Attached: 0xbtcc.png (209x241, 5K)

Falling for a pump and dump before it has happened is one thing, but falling for it afterwards is a new level of retarded.

user, go and buy powh3d I, you're more likely to see a return

Attached: Hodlingon.png (680x418, 295K)

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true if big

0xBitcoincash is supperior, synonymously ao woth BTC/BCH ;)

Attached: Sad day.jpg (1014x1024, 73K)

>copypaste new concept
>make no changes
>butthurt when it isn't successful

Attached: 0xbchshitlord.png (1045x108, 16K)

1 put my one little eth I was saving on this at $3 reee

I have 3,300 0xBTC and want to reach 4,000. I also own 400 ETH. Time to accumulate. Thanks for the reminder.

What do your bags look like? Open up.

I only have 152 of these and thats it

Give it time, you'll be laughing your way to the bank soon. Throwing money at all the tramps on the street out of generosity due to your newly found wealth

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ....neat.

my pee pee is very stinky because i havent washed myself for 5 days :)

More like $100

>its the same discord group constantly shilling this shitcoin

When will you fucks just go away?

>When will you fucks just go away?

When you buy their bags, I suppose?

Just try to ignore the cunts.

>same tech
>cheaper price

dont be a moron and pay for 0xBTC at 4x the price.

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Hey SpydrZero what about you just kill yourself

What does that even mean?

0xBTC cucks are so stupid, it's embarrassing.

no premine

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lol neo