
You can only post in this thread if your country was a colonial power.

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Epic thread

t. colony
you're not allowed in this thread

im first?

Does colonising iberia count x


Attached: finnish crusades.jpg (1024x483, 161K)

>be dutch
>be a spanish colony

We raped the philippines, do we count?

ni hao

thats not what a colony means

We've colonized Europe, Australia, and a chunk of East Asia since 1945. :^)

The conquest of funland by the kingdom of sweden happened during the middle ages, long before the age of discovery and colonialism. Learn to use historical terms in the proper context. As for "swedish" colonies in the new world, they were in reality mostly made up of volunteering finnish settlers. Actual swedes made up less than 20% of the original population of New Sweden, with the difference being made up by settlers from other countries like german states or netherlands.

in conclusion WE WUZ COLONISTS N' SHIT

>inb4 a million butthurt Finns, Eastern Europeans, Irish, and poos

wecre there still finns in new sweden when we added it to new netherlands? 0_0
there were fins jn our colony?

We were the colony

Posting for Canada

Ok retard

Actually most of the major support for US independence in the Revolutionary War was from butthurt Irish and Scots. Many Americans of English descent didn't want to rebel against the mother country.

In 1838 at a state dinner in Christiana, Norway, the head of The Hudson Bay Company was toasted by heads of state from around the world as "head of the most extended empire in the known world-the emperor of Russia, Queen of England, and the president of the United States excepted."
The HBC controlled one-twelfth of the world at that point in time.

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don't forget

Attached: NyaSverige.png (800x1164, 176K)

what year?

hah, losers, we waz kangz

and the A-H had some minor colonies so i can POST IN YOUR THREAD HAHA
based scots and irish, to hell with the english

>that colony looks an awful lot like a...
No surprise.


Doubt it considering Scots and Irish made up less than 10% of the free American population around 1790.

And 1673

i meant the map

The colonies were a really polyglot place. There were at least 20 different ethnicities residing in them by the 1770s and most had no particular attachment to the British crown.

Is this the power of American education?

British Americans made up 85% of your free population cira 1790, the overwhelming majority of them being of English decent. The rest were largely Scots Irish (Anglo Saxons from the English Scottish border)

Hello everyone.

I'm not sure, i just saw that on wikipedia but it does not seem to have a specific date attached to it, sorry.

ah okay

Considering a full third of the population were Loyalists and another significant chunk had no interest in the conflict either way I again find that hard to believe.

I know there are serious problems for American historians but sometimes I honestly think they just make it up as they go along

heh, nothing personal uralic languages cucks

reminder that we conquered and colonised papua new guinea from germany while still a colony

sup imperialist fellows
so what are relationships with ex-colonies like and how the general public see them today?
as you may know the relationships between japan and koreas are pretty bad, as opposed to that with taiwan.

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Ah yes, it's that same leaf who always posts the copypaste about how Americans are still taught 19th century yellow journalism about the War of 1812 in school.

What the USSR did was criminal, we might have subjugated half the world but at least we didn't try to destroy their cultures. Such a shame how much stuff is dumbed down now across the world because of russification

reporting in
>On December 27 1902, Austria-Hungary gained a concession zone in Tianjin as part of the reward for its contribution to the Alliance. The Austro-Hungarian concession zone was 150 acres (0.61 km2) in area, situated next to the Pei-Ho river and outlined by the Imperial channel and the Tianjin-Peking railway track. Its population was around 30,000 people. Order was maintained by 40 Austro-Hungarian marines and 70 Chinese militia (Shimbo).
>The self-contained concession had its own thermae, theatre, pawnshop, school, barracks, prison, cemetery and hospital. It also contained the Austro-Hungarian consulate and its citizens were under Austro-Hungarian, not Chinese rule. Despite its relatively short life-span, the Austrians left their mark on the area, as can be seen in the Austrian architecture in the city.

Attached: 1280px-The_villa_of_Yuan_Shikai_in_Tianjin.jpg (1280x960, 211K)