Sieg Heil Evropa. We wont stop until you're all that's left of the ungrateful world

Sieg Heil Evropa. We wont stop until you're all that's left of the ungrateful world.

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Sieg Heil!

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>Evropa was a Syrian noblewoman stolen by a white bull

put me in the screen cap

Finland is so gay.

yurop will get BLACKED wh*teboi! just like the rest of the west. prepare your wimmin.

I'm sorry we didn't genocide all the Finns when we had the opportunity.

And then they put a white bull on EU living permits, check it out.

malta is so based

cringe and bluepilled

fairly based

literally the only soldiers in your army that actually came from the realm
Malta is so swarthy

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Being dark > taking it up the butt, sissy boy.

the country that paid jizya for centuaries and speaks arabic talks about taking it up the butt?
hmm? for what purpose?

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they had the knights of st. john stationed there too, lest we forget

Finn sissy boys would've loved that.

>they set foot on the rock 100% Maltese provd to be aryan evropan

If you sissy boys were under Arab rule, you would've sided with them against the Norman.

What was the last war you even fought in?
(hint: fought, getting pummelled in ww2 and once again taking it up the ass doesnt count)

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>claims to be EVROPEAN
>never was in the roman empire
nice try Sven

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You seem to know a thing or two about taking it in the butt huh? :3

How many roman emperors were swarthy manlets with brown hair and brown eyes again?

>thats the only argument he has
talk to you later snownigger

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Look, all im saying is there seem to have been some people that were whiter there before and now, poof, gone. Where can they be now?

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what does that have to do with europe or european identity at all
you seem to be going in a random tangent about skin color
are you american by any chance?


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