Why do normies eyes lose life in them if you bring up crypto...

why do normies eyes lose life in them if you bring up crypto? brought it up to a friend who was wondering what he can do about his money problems today and he wanted to change the subject fast.

whats wrong with some people?

do they hate money?

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because its a pyramid scam

90% of people are exceedingly risk averse and unwilling to take risk to better their situation. He was just bitching, with no intent at even attempting to better himself.

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Because they're ignorant. But that's a good thing. You buy early and they buy your bags later.

More people lose money than gain in crypto, there is a stigma because of that (and because of what they're told). I mean ffs in Korea there have been suicides by college students and shit because they lost everything when they bought near the top in Dec/Jan

Indeed, normie lives are ruled by stigma.

Also many people are being taken advantage of based on the prospect of making money, that is why there are "crypto gurus" and "secret methods to make money with crypto" being advertised on YouTube and social media

Crypto can be boring if you don't have a computer science/engineering background. lots of people are risk-averse with their money (see: millennials paying for shit in cash rather than credit cards with rewards)
we'll see more normies fomo in if bitcoin ever goes back to 10k.

They don't have balls. I asked a m8 to pick a random shitcoin for me to gamble on and he was scared to pick.

>money problems
>recommends a non-cashflow long-term hold asset like crypto
Kill yourself.

finally an interesting thread on biz
what makes me wonder is how people approach me about crypto
one girl at uni always comes with the news, like "so the bitcoin price wa smanipulated?" but when i want to go into detail, she stops engaging
another friend just asked me "so, how is your bitcoin career going?" and i told him im going to keep buying, according to plan
then the convo on the topic stops
i think most people want to test the waters by saying something "controversial" but really, deep down, they know that there is something more to crypto currencies that they dont understand
when i tell them why decentralization, in my opinion, is important as it weakens the state and strengthens individuals and free trade, i get empty stares again. i dont know, man. i usually go the route of arguing for crypto in a "look at the failed currencies of africa or south america - why would you trust state money above nerd money?"

thats what im seeing too
when bitcoin was 15k usd a friend of mine bought in heavy, with borrowed money. he rode it down and lost about two thirds, and then fucking sold, and now doesnt want to talk about the topic anymore
what the fuck, man. its just counter intuitive, but i tell people to buy when it just lost 20% value
they look at me like im insane. am i insane?

>hey look at me like im insane. am i insane?
I think a little bit of insanity helps in this shit.

>so how is your bitcoin career going
Did he mean that in a smug way? I don't talk to very many people about my investments. Most of the people I know I assume are buttcoiners. They only bring up crypto whenever "muh bubble finally popped" like this week when it dropped $1k.

Very very true normies are only buying TOP 100 shit shilled in YT and reddit. The only way making money the last 6 months was swing trading low mcap shitcoins

normies want to give their money to someone and get 5% returns in return for not having any responsibility.

it hekps. i made the plan to keep buying throughout 2018, so thats what ill do. the risk of losing a year of savings is worth the potential gain.
im not sure. i think many ask in a derogatory manner but really they want to understand why im so convinced of this stuff. reason is my lack of trust in fiat, so that one doesnt sit well with most, as most people are statist and look up at the government to solve their problems.
yeah, this "bitcoin is down, isnt it?" shit is boring. i can tell them "i did a 3x on bibox this week" but that just means concepts they dont understand, and most people shut off
its just, i dont know. for me, pandoras boy has been opened. i want to move abroad to brazil, a country ravaged by inflation. when i get there, and i need to buy anything under the table, ill use crypto. some people told me to be careful, not disclose im holding. i obviously will only trade with people i trust, and being scared really doesnt help anyone in this fight, does it? by "fight" i mean the struggle for a world in which governments dont print fucking money and rob their citizens, again and again

and no risk, which is the part i dont get. the moment you give anybody your money is the moment you risk losing it all. the promise of low returns is not related to lower risk in any way

You take the opposite end of that trade. That's how you get rich.

The masses buy at the top when even your grandma is talking about it.
Smart money buys at the bottom (like now-ish) when only self-research & an independent mind can guide you.

I can relate to this. I have this friend looking to get in.

He would ask about specific coins (crap like LTC). And how some stuff works.

But every single time I go into detail actually explaining shit or sharing resources where he can learn more, he gets that blank stare and loses interest. Then comes back couple days later.

I now only answer in the most simplest terms and change topic unless e wants more. I don't want him to see me as some smartass knowitall.

late adopters that realize they're late adopters and dont want to jump in now

biz is full of late adopters that don't rezlize they're late adopters

Crypto is the Bloodborne of finance.
Relatively niche market.
You get rekt constantly until you git gud.
If you haven't years of experience in the field (Souls Series) its an extremely difficult game
Most people that actually get into it cannot beat it.
Insanely rewarding if you master it.
You can only git gud if you actually love the game.

thanks, sometimres i need people telling me its not crazy. i just wish i was a bit more patient. i started buying at 7500 us, down to where we are now. oh well. today, a friend told me "dude, its over, people already got rich off of bitcoin years ago", as if this was a fad. if this whole weird project succeeds, all international commodities will be priced in bitcoin derivatives. i mean, why would china trust the usd, or want to hold any, right?
exactly. people tell me stuff like "bitcoin is outdated because fees are high, so why would you buy it? thats dumd"
theyre parroting the shit that mainstream media, like this oliver dude, tell them
i think the scale of some of these international organizations, and their reach, and future power, go above what many want to imagine, because it means that times are changing

whenever i talk to my friend about crypto they just thing this is some betting sport
all the answers are something like
like, "but you can always lose it all, dunno man, dont wanna risk it"

they dont understand that its much easier to get rich than poor if you have half a brain

you mean you need to learn to love the pain? haha

If you have years in the market you are pretty comfy Desu.
Only new players are getting their asses handed to them.
My point still stands

People are lazy as fuck. I don't know how many people have asked me how to buy crypto, only to not follow through. It's too hard and complicated waaaah whine.
Anything that requires more effort than jerking off to porn, binge watching Netflix and ordering takeout is out of reach to the average person. Learning how to use myetherwallet, a nano ledger or binance may as well be rocket science.

In my admittedly limited experience regular people just can't distinguish between price action and the underlying asset. Which mostly stems from bitcoin not being tangible. They use the old ponzi argument and if I point out that speculation on the asset does not somehow invalidate the asset they still go hurr durr price.

Your buddy is clueless. But even professionals/academics don't know what they're talking about.
That's why they're not rich. Money talks. If you're making big money, you know what you're saying.

Bitcoin is fine for a gold substitute investment (store of value investment). But there's other projects with more growth potential.

Exactly, and on top of that, they might end up only losing money, so they won't do it. I considered getting a close friend of mine into things because I'm long-term bullish, but he would have ended up being in the red as of right now and probably would have sold (or worse, get upset at me lol)

>non cashflow
>he doesn't know about omg

I LITERALLY called my gf out for that a few weeks back. She ASKED a question and as soon as I started to answer she could not keep eye contact, glazed over and started doing “half listening” body language.

I was like: YOU fucking brought it up!!!

So I decided I’d never engage about crypto again until last night (god bless her sweet retarded soul) I was in a shitty mood from the dump, and also other factors, and as we were goong to bed she says:

“Are you mad because bitcoin chose to list etherium classic instead of your coin?”

I hugged Her so tight and gave her an A++ for effort and explained it was “Coinbase” , and no lol no one cares about ETC...but I was just so warmed by her effort. She had researched normie news about it and said that completely unprompted.

I'm sure you do just as much research as her to spell it "etherium"

lol that's actually kind of cute.

>she could not keep eye contact, glazed over and started doing “half listening” body language.

that's because she didn't understand you mong. you're a crypto autist and she knows nothing

Be glad that you understand that risk means opportunity.

i consider myself slightly below average (intellect) and i figured that out because i wanted to
its a lack of interest
do they fail to see the bigger picture of rampant fiat failure in world economies such as india, brazil, argentina, etc? tis jsut two dots you need to connect here, right?

put your money where your mouth is
probably one of the most powerful sayings i know, and i still wonder what the fuck money really is

Don’t give financial advice to friends/strangers.

That should be taught in schools, had to learn it the hard way.

I've created a group on telegram to gather people interested in trading anf crypto..
@learningta no garbage shilling and a lot of content. Looking for guys like you so we can engage in daily discussion.

there is a currency called etherium, praying on retards. its still the wild west. i started buying when bitcoin was just below 2000 usd, just at the bubble takeoff
i thought we had, maybe, another 3 months of wild west
turns out its still deep, uncharted sea

True, user, none of this shit is complicated. I should have said learning how to use myetherwallet, a nano ledger or binance may as well ask them to scale mount Everest.
It all comes down to a lack of effort and discipline. You can still do a lot of things with an average or slightly below normal IQ, as long as you work hard and learn discipline.


>“Are you mad because bitcoin chose to list etherium classic instead of your coin?”
I hope you ate her asshole for being so adorable. marry that girl, user

they wanted to make fun of you for investing in crypto. it's not that they know deep down that there is something more to it, it's that they don't care at all. the world will progress, doesn't matter if they care or not. don't try to be a missionary, there is no reward for that.

eatin ass

this thread is slowly but surely sliding into degeneracy

i wanted to ask you anons for an opinion. if you had to bet, how long will it take for commodities like oil, or steel, to be traded in bitcoin?

>tfw you remember when you started crypto and you told your friends you made $200 when ether went from $14 to $40
>tfw they were all quiet and changed the subject right after
>tfw they could have made mad gains if they only listened
My only regret is not investing my dad's money when he told me he thought about putting a couple thousand into Bitcoin when it was around 2k. Oh well.

dont think, so. thought about this, and you might be right, but some are genuinely interested, its just that id have to start at zero, like "why does money have value?" for them to understand why fiat cant work
i didnt notice but i spent a huge amount of time researching this and im still at fucking zero

dude, when i gave my dad half a bitcoin mid 2017 he told me the following

"you should sell it because every time i invest in something, it goes down. im just not lucky with those things"

i love the man to death but that reply surely did suprise me. i guess he got burned by at some point and took it personal

Normies can't stand the thought of people they know making easy money. They'll idolize those who do on their screens, though

How did it turn out for him?

bullshit. maybe there is a market that is easier to trade but I'm not aware of one. you clearly have no idea how efficient other markets are. try to trade forex if you want to get raped.

I loved bloodborne but thats a game of instinct not intelligence

are you saying crypto is about all innin on a random shitcoin shilled?

I experience this too. If I say blockchain they go "Hmmm?" but if I mention bitcoin its instant disinterest. Fucking plebs.

Still too risky for normans.

> Why would anyone trade "real" money for internet money?
> Why would I trade real money for Bitcoin? Wasn't Bitcoin worth like $20,000 last year? Why is it so cheap now?
> What the hell is an internet wallet?
> Wait, how do I use this internet wallet?
> Why is there a bunch of numbers and letters, you mean I can't create my own username?
> So, if I don't remember all of these numbers and letters I could lose all of my internet money forever?
> Why would I write down all of this shit, isn't the point supposed to be that it's all online? I thought we were supposed to be moving into the digital world, why would I need to carry these slips of paper?
> What's the point of trading in my real money for internet money if I'm still going to be carrying around paper money in my wallet?
> Wait, I barely know how this wallet works and you're telling me that someone could just hack/steal my computer and take it all?
> How would I get my internet money back if it's stolen?
> Seriously, there's absolutely no way to get stolen internet money back AND there's no way of finding out who took it?

It's easy for us (For the most part) because we have taken the time to learn it and expose ourselves to it. There are still a lot of obstacles that must be overcome to make crypto more normie friendly.

She's taking an interest in your hobbies.

Give her the good dick tonight, user.

he kept it
later told me to buy some more for him, we talked abou t it, and i bought him some ethereum

he is the one who gave me a deep distrust in anything government, so thats fine, i guess

I’ve been trying to convince 2 friends to buy LINK to no avail. One is going to be making bank in a few years so he doesn’t need LINK too badly, but the other is poor as fuck from a shit family. I’ve explained it to him and how big it is but he just doesn’t get it. It’s kinda sad, but I guess some people just aren’t meant to be rich

its been around for so long yet they always told themselves "i missed the boat" and looking into it now is hurtful, i guess

which is such a shitty way to behave. someone called it a "white beld mentality". just assume you know shit about everything, so that everything is interesting

I manage cryptofolio for 10 people (family and old friends) and basically everyone told me that they are just not smart enough to trade and shit and would prefer to just give me the money.
In return I get a cut every time I cash out.
Funniest thing is it was my mother who convinced me to invest about a year ago.
Normies can smell the money but they are too stupid or scared to act.

Also, a lot of people just don’t like talking about money-related matters. People who invested in bitcoin are either millionaires or broke right now, it’s a touchy topic

> I bought him som Ethereum

Glad to hear, has your dad's investing perspective changed since then? Sounds like he should have made some decent money

id say thats the inability to detach the individual and its action from the topic in general
people ask you "so how is YOUR crypto adventure going?" instead of asking "so, what is this whole thing actually about?"
its a simple way of looking at life when one always tries to pick an angle

Nope. I mean that once you git gud you can beat the game with any weapon.
Picking the coin according to the situation and switching when needed comes naturally once you have enough experience

Forex is the Fortnite of finance

fortunately, or unfortunately, however you want to see it, my dad doesnt care too much about money. we have by no means ever been rich, but we havent struggled in the last ten years. the biggest problem is that all the material on blockchain is in english, and he is portuguese, so its difficult for me to get him to gamble on shitcoins haha
what was fascinating for me to see was that once i told him that bitcoin is deflationary and governmed by math instead of rich fucks in suits, he was sold immediately. his father saw three currencies fail and hedged in gold, so i guess this sort of paranoia runs in the family

I don't know any of those games.

your dad seems like a good guy, keep him

Eat her pussy good. She earned it.

The lies you people tell yourselves.

It's definitely a lack of understanding thing. I'm still trying to navigate crypto and I've only bought about $300 worth but it's intimidating to a lot of people. They know it's a thing and want to learn about it but when they try by asking questions the learning curve seems too high. When people ask you about it what they're really trying to get is some magical instantaneous understanding of how it all works. That's my theory anyway.

thats one of the biggest dilemmas of my life
i want to see whats out there yet i want to spend time with him
good thing hes so hard headed that he gets on my nerves, and i on his, after a short while, haha

makes sense
you will get buttfucked a couple of times
best advice i can give you, and behold, because im a noob, too, is to think twice when you get that itch to buy
usually, the worst buys were those where i was excited, and usually the best buys wouldve been when i was hating on crypto


I went to my sister's house the other day. She's just finishing her masters and got accepted in a Phd program. She is a typical reddit retard and lefty goon. She's has 100k (at least) in student loan debt and has maxed out her credit cards. So I ask her about crypto and tell her it'd be worth putting any money that she can spare into it, and that I know some good projects that will give great returns. She tells me she's way to broke for that and that she can't spare even $10 per week.

Then she procceeds to order a $20 meal from takeout, whereas I've been eating can beans and leftovers from my wife's restaraunt for the last 6 months just so I can put every spare dime into crypto.

I hate normies so much.

tell her she's a stupid fucking cunt

When I was in high school, a friend I had (not rich, but definitely middle-class or above) confessed to spending thousands of dollars hanging out with friends over the summer. Habitually they spent $20-$30 on eating out alone. I blew threw a hundred in total over the few times I joined them

>for me, pandoras boy has been opened.

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Habits are hard to break.

through a hundred*

ive been on the same road for awhile now
chicken organs and rice
oats with butter
mashed potatoes with fried onions
i feel guilty when i spend two euros on ice cream
recently ive been earning cash in hand, so my eating has become a bit more expensive, but how do you stay sane and save at the same time?

she has amaying eyes

Why would you eat canned beans thinking you're saving money you brainlet? The canned beans are already cooked and have all the water absorbed, they're way more expensive than the uncooked versoin.

You can get around 3500 calories for $1 worth of uncooked beans which can last you a day or two, whereas you'll get like 850 calories (just looked at a can at home) for $1 worth of cooked canned beans which is a rip off

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faggot, answrer this instead
we all know that dried legumes are chad food for rich people who prefer to lose it all in crypto

how do you stay sane trying to eat on two/three bucks a day?

>recently ive been earning cash in hand, so my eating has become a bit more expensive, but how do you stay sane and save at the same time?
>how do you stay sane trying to eat on two/three bucks a day?
not the other user. shitpost on Jow Forums

Look up recipes. My sister uses a slow cooker every week and she makes pretty good food, usually with meat, rice/pasta involved.

Literally take off eating crap you don't need that are more expensive than anything else

>chicken organs

I've simplified what I've eaten to mainly beans and rice with some other ingredients like vegetables sometimes. This has been my staple for nearly two years and it's the best food ever, I never get sick of it even after eating it every meal of every day (and I spend less than $1 a day on all the food I ate that entire day) plus you can eat whatever other food whenever, but mainly it's beans and rice are #1

pic related less than $1 of beans and rice and less than $1 of frozen vegetables mashed together. Ingredients and everything can vary so much just from beans and rice alone, so it never gets boring.

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I seen you in other threads shilling your diet.
Good job on the frugal lifestyle. keep optimizing!

this is exactly the kind of food my gf likes to eat, so maybe youre onto somethng

>why do normies eyes lose life in them if you bring up crypto?
They don't understand what crypto is. You're overloading their brains with new information.

Because he doesn't know what it is or how it works, so he wants to change the subject to avoid looking dumb

Your GF is right.

>hasn't gotten gud
its the year of luigi + 5 ffs.

Just wait for the fun part when they start asking for money. Lefties especially feel entitled to wealth that they didn’t earn

Koreans anhero at the drop of a hat though anyway.

This gives me hope that there are plenty of good people here

Because people are destined to be poor, and constantly blame their own inaction on others.

'Ehhhh i work hard at wagecucking and spending money on frivilous things on a credit card' whilst in the next breath complaining about the greedy bankers and the 1%

Honestly people don't care. December brought a shit ton of noobs as all they saw was an opportunity to double their money. The amount of convos I had in nightclubs, randomers etc about crypto, and the actual insight the vast majority of said people had into crypto was ridiculous.

Crypto is mainstream, it's just no one cares until it's pumped. They buy bear bags and just think 'SCAM'.

Honestly normie mindset (as a classification of people) is not financially literate - Normies as a class are very risk adverse and lazy, and take 0 accountability.

This is what you're trying to convince.

(equally 'they' have other priorities, and experiences you will not have etc)

I eat dried lentils but canned black beans miniimize my time away from the screen. Honestly saving $.12 per meal is inconsequential to me. Easting a meal of black bean soup with rice and an egg costs about $1 to make.

I have a vegetable garden and my wife is making good money but she's facing legal trouble and deportation. I'm working on starting a farm- getting fired from my corporate wagecuck sjw congolomerate has made me never want to work for anyone else again. I just keep my mind off food.

Because a significant number of cryptocurrencies have lost 75-90% of their value in a few month span?

Because the language used in these community is basically incomprehensible to normal human beings?

Because the perception people have of cryptocurrency is that it's filled with scams and con artists trying to take your money?

Because making one tiny mistake can cost you all your money?

It's not like it's totally obvious that you should be spending all your time buying this shit. If you invested at any time in the last six months you're likely down a lot.

>Lefties especially feel...
More retarded American identity politics. You don't even have any left wing over there moron, you have the Party of the Elite, and the Other Party of the Elite.
And you get to pick between them once every 4 years, congrats!

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>using " identity politics"

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