Face it, every other race craves white dick

face it, every other race craves white dick

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they both have great hairlines

>every other race
Yeah, just not white women lol


white males are only thought of as power bottoms in the fag community

leave the dicking to blvck bulls

every other race may crave white dick, but it sure isn't your white dick

oh no! not the white women

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Who cares? I'm more interested in her tits.


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btfo & /thread

all other races
every other race means each second race you dumb fucking nigger

Imagine being unironically attracted to n*****s

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god those full fucking titties

can confirm
t. faggot
>6.2 gods

Not if you're a fag I'm Asian and my bepper is 6"

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damn didnt know white women like CHIs better than every other minority

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talking about height

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>liking plastic gooks

Never blacks with nice tits. Theyre either really saggy or non existent. OP seems to have nice ones

Nobody craves my cock :'^(

hope she's 2.1 meters tall