Reminder China will overtake the US economy within 10 years

Reminder China will overtake the US economy within 10 years

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Not in penis size though.

why you black people always obsessed with dick size?

>x East Asian country will overtake the US says increasingly nervous chink for the last 40 years

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>ignoring the fact that American economists have been saying China is going to collapse any day now for decades

they said the same thing about japan

>diaspora chink thinks we're afraid of the flavor of the decade new "superpower"
Soviet Union sends its regards.

The American government tried their best to sabotage Japan, to which they succeeded. However the same arrogance has been their downfall in underestimating China.
>Doors are slamming shut for Huawei around the world

And so it begins. I noticed diaspora chinks have gotten less militant and more fearful ever since we started playing hardball.

More like 5 years

You're now projecting your existential fears while desperately trying to personalise the argument. All this does is make you appear to be flailing about with nothing to clasp onto.
I'm not Chinese, I'm not diaspora and I don't care about world powers. You, however, clearly do and in a very stereotypical fashion.
It is highly amusing to see Jow Forumstards out of their depth, making an arse of themselves.

The Soviet Union willingly destroyed themselves

Yeah, sure. Like Japan.

Attached: Official_Portrait_of_President_Reagan_1981[1].jpg (2399x3000, 1.22M)

China is not as free as Japan, therefore jewish trickeries won't work.
Plus, America 30 years ago was much more american than it is today

Nice paragraph of armchair psychoanalysis there bud.


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Enjoy watching Apple get nationalized

>never a chink flag in sight
Pottery. I wonder why chinks flee that shithole and come to my country and others in the millions if it's such a rising power?

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It was dead accurate as well. You're predictable as punch.

Apple would bail and move somewhere else if a government tried to crack down on their profit potential, I reckon. Didn't they move their main headquarters to Ireland in order to avoid billions in tax?

The Chinese have their own internet, kouhai. Their social media platforms rival Facebook in size.

Because we are niggers


Pls someone post that anti China pasta with a list of banned events I lost it somewhere for some reason


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门CCPCorruption

>they said the same thing about japan
they didn't, and anyways China already overtook the US in PPP

>within 10 years

By how well Trump is handling american economy, I'd say 3 years max

I'll never understand the Westerners who prefer to live in a world where China is stronger than the Western country of the USA... Marxism is an illness.

I'm okay with that, the chinks are bad but America's influence on white culture needs to be stopped.

imagine being this much of a bootlicker for your favorite masters that you will do anything for them
America is a shithole and their fail ideology of weak democracy and free market capitalism will fail

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The USA are of our side because we share the same civilization.
China is like another planet, and not only this, China is literally a complete shithole.

yes and your civilization is a shithole
>China is literally a complete shithole
technology hub of the world and China is not full of niggers

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It's literally CCP endorsed colonisation. Read this book to see how it happens.
t. chink hating pro

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Reminder, China will not only overtake the US in economy but geopolitical influence in east asia.

The young grasshopper has learned much from the dying a*gloid dog.

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China has been a paper tiger like this throughout its whole history. They will fuck it up.

And yea, America is a wayyyyyy better daddy than China. Anyone who feels differently knows nothing about Chinese.

I don’t know whats worse, amerigoblin-israeli capitalistic oligarchy ot 1984 chink communism

id rather starve on my feet than starve at the mercy of the banksters and corporate elite desu

Absolutely BASED chink repellent poster

>choosing between west israel and xi kingdom
best choices now are to kill yourself or go to space really

>technology hub of the world
They make crap
>and China is not full of niggers
It's full of gooks, it's not better

>they make crap
they are making more progress in world than the entire western world combined lol
that is Koreans not Chinese

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note: "will"
Stupid mutt

obvious chinese is obvious

>if you support euthanization then you are a killer
fallacious thinking
I am Canadian

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What kind of events are banned

Woooah almighty yankee

s*viet jewnion fell apart because of massive internal corruption and communist oligarchs fragging each other for power and control.

kind of a phase USA is going through now, HAAHAHAHAAHA

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chink insects consider Jow Forums is the place national prestige hoisted. that's why you are brainlet insects

nip insects/english teachers consider Jow Forums is the place national integrity ruined pieces and post nonesense shit. that's why you are brainlet insects
please kys asap

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absolutely based, once they overtake australia economy then i return china and leave this horrible country to carry on family business selling australian property

>nip calling someone an insect
haven't you got work early tomorrow morning?

you do not have to leave, the Chineese government will come to australia to protect your collective assets.

Chinese are learning fast the tricks n ticks of kapitalism...and it's beautiful

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Doubt it. Chinese economy depends on America too much for it to happen. Trump's isolationist policies make it easier for the US to ditch all imports from China if needed, and the tarrifs war showed everyone that America is the dominant one. Ironically China needs American economy to be strong and healthy in order to keep exporting stuff to America.

>Trump's isolationist policies

too bad his ""ïsolationist policies"" are #israelFirst


gooks dont need amerifats, the rest of the world exist

Is this a list of trigger words for the Great Firewall?

I actually intended to say "protectionist".

>their fail ideology of... free market capitalism

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America is the only big country with big population that is also extremely rich. No other country/region is able to replace it. Also most other countries produce a lot of garbage domestically so they don't need chinese garbage at all, or at least not a lot of it.

>America is the only big country with big population that is also extremely rich

their wealth is fake, vatnik, all propped up by the credit card system,debt and the US military.

once the US $ is utterly worthless, this empire of cards will blow away into the wind. Already cold civil war has broken out in the US, its only a matter of time till it turns hot.

>calling others brainlets when he thinks what we have is a free market

Most modern countries are entirely reliant upon cheap Chinese labour for their relative luxury at low cost. Without China making and buying our shit, life would be a lot more expensive.
Both China and India are basically the factories of the world. These two countries also provide a huge supply of cheap wholesale parts used for the creation of other goods; even those made "domestically" are rarely fully domestically sourced for the parts involved.
Bangladesh also makes an extraordinary amount of clothing for the rest of the world.

>once the US $ is utterly worthless, this empire of cards will blow away into the wind.
Ahhh yes and México will be the most affected country if this happens

unsustainable rubbish that makes corporations in charge of your country
it might seem plausible now but once there are no resources to sustain the fail ideology and money becomes worthless it will come crashing down like the twin towers except the entire world

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How much does NAFTA impact the peso? Didn't Trump want to change it so the US gets a much, much more out of it than Canada and Mexico?
Maybe it was some other politician crying about being "ripped off".

mexico is already reclaiming their stolen clay, mexico will benefit most of all from USA's collapse. Next will be all those american debt slaves to the federal government whom are about to be set free.

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China will get absolutely fucked by automation and then it's just a matter of famine hitting the cities and the whole shebang collapsing after which we'll send the niggers and other mongrel races to rape and pillage the fuck out of you.

I'd like to see a list of those jobs and their share of the national income. That would be illumination, desu.

Really pissed at the fifth column asshats the government let in.

Send em back and let's start a cold war with china.

>Maybe it was some other politician crying about being "ripped off".
This, even Trump is not dumb enough to make México a worst shithole than it is right now

China has been going full pelt into factory automation, my American friend. There is still a large amount of labour which cannot be automated efficiently.

which ones?

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The full list of jobs defined for that percentage value.
Fucking wew lad.

>Winnie the Pooh
okay now this is BASED

NAFTA was a jew trick to make Mexico an unnofficial state of the USA, but kikes being the sneaky reptiles they are, have outfucked themselves and it backfired.

I honestly think Bush jr was a mexican agent.

Attached: george-open-borders-bush.jpg (257x241, 27K)

>a country of 1.4 billion is going to overtake a country of 320 million

Really makes you realize how shit Shitna is.

>once the US $ is utterly worthless, this empire of cards will blow away into the wind
Except it'll never happen, Ahmed. America has enough power and influence (both militarily and economically) to make the whole world collapse. Literally everyone understands it. Besides, changing the current dollar-based system would be extremely harmful and even disastrous to the whole world. Not to mention that everyone is totally ok with current American world and wouldn't want to replace it chinese or any other subhumans-led world.

>Except it'll never happen

it's already happening , you dumb r*ski, too bad youre just too low IQ'd to see the signs

China has always been this massive country that looks impossible to overtake but then the reality hits that no people on earth are more solidly mediocre than the Chinese and when people actually compete with them they fall apart in dramatic and spectacular fashion.

They are also intolerable.

I just set this on my steam account description )))

>muh black people

>it's already happening
No it isn't. China is already on its knees admitting the defeat in the trade war (just yesterday they officially reduced tarrifs on cars imported from the US and agreed to reduce tarrifs on most other imports, and not to implement any new tarrifs and quotas) while the US isn't lifting any tariffs they imposed.
Chinese military is a joke, even in so-called south china sea they are not the leading power.
China is just a huge meme.

easy for someone to say when they do not have to live with them

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>They are also intolerable.

This is the main secret to their success, it is called 'The French-like Snapping Dragon technique' -_-

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>"uggh this one picture will show him my ultimate argument why racism is good yes"
I can cherrypick any russian or even canadian city in the same way, so what?

>China is just a huge meme.
vatnik says this as Siberia is currently undergoing a huge geopolitical makeover and the local chinks there are demanding independence from moscow.

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black people ruin everything they touch in the same way that white people ruin everything they touch
the combination of the two will create the ultimate shithole (America)
both people are inferior subhumans and should be killed

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>both people are inferior subhumans and should be killed

well said

at least white people taste like delicious pork when you bite into their meat

blacks taste like roadkill doggo

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>Being triggered by the rise of China instead of embracing this new page in the history of the world

Thanks god we have chinaboo politicians here.

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he looks like the creatures in Act IV of Diablo II

>Hurr China is the science and technology hub of the world

Yeah like look at all the nobel prices these creative and innovative people must have won...

the noble piss prize is a politcal racket run by jews.

dont expect too many gentiles to "win" this hoax award

>all those piss prize "winners" and they still cannot cure cancer

Whop whop huwaito gills

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lol @ gif

it makes a my Mao Zedong grow mao long

the same nobel prizes handed out by western nations to western nations
does it feel good to pat yourself on the back? good thing China doesn't care about meaningless ''prizes'' lol

Did you know that china invented Paper and gunpowder

Why do you defend china so vigorously on the internet?

Do you enjoy pretending to be chinese for (You)s?