Ok serious question biz, what are the legal implications of running a human milk farm? Say I am able to find women who are willing and able to milk themselves for a small weekly stipend. Would I get in trouble for collecting said milkies and selling them to perverts on craigslist?
I'm thinking I might run into some health restrictions, but if I sold them as a novelty item, not for human consumption, do you think I would be ok?
How big is this market?
Can I make it?
I know I'm not the only one who's thought about this.
as long as it's not for human consumption, it's probably a really good idea
Aiden Sanchez
You know what, I didn’t expect to see this when I came on, but if you can find people willing to sell you their milk, then you can definitely find buyers for it. Go for it user
Robert Nelson
as a non-hentai fetish thing, this has been a thing since forever pretty common for women to sell their milk on craigslist, officially it's for babies whose mom don't want to breastfeed, but in reality the target market is perverts
Parker Davis
why wouldn't it be good idea for human consumption?
Easton Morris
because i don't think it would be legal to sell human titty milk for human consumption. easier to just go around it
Robert Walker
The market is big. do you know hucows? They make more profit than many big porn sites just by selling fetish milking devices and the scenes they produce are just advertisements for the machines.
t. got a friend in the industry.
Josiah Murphy
A company called Baby Gaga already makes human milk ice cream.
John Reyes
Cameron Lewis
kys degenerate
Nolan Kelly
*company is called The Licktators - brand was Baby Gaga
Jaxson Thomas
if everyone consents to it shouldn't be a problem right?
Nathaniel Stewart
OP here,
How much do you think a 8 oz glass of milkies would go for?
Kevin Ramirez
I recognise his faces
Jose Diaz
How small stipend are you thinking about? Take a look at onlythebreast.com for starters, think you can find women who want to beat those prices and go through you instead? I think not.
Christopher Walker
wow user I didn't realize how big this market is, any more sites?
is it legal to sell human tit milk for use in infants? what about selling it direct to grown 40 year old men? still legal or..?
Jayden Williams
that's what I am wondering?
i think if i mark it as a novelty item and not for human consumption that it should be
Wyatt Butler
it seems to be legal, only exception is if you try selling milk that you know to be contaminated with transmittable diseases like hiv/tuberculosis/syphilis
Short version I can't be here all day Are you denying that you are a perv or that you just don't like being called one.
Asher Lopez
Something about her eyes terrifies me.
Gabriel Wilson
i just don't like being calling one
why are you looking at her eyes you are 100% homosexual
we are getting off topic here
another user mentioned that the cost of the milk would make it hard to make a profit, what if I were to harvest the milk in the third world and then it would be mostly logistical costs of shipping it to a consumer market?
would I have to declare that it was third world milk or could I simply call it grade A?
Have you considered selling freshwater cherry shrimp? They go for like 5 bucks a pop and really once you have a couple of breeders the amount of care is quite minimal. It's basically all profit... I only just got into it but I'm already seeing returns.
that's not really constructive to my future business plans mate
Oliver Bennett
>Say I am able to find women who are willing and able to milk themselves if they do it themselves then you are absolved of any responsibility for harm they bring upon themselves in extreme milking endeavours. look i read that book from ebay back in the early 00's about selling freshly squeezed mmmmy milk, and it's pretty straihgt forward