why are people less interested in having sex nowadays?
Why are people less interested in having sex nowadays?
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kike run porn
because they already googled once and now they now duh
the jews. and the media run by the jew. and the dollar controlled by the jews. that is why. once food prices begin to rise that is when everyone will go full crypto.
are you saying, that the jews are behind this?
Everyone has autism
the recent crash of bitcoin coincided with a peak interest in jewish control over a 5 year period
its only a white phenomenon. black males have no trouble spreading their seed even when they are poor. Its almost as if whitness is just a construct based on financial hegemony.
Well, I'm not sure if it applies to everyone else but although I've had sex with a handful of women and a good amount of prostitutes, my reasoning is:
1) Porn addiction
2) Feelings of inferiority - I have an average dick and prematurely ejaculate. As a result, I know deep down I won't be able to fulfill a woman fully. Sure I can eat her out and all that. And with all the porn and all these women who are on Snapchat looking up to these celebrities and shit, they're all expecting the highest quality man just because they're a female.
Basically seems like there is more pressure on men to perform well
3) Figuring out what I want to do in life. I can't worry about a girlfriend or getting pussy. Maybe if I have a great job I can entertain that possibility again. But the past couple years has just been hook ups really.
Anyways, that's my faggot blog post
>how to have sex
How is this a thing, how hard is to a put dick inside a vagina?
search for how to pickup a girl, them we will see if people actually dont want sex
>Business & finance
because degenerates already know how to have sex now early 2000s people were more pure they were kind of puzzled by sex
Cost of living and quality of living go up
Procreation goes down
People would rather work and spend their time off on something THEY want to do, not domeone else
>why are people disinterested in getting aids and trapped into child support for life for the chance to put their peepee into a roastie
That's not even a joke. Amounts of socially awkward people are skyrocketing.
Its engineered.
Exibit A:
How many movies are from the perspective of weak willed nervous cucks as opposed to chads. Im talking movies where one is supposed to relate to the character, such as high school flix etc
Because Marxist/leftist ideology have saturated American culture. The line between male and female has blurred so women are no longer feminin and males are no longer masculine. I’m personally not attracted to bang a manly women. That’s why the trap phenomenon is mooning. I’d buy stocks in traps if they were trading on Robin Hood.
I have the perfect solution for your 2).
2 hours before sex dose yourself with 5-10 grams of kratom and a cialis.
You will be able to fuck for 1 hour+
Lol at looking up "how to have sex". Your real question should be why are virgins less interested in learning about sex on the internet.
boomer cope
>All white people states
This is interesting
No one wants to fuck modern women anymore except virgin neets, chads and normies have had enough of the shit and would rather have a life than deal with muh consent and muh alimony
This is so stupid. All the things you don't like are a Jew conspiracy. I'm surprised you don't throw vegetables and family court judges in there.
"bcash is for newfags"-like post
Gas yourself.
people are reading culture of critique
This lel. I'd be more worried if this search trend was rising.
This is a trad board
We're only interested in sex for procreation with our virginal wife
As the Lord intended
>work for life for Silverstein so your offspring will work even harder for Golderg
Kek, stop pretending that you own other people's lives. They will live their best years free and enjoying our short lives.
Who the fuck enjoys being old? seeing your grandsons visiting you 1 time per month won't change anything.
Who says my kids are going to work in the "traditional" marketplace?
Vegetables and family courts are, in fact, Jewish conspiracies.
>t. carnivore
incel here
i gave up on getting a gf, kids and sex because i lost the genetic lottery
anime girls are kinder to me anyway
It's true kratom makes your orgasm delayed. And in a smaller dose its has stimlike effects that can help you slay that pus.
For #2 to fix premature ejaculation: if you cum let's say in 1 minute.. Try to cum in 30 secs on the dot
>how to have sex
wrong conclusion, m8
>I’d buy stocks in traps if they were trading on Robin Hood.
Invest in companies that make trap consumer products. There has to be trap designed costumes, or sex toys, or whatever.
You're an user. Get creative, you lazy nigger.