China building state-owned exchange which won't list foreign cryptocurrencies. bullish af

China building state-owned exchange which won't list foreign cryptocurrencies. bullish af

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Who will buy their coins if not westerners and poojets?

Will it have NEO trading pairs?

their own citizens
most likely

Ancient proverb say, “One small wind can raise much dust.”

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>they think it's going to be NEO
sorry to break it to you anons

Mfw this is actually a recipe

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bought neo yesterday. comfy as fuck

what how can u read this shit

It'll be VEN pairs. Screenshot this.

Anybody that thinks China isn't in blockchain is a fucking tard. These explicitly stated that they want to be the leader in blockchain technology in the next 5 years. How much do you want to bet that these exchanges will only offer coins for China based projects?

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Hpb bbn neo fsn cpc lrc godtier holds

velly innlovtive sinking flom china


In case people are looking for a source/sceptical:

dont get your panties wet faggots, no foreign traders either


And what is the chinese governments favourite coin? NULS BABY, wtf i might actually make it


how would you know faggot

If anyone is looking for an obscure chinese coin check out Energo (TSL)

only 2 cents atm

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our boy
so fucking obvious anons

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Nobody is going to deal with goverment owned and organized exchanges as long all current exchanges still exist. The whole point of crypto is to escape goverment and buy drugs, cp and avoid chinese capital controlls.

don't forget ela

and QTUM

Holy fuck TRX is gonna be huge!!

QLC is not a dapp on NEO (or soon wont be)...its called “QLC Chain” now for a reason. Read the yellowpaper, its all about the completion of the QLC chain based on block lattice technology (some Nano tech incorporated) so its scalable and other features. QLC is its own chain now. Its even turing complete with smart contract capabilities in multiple languages. In fact its the first chain of its kind to incorporate smart contracts into the block lattice tech (didnt make much news on the big subs like r/cryptocurrency but its actually kind of a big deal in terms of innovation imo).

now this makes sense, the chinks scammers rush to make copies of all known western cryptos

hence why it's not a good idea to automatically shit on china based projects. China is unique in that they don't need any other market involved to make projects successful. Chinese like to use their own platforms and it fucking works. There's a reason companies like tencent are massive on a global scale, yet poorly known outside the country. use this to your advantage and profit.

Where my RLC nibbas at?

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Yea, the G3 is the way to go. ELA, NEO and Bitmain are all partners. NEO also brings ONT

why are you all so stupid
actually laughing

>pic related
connections matter

Look into Nuls boys

who is that faggot tell me now

Jim Breyer (left), Pres. Xi Jinping (right)

Unironically, it will be. Justin Sun bought BitTorrent. Tron won't be vaporware for long.

They just about managed to buy them.
BitTorrent. A company that's basically dead lmao.

RLC is french, dumb frogposter

>foreign cryptocurrencies
Like having a non chinese leader, or 51% of team non chinese, or 51% of funds not chinese? So you be saying they want an exchange of totally centralised cryptos. An exchange for relational databases controlled by super admins. Wow, where do I sign for such an advance technology that will put the rest of the world in its knees?

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>gook speak

Are you retarded?

Wow you circled Ching Chong admist ping pong. Surely investing now

It's french/chinese.

buy BTG and NEO?

It's going to contain all chinese coins.
t. brainlets