finally accumulated 2mil of these
i'm set
finally accumulated 2mil of these
i'm set
Better buy some vodka to numb the coming pain.
2 Mil RLX and you coulnd't afford more pixels on your image?
Must be a really shitty coin.
see you two retards @ 1$
how do u figure
nah i just puush'ed it and it fucked up the reso
Price predictions for EoY and end of 2019?
$5 by 2020
30 cents could be possible if things go to plan
I have 2million mg of silver. My bags are going to fucking ruin your pathetic 2million shares of an imaginary super-fiat monopoly money
This will end up just like blocksquare
nope, relex doesn't tokenize real estate like blocksquare does
not super-fiat monopoly money or even a currency coin lol, why even talk about shit you have no idea about just makes you look really dumb :/
Its actually 20million mgs but that didnt sound cool. 650oz whatever. Why dont you put your money into something valuable
I know exactly what it is, child. You would honestly be better served having fucking world of warcraft currency. It is the definition of fiat....Dumbfuck
kill yourself boomer you're clueless
Jesus you are THOROUGHLY unlikeable. Also, showing off $11k of silver? Toppest of keks. Congratulations, we're all very proud of you.
Who cares what the coin does, look at what the team is doing. Simple demand from usage of the token will drive the price to insane levels.
Thanks. I was trying to find something with the same quantity . i couldve gone with dimes. Pennies? It dont matter. You fucking crypto faggots seriously make my heart happy. I love the thought of retards losing their money. Good luck with your make believe shit. Faggots
And his money is soon parted
Boasting in mgs to make your holdings seem bigger. Compensating much?
This coin is shit, great PnD, fkin pajeets
lol cope
I guess it wouldve been cooler if i bragged about the 2mil bitbean or 2mil imaginary coin i own? How fucking pathetic and cluekess are you cunts? Get a life. Get a job. Stop pretending your bad decisions are going to make you rich. You are late to the pyramid scheme. Dumb
You in for the Vietnam trip bro?
look at this boomer absolutely seething at his keyboard
Why are you so angry, fren?
well i currently own 400k + rlx, we'll see how much that's worth in a year or two. i have no problem with waiting a bit
they airdropped 77k rlx to every holder unannounced ffs. they're not messing around. i got it twice due to holding it in two accounts lol
cope harder bitch
yes, got my passport sorted last week and booked a couple days off work
Im not angry. I love fucking with dumb cryptofags. Does boomer just mean anyone with a real job to you?
Im not your fren, budy
How sad are you. much have you paid for that? And i dont want to hear the BTC cost. How much in a real currency?
lol are you really sure you're the one doing the fucking here? your attempts at agitating are laughable at best
>Pic related
You showed me
>pic related
>I'm not angry
Just take the crypto pill, you dumb motherfucker.
I bought it in èarly february, so approx. 350$ + april airdrop + 2X 77000 airdrop
I couldn't be happier. Almost 10X already
Too much for you?
Nice. When is the next air drop? It's a 1:1 right? How much profit could that be potentially? 1.6m here
Buy RLX sirs, very good coin sirs, will moon sirs.
The best!
You can just feel the cope in this boomers posts.