the changes that segwit brings

Attached: insect mother.webm (640x480, 2.96M)

That's not reddit spacing, dumbfuck. Have you corecocks lost so much intellectual ground that your insults are now canned and out of context?

You realise that shows BCH superiority, right? The necessary infrastructure has been built for economic growth, compared to the congested legacy dirt road prone to being washed away in a flood.

>that shows BCH superiority




>two newlines after a quote
>not reddit spacing
your reddit is showing, friendo!

Cashies paid shills cant refute this so they try to slide the thread

look at this sexy BCH

Attached: bikini.webm (608x1080, 996K)

No that's currently the case with btc. You dont understand blocksize, retard.

>pajeet spamming horse-faced white women now
desperate and pathetic, but not surprising.

Do you even know what forum sliding is?

guess some people don't like women

Attached: breakfast.webm (480x480, 710K)

fees are low on BCH because nobody uses it. It's pretty simple senpai.

Attached: cat boop.webm (480x480, 171K)

Fuck off pajeet.

Bch could handle every transaction happening in crypto in January and still cost a fraction of a penny and be on the next block.

No reddit spacing. No saging or sliding. No arguments. Corecucks sinking to a new all time low.

>still reddit spacing
go back

lol damn you sure are surly. You despise that BCH GANG is more culturally relevant and gaining faster adoption than your Bilderberg Blockstream ECorp Coin.

Oh well, don't forget to hodl XDDD

Attached: BCHPLZZZ.png (599x315, 263K)

Holy jesus fucking christ you are fucking brainless scum. You can't even count. TAKE A LOOK

Attached: Screenshot_20180614-172056_Samsung Internet.jpg (1068x868, 241K)

how can bcash be trump when bcash lost?

kys late adopters

Nice reddit spacing, faggot.

You are still reddit spacing and you don't know how to count newline characters. That is two newline characters after a quote.

Putting two newlines after a quote is reddit spacing.

Wow, nice reddit spacing. You really should go back.

>reddit spacing while accusing other people of reddit spacing
>doesn't know what a newline character is

is that a real tweet?

citation nedded

Seems like it

You can stop with the reddit spacing now.

Attached: BilderbergCoin.jpg (938x716, 96K)

Shorting is the only way to make money in Crypto now. Shorting literally is the new paradigm of crypto. I’m going to spread this on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube everything everywhere. Everywhere and everyone, Short short short short short short!!!!! Short to -$0 !!! Until not even 1 penny is left and then the BTC ceo will owe me money :) Did you not hear that everyone is shorting now? Omg like shorting is brilliant! BTC will ofc go down forever. You didn’t think that it would stop going down did you? Didn’t you hear? $5k by end of minute, $4k by end of hour, $1k end of day, and triple digits back to sub $100 end of week!! Shorting is the best way to success!! I’m writing a book on shorting. Shorters, bears and bitmex foreverrrrrr and everrrrre!!!

>getting so assblasted about being called out on his blatant reddit spacing he just resorts to "NO U" low-tier """trolling"""
truly pathetic.


Literally the ONLY thing Corecucks have is the ticker. Everything else is irrefutably bad and toxic.

I was just talking to a friend in finance recently who said that a ton of people have been turned off from large-scale investment because of the immaturity and shady practices of Blockstream. They don't want to get burned with experimental bullshit.

Bitcoin Core is code backed by money. Bitcoin Cash is money backed by code.

Fuck off with your boomer cope, corecuck.

That's not an argument friend. Care to try again?

>invested in blockstream
where do you get that shit cashie? Give me an actual link you retard.

>I was just talking to my friend who works at GS and he says they're going all in on Bitcoin Cash!
kys pajeet