Why are women so powerful?
Even if men "make it" women are still powerful enough to control them and make them do what they want.
Why are women so powerful?
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men are more powerful because shorting is the only way to make money in Crypto now.
Shorting literally is the new paradigm of crypto.
I’m going to spread this on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube everything everywhere.
Everywhere and everyone, Short short short short short short!!!!!
Short to -$0 !!!
Until not even 1 penny is left and then the BTC ceo will owe me money :)
Did you not hear that everyone is shorting now?
Omg like shorting is brilliant! BTC will ofc go down forever.
You didn’t think that it would stop going down did you?
Didn’t you hear?
$5k by end of minute, $4k by end of hour, $1k end of day, and triple digits back to sub $100 end of week!!
Shorting is the best way to success!!
I’m writing a book on shorting.
Shorters, bears and bitmex foreverrrrrr and everrrrre!!!
Much better after formatting.
>That ID
My girlfriend is a VP at a small accounting firm and she's 6'3 and rules that shit with an iron fist, genuinely feel bad for all the people that report to her, she looks powerful AF in heels too.
Because pussy is the greatest feeling in the world.
ID said it
>being intimidated by a woman
Pussy is just that good man. I don't think we can ever escape it as men but you have to ask yourself honestly, would you even want to escape pussy ?
I recognize this hallway from pornhub
what's even the point of that picture on the left
going through all the trouble of setting up that shot just for a shitty cam picture
is this supposed to make us believe this is a candid shot of white eyed dude casually walking his bitches the way he normally does? kek indeed
women only do that because of money
men would do that for women for free
>women are still powerful enough to control them and make them do what they want.
flesh is weak and usually prevails
The reason men do all they do is because of pussy. Why work out? Drive that lambo? Live in that huge apartment? You even date pretty girls so other pretty girls get jealous and offer up pussy.
>women only do that because of money
so i prove to op that he is wrong
>men would do that for women for free
proof ?
Women only pretend to be powerful, even when they're in positions of authority they lack genuine power. If you've ever met these women, you'll know what I'm talking about because you can sense it around them even when they're acting tough and trying to "rule with an iron fist." People play along because they have to for their paycheck.
Same thing with "dominant" women. It's not authentic, only a gig. I've met three or four dommes who were secretly yearning to be submissive to the right guy (but due to their act always kept those guys away because they rightfully saw it as the red flag it is).
>them and make them do what they want
not if you're gay lole
Women have a vagina
Men have a penis
One is a soft hole the other a hard stick.
By nature men are dominant and powerful.
Women are powerful in other ways but their god mode is between 14-28 when everyone wants them (not the ugly ones).
Women who don't breed or get married by 28 are useless.
There are younger prettier ones, why would anyone want the old ones?
Men also have bigger brains and more muscle mass.
Don't underestimate women, they have amazing power levels. It's just most of them don't know how to harvest this power and also feminism and globalism making them weak by convincing them their strength is where it's not.
I want her to stomp on my dick
Woman have no power if you are gay.
Let that SINK in.
more like men gaying their own way hahahaha
i see what u did there :)
Is that the real goal of the gay agenda?
fucking cuck.
BTW, Shorting is the only way to make money in Crypto now.
Shorting literally is the new paradigm of crypto.
I’m going to spread this on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube everything everywhere.
Everywhere and everyone, Short short short short short short!!!!!
Short to -$0 !!!
Until not even 1 penny is left and then the BTC ceo will owe me money :)
Did you not hear that everyone is shorting now?
Omg like shorting is brilliant! BTC will ofc go down forever.
You didn’t think that it would stop going down did you?
Didn’t you hear?
$5k by end of minute, $4k by end of hour, $1k end of day, and triple digits back to sub $100 end of week!!
Shorting is the best way to success!!
I’m writing a book on shorting.
Shorters, bears and bitmex foreverrrrrr and everrrrre!!!
They might get their way with pathetic subhuman betas like you. Eugenics would bring about a wonderful time.
You're living proof of it.
women are only powerful on you fucking virgins. walk out of your basements and get a life
>OP am gays
But still even he has them on the rope he lurk for them. those one r fallen one, but still their pussies drives that fucker. despite they lose they still win.
How can women hold power over someone they've never and will never fuck?
go back to rk9 with this shit if women have any power over you then you are pathetic man
ol bruh thanks a lot, im in so fuckin anger lately with women's. thanks!!!
it's the idea. you've been a virgin once, right? didn't you do everything you could to have sex? that's their power.
do you know how much power women hold over a normal chad? zero. if a woman says no to the chad, he doesn't give a damn. he just finds another woman. half the female population wants to fuck anyway
>ITT: people astounded that cooperating requires compromise
How autistic can you get
They are not, stop being a faggot.
Never been a virgin, been getting fucked by life since birth. Yeah but I was an autistic 16 year old not a 24 year old man child, or worse a 32 year old retard. These fucks need to stop enabling this disgusting lifestyle.
There is an power imbalance nowadays. From an evolutionary standpoint, women needed to be careful whether to have sex and with whom, because they could end up pregnant and thus vulnerable and dependent. Men didnt have that risk.
So in a way, men want women more than women want men.
Fast forward to "modern" western societies - we have laws that take away most of the risk women face by #1 Birth control - so there almost no more risk getting pregnant and 2# Alimony and child support take care of her if they still do.
So the responsibilities of men were increased while the risks for women were mitigated.
Make my benis feel good :DDD
just don't be a huge beta faggot
take control of your life, and the women will come to you
they crave that shit
UwU in my ID i wanna die
women like clout, money, or hot looks. you only need 1 of the 3 to get the girl. they are not powerful you brainlet they are weak ass fuck. that is why they do degenerate shit.
holy shit, you guys are pathetic
u know the drill: tits or gtfo.
i'm a man, I'm just not ridiculously that dependent of female attention because I'm not a beta male
talk to hookers and shit after fucking them idk
very vague observation probably from a woman given its simplicity
sage, report,
the only hookers u pay for are those using Verge.
Because you give them power.
They are powerful enough to control weak minded beta cucks.
How do I stop being a weak minded beta cuck?
They aren't if you just ignore them.
u lift weights.
do u see beta cucks on the gym ? no
do u see fat people on the gym ? no
and dont masturbate. alpha male fucks. beta virgin touch himself watchin Japanese girls puke on each other. u dont wanna do that.
>being a male sub
being alpha is doing whatever the fuck you wanna do and not doing what some shitlord tells you to do lmao
u see?
this is a typical beta cuck who has never lifted any weights on a gym or in a so called "life". u can be be brain alpha - this happens when u achieve something or u can be physical alpha - this happens when u lift "weights" what ever fuckin they r: u run a marathon under 4 hours, u climb a huge fuckin mountain, u constantly doing >100km on a bicycle. tl;tr u become physically developed man.
i dont need to shit talk other to feel better about myself :^)
im waiting for my build so i have shit-time to talk.
I dont need to convince u to anything. im just saying that to become an alpha male u have to put tons of effort. there is no "smart" way of doing it. Ur muscles, the brain one or the physical one have to remember what have u done. effort and tears r the right way. Woman's hate effort, they hate cold, they hate heat, they hate doing any work. thats what makes us mans. being able to do fuckin lifts. and because u cant do them it means u r pussy. and u knwo the drill: tits or gtfo
cuz you're a weak bitch. get to the gym, go on an adventure, learn to tell a story... women will flock to you. stop making excuses, some of us are out here killing it because we are actually working on ourselves every day, every week, every month. you sir need to shut up that little bitch inside of you and go become someone who is proud to look in the mirror. grab your balls and get to work, on yourself.
I think you need to get out of the gym and pick up a book.
You again? Kys, you pathetic cuck.
>Why are women so powerful?
Because they have no capacity for a conscience. Its the origin of the adam and eve fable. This is why when presented with a system that facilitates lying, exaggeration, false claims such a family law or reporting of sexual offences they overwhelm it with false testimony, its not that women are in anyway 'powerful' their lack of a conscience or capacity for adhering to values is so weak that any society which was run by women would rapidly collapse. It is that we now operate in a society where lying has become completely normalised for women and there is a failure to address this aspect of women in legal systems and in that environment women are even more willing to lie. In a society that can thrive, one based on truth or ability women are unable to compete, when they force change in a society to facilitate their lying, that society collapses. They are far far away from being powerful, quite the opposite. They are literally incapable of having a stable successful society unless men run it.
>women are still powerful enough to control them and make them do what they want
Only if they are in a society where there is no penalty for false allegation, perjury and fictitious pretences (e.g. women make just as good infantry as men, there should be quota systems to compensate for female inability, lower standards for women etc)
If I'm getting laid properly & frequently, have at least 3 hours of free time a day without her & a reasonable lifestyle - I don't care.
Honestly the problem with women is they want to see how much they can get while never being happy until they destroy you. That's what you can't let happen.
>made it
>still not controlled by roasties
>no golddigger showed up at my door
seems like they don't want my money.