Genius among autist

so my friend is down 50btc and then he sold at the bottom last night and he wants to kill himself now looking at all the greens

i told him to be stop being an emotional dipshit and stay focus to look for chance to come back

anons what would you do if you were him.

Attached: 1516754814061.jpg (750x927, 72K)

press "S" to shit on his nocoiner grave.

Attached: 1459576084608.jpg (992x710, 80K)

get these sloots to brap in my face


Tell that fucking retard to rebuy at a slight loss before it becomes as huge loss
12k EOM

he still holds 150btc, but he has a time limit to use them.

gib whores

Attached: gib.gif (480x270, 3.55M)

sauce please

Those are some fine, purebred braphogs.

>he doesn't jailbreak the timer with the ledger

I wish that was me...


find some thot who is a cokehead and ask her to bring a friend over for house party, didnt even cost me much

Attached: 2475246424298749827.jpg (640x805, 43K)

I think that this is a very short amount of time for BTC to be going up to think it can't go back down again even within the next hour or two. Until this shit breaks 20k we are still bear.


post moar brother

> Friend just sold $300,000 worth of Bitcoin & he's sad

>doesn't know how to image search
Hi newfag

have you actually tried?

why do you have to make yourself look so retarded?

this only works if you're at least a chadlite

>friend just sold 1,000,000 worth of bitcoin for 300,000

show him this picture and that it's going to go down after temporary bounce

Attached: Capture.png (1556x910, 97K)


>he still holds 150btc, but he has a time limit to use them
lol wat, are they going to self destruct if he doesnt spend them on shitcoins

How did he accumulate so much bitcoin while being that retarded? Please explain.

he has too much in it to be comfortable with
put all his btc on paper or usb sticks or whatever, take it offline
this will take away the impulse because he's obviously an emotional trader that can't handle the stress
you know it, he knows it
if you believe in the tech you know it'll be fine

he's clearly levaraging, or the BTC aren't actually his, might be investor money or w/e

but my guess is, he borrowed them on bitfinex, and shorted yesterday with 3.6x leverage, it can roughly work this way there

He sodl? Pamp it!

where are the graphs brainlets drew in LAST june?
protip: none of them predicted even the first bullrun to 4k.
browse some Jow Forums archives.

he also must be super close to getting liquidated