Apple Bans Crypto Wallets

AppLEL iCucks BTFO yet again. Could they possibly suck any greater volume of cock?

Attached: smartphone-1894723_1920[1].jpg (800x445, 44K)

Its what apple fags get for buying into a closed system.

Everyone I know is switching away from overpriced apple devices. Android is better AND cheaper.

God damnit fuck Apple

>allows wallets as long as they're not made by pajeets
>allows apps from exchanges
>bans non ICOs not compliant with US law, makes sense since Apple is American
>bans numerous scams

it seems pretty based to me

Anyone know if this will be approved on the app store?

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it is already

Fucking AIDS-ridden amerikike soiboi company only concerned with shoveling more niggers and shitskins in ads with their products. My next smartphone will be Xperia.

What the absolute fuck?

Basically this.
They banned mining apps and pajeet apps not using their secure frameworks.


I'd buy an Android phone if they didn't come loaded with bloatware from both manufacturers and carriers. Also, Pixel 2 was a disappointment, I wish Google had the balls to stand up to carriers instead of bending over and letting them creampie their asshole.

Google is so completely dissociated from reality that they will never release another good phone. Their only goal is to be as Apple as possible with their phones, but they can't since their whole engineering team shits in the street

Good. Only retard normies use their smartphones for crypto wallets. It's unsecure af.

Duck apple

if crytpo wallets are banned, how did the Ark wallet get approved to be listed?

Read the article. an article?? FUCK no whaty kind of nerd shit is that gtfo my face i only click on articles if it's EXCLUSIVELY pictures. i don't read articled writtenm by some fat nerd pushing up his glasses every 5 mins. tell me what i want to know. RIGHT. NBOW. and don't you tell me what to do EVER again little boy

>Age 4+

well, if youre holding any apple stock, now is as good a time as any to sell it. its only downhill from here.

Get a Sony, most minimal and clean UI out of them all

apple coin soon

(iv) Initial Coin Offerings: Apps facilitating Initial Coin Offerings (“ICOs”), cryptocurrency futures trading, and other crypto-securities or quasi-securities trading must come from established banks, securities firms, futures commission merchants (“FCM”), or other approved financial institutions and must comply with all applicable law.

>he has an iphone
>he hasn't jailbroken it
>he thinks he is going to make it

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Wipe out the bloatware and switch to a custom launcher like Nova on day 1 and you're all set. No more fruit prison.



Dumped my iphone 4 months ago couldn't be happier switching to android.

ARK is one of the few legit projects that will actually be a top-5 coin before 2020. They've been laying the groundworks for about a year now.

Can you imagine developing smart contracts on ARKvm that can communicate with every other chain outside of itself via smart bridging? This will elevate the entire cryptosphere to a higher level. If you're not buying at these price levels, you're a legitimate fucking retard.

v2 test net was just released for Ark, right? is there a date that the team has for implementing it onto the main net? or is that tba?

Huawei unironically makes the best phones now

it bans shitskin apps and apps for worthless ico shitcoins

if you're crying about this you got in way too late

>not buying a razer phone