SkyCoin's dev has been doxxed and voila, it turns out he's a Jew. Sad!
SkyCoin's dev has been doxxed and voila, it turns out he's a Jew. Sad!
>letting Jow Forums get in the way of making money
the state.
its his linkedin which is public info retard. thanks for showing everybody synth's history with bitcoin and blockchain though, just bought more
that's not a Jewish last name, brainlet. back to your containment board.
project is pretty trash anyway, all it is is a decentralized VPN marketed as "muh ISP killer"
That's most likely a Czech surname, possibly a Slovak or Polish one
>created voxel, one of the classic scams of crypto
>all eastern europeans are jews
just because a few jews took on eastern european surnames?
jesus Jow Forums, check yourself
You should be long not on just BTC but SKY also. Longing is the only way to make money in Crypto now. Longing literally is the new paradigm of crypto. I’m going to spread this on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube everything everywhere. Everywhere and everyone, Long Long Long Long Long Long!!!!! Long to $1M !!! Until not even 1 penny is left and then the BTC ceo will owe me money :) Did you not hear that everyone is Longing now? Omg like Longing is brilliant! BTC will ofc go up forever. You didn’t think that it would stop going up did you? Didn’t you hear? $100k by end of minute, $200k by end of hour, $500k end of day, and triple digits back up to $1000000 end of week!! Longing is the best way to success!! I’m writing a book on Longing. Longers, bears and bitmex foreverrrrrr and everrrrre!!!
I can't tell if you are joking or you're genuinely mentally insane.
>actually reading obvious copypasta that has been covering Jow Forums for hours
sour cream lol
What are khazars?
There are better threads about sky project this morning than this retard racist argument
Brandon Sour Cream
I am not a jew
When moon sir?
Brandon Sourcream lmao
Thanks OP, definitive proof that its not a scam.
Voxel is an MMO publisher
Voxxel is the crypto, try again.
half the stuff he has done is pure bullshit, the other is diluted bullshit
I really cannot wait for sky to blow up in the cult faces, its going to be hilarious
Bernie Sanders is a jew too, what's your point? You can be jewish without being a zionist, just as there are "people" who are zionists and not jewish.
Nice attack tho, skycoin confirmed to scare the deep state, thx just bought 100k
>not realizing that Jow Forums is much more than a buncha loudmouth langley basement dwellers trying to discredit conspiracy theorists all the time
the deep state.
>Using a self admitted commie who fucked over Ron Paul as an example of a nonsubversive jew
>Bernie Sanders
When the fuuuuck has pol ever discredited a conspiracy theory. All they do is go on about autistic yarn and thumbtack bs while making shit tier apologetic arguments for nazis?
Also the person who forced Hillary to blatantly steal a party election, and in the process revealing her for the evil witch she always was
Easily done way more damage to shillary than ron paul
>When the fuuuuck has pol ever discredited a conspiracy theory
You obviously haven't heard about pizzagate or are one of the langley basement dwellers I mentioned above
>All they do is go on about autistic yarn and thumbtack bs while making shit tier apologetic arguments for nazis?
You mean the same nazis that got given jobs by the CIA during operation paperclip? Nazi apologism is 100% CIA deep state propaganda, but you already knew that
Also, Hitler was an illegitimate Rothschild and his grandmother became pregnant with his mother while working at a Rothschild manor in Austria. Conspiracy theorists are against the Rothschild NWO, ergo they can't be pro Hitler.