Did anyone else listen to the EOS FUD and end up missing out on being part of the snapshot...

Did anyone else listen to the EOS FUD and end up missing out on being part of the snapshot? You said it was a fucking exit scam you goddamned pajeet kikes, now I'm not going to get any airdrops even if I buy in

Attached: peterschiff.png (215x300, 65K)

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BUMP you fucking niggers lied to me. If this project actually gets off the ground the snapshot is going to be used forever

Attached: thatfeelblackpill.jpg (482x427, 36K)

pump and dump
do not FOMO at the top

It's >50% below the top you dumb nigger, it's pumping on the main net launch when it was supposed to dump. Why is Jow Forums full of fucking pajeet scammers who lie through their teeth

what retards listen to "FUD" of the top10 coins anyway?

not in satoshies

In satoshis it's down 30% from its ATH and why the fuck would it go down more when all the bullshit about scams and ERC-20 tokens has been proven wrong? Jesus fuck the average IQ on this board is sub 90.

soo, where is EOS traded, not the erc token, but the real deal?

Expect 85% drop in sat from ATH.

It was and is going to dump once deposits are enabled
>the absolute state of

It's already the 3rd most traded currency even without withdrawals open. There's over $1 billion worth of daily volume. I'm never listening to you dumb fucking niggers again.

well that is crypto for you, it does not even exist but it is the 3rd most whatever

are subhumans like me who held on binance getting the airdrops?

Listen it's not that difficult to understand. All the day traders who wanted to dump the mainnet launch kept their tokens on exchanges. That's where the trading volume is coming from and why the volume didn't even decline once withdrawals/deposits were frozen. All the people who withdrew their tokens and registered them are the ones who wanted to participate in the voting process and actually use the network, not day traders. It's not fucking rocket science.

what does this mean, it means it is 90%+ speculation, they are waiting for suckers to dump onto

It means that there is >$1.5 billion worth of institutional money staked on the network. The dump already happened you fucking nog.

if it happened dumb asses like you will never even look eos's way. You are a sucker !

>All the day traders who wanted to dump the mainnet launch kept their tokens on exchanges.
You ignored those that want to be in the genesis snapshots for airdrops, OP is a case in point.

Whats the deal with the genesis snapshot? So if you buy tokens from now on you don't get airdrops?
I've been waiting for the mainnet dump to load up, should I just not bother now?

Attached: return_to_normal.png (794x729, 67K)

I tried to warn you cunts, EOS attracts especially strong hatred from pajeets in discord groups because for the longest time there's been a seedy underground business on biz of buying up extremely low cap masternode coins and shilling these bags for (((staking rewards))) and EOS is about to basically put an end to all of these PoS coins because dPoS is fundamentally better.

>Implying everyone isn't waiting for suckers to dump on.

Yeah EOS will dump user, from 50 USD to 30 KEK.

>So if you buy tokens from now on you don't get airdrops?
Yes, they made the airdrop thing just to reduce pre-mainnet dump. It's pretty scammy honestly
everything is going up now user, you would have a case for gloating if eos was up 30%

>Yes, they made the airdrop thing just to reduce pre-mainnet dump. It's pretty scammy honestly
Who made what airdrop thing? ICO's can do whatever the fuck they want. They don't have to use the snapshot but they will because it's a better distribution than they'll be able to come up with.

>hurrrrrrrrrr everything I don't own is a scam
Fucking double digit niggers at it again.

i dont think so
i mean, that would be kind of dumb as it would reduce the incentive to hold eos, right?

Give it a few more days. Either way I'm up 50% (I'm that fag who 5x leveraged EOS)

I think that's the question everyone wants to know the answer to. Bcs thats what i did. Hoping for a miracle

if one exchange gives the users the EOS airdrop tokens, others will have to follow suit, otherwise theyll lose users forever.

also, just to be sure: you do get airdrops without being in the genesis snapshot, by holding eos at the date of airdrop, right? sorry for the dumbass question but im writing my masters and have been living under a rock for the last months

Some use the snapshot, others don't. airdropsforeos.com/

thanks, user

>lock your funds for worthless airdrops
>deposits open
>dumps 30%

Ok I think some airdrops use the snapshot, but some won't. It looks to be about 50/50 at the moment if I'm reading the site correctly, so holding the token won't be completely useless kek