Thinking of quitting mt job

54k yearly code monkey wagebitch job. just asked for a raise and my boss responded with "yeaaaaaah.. maybe in six months". I'm mulling over the idea of quitting and working on my own projects full time. I know Go/C/Python and am super comfy in general It knowledge. Worth the risk?

>dignity and pride in my work
>freedom to do what I want
>Can capitalize on blockchain/smart contract tech niche while its still fresh

>would have to move into a really shitty apartment
>no income except from freelance stuff
>cant put money into crypto
>no benefits

Im 25 and I think that now is probably the only chance Ill get to be risky and escape wagecucking for some chode. If I fail now I have plenty of skills to fall back on. If I cant fall back on anything I think Id rather die a loser knowing that atleast I tried. what say you Jow Forums

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larp, all code monkey jobs are outsourced to india since 2000

are you retarded mate?

wait user i am a c++ programmer that just quit his job recently as well. Was gunna do something on EOS but if there was another person, a lot more can be achieved. I had a look at the GO syntax and features and im pretty sure i could learn it to industry standard within a couple of weeks as well. have you got a telegram account i can message you on?

just stay at your job but spend all your time doing youe own stuff. then they are paying you to start youe own thing. eventually they may figure it out and fire you but by then you have your own thing going. if you are good u can string them along for years worth of wages while actually doing almost nothing

Do yourself a favor OP and buy "Cracking the Coding Interview". Sit yo ass down for 3 months, brush up your knowledge on Algorithms and Data Structures, and start applying for the big dogs.


>54k salary

lol where tf do you live bruh cs majors make 2x more than that right after graduation

is it possible to get a job as a quant at a hedge fund without having any official qualifications?

contractually they own anything I make at work so thats a no go.

listen to this user

wait my bad its @NoOrangeJuice

Read his title. No wonder he sucks at coding.

quitting MT job....can't even fucking spell

this. tell your boss to go fuck himself and find a job that pays better. even if there's not one in your area you can work remotely and still make around 30k more a year. but do it now before the economic downturn.

good job not noticing my id brainlet

Become a contractor for Decred. Perfect for you as it's written in Go. You get to work on a great crypto project and get paid for it. Show them you can contribute and they should hire you.

Thanks user I'll look into this.


don't do freelancing. if you know Go/C/Python, you can do a lot more than what you do now. look for another job without quitting, and once you get a nice offer, ask for an immediate rise or else you'll leave

I am worried that I will miss the smart contract wave by not being able to specialize in this area. I dont want to work for normal companies, I want to work on blockchain projects because it fascinates me and doesnt feel like work.

why can't you just do some on the side?

I work 8 hours a day + hour commute + 4 days a week I lift for 3 hours because Jow Forums. I am also usually fucking wiped after work and the side work I end up doing just doesnt reflect what I could do with my full energy and focus.

give up everything and adopt Buddhism

>Im 25
do it

>>dignity and pride in my work
yall wagies something else

You should be able to find a comfy code monkey job where you realistically only have to put a few hours' worth of work a day. Work on your projects the rest of the day.

nothing with working for yourself you fucking welfare whore. wagecucking = having a boss. Being your own boss > unproductive Neetdom

>my company hires indians for $50k
>also pays me $150k to lead them

I'm going to quit though, super boring corporate work.


If you're a competent coder, then you can find a job later. You can certainly earn more crypto than you can buy with a square job.

Staking pool contracts are in high demand, dawg. I know I'm gonna need one or two or three or as many as I can possibly hedge on.

Thanks user, thats the risk I guess. If youre competent you can always find work. The real question is am I as competent as I think I am? Quitting amd trying to carve a niche for myself would definitely be a trial by fire.

>cant put money into crypto
If this is really the case then I'd say just suck it up for another year (maybe get that raise) because crypto is literally right in the middle of a bear market and it's a flawless time to stock up on crypto for the bull run in like 2020 or so

I could always just load up and then leave. Im pretty content with my stack, Im more interested in trying to specialize in the tech. Sell shovels during the gold rush and all that

do it if you actually are creative and not a usual code monkey wagebitch.

Go for it brother, Do you really wanna be a office bitch for another 30 years?

thanks bros

Why can't you carve a niche for yourself now while in with work?

I get that working and gyming can leave you exhausted but at some point you have to weigh up whats more important.

Maybe cut one of the gym nights to focus on what you want professionally, and when you're too wiped to work you can spend some time putting together a plan of action for when you're not wiped.

Also you don't just ask for a raise, you explain to them with reasoning that based on your experience you expect a matching market salary. If you're really good, you demonstrate that and ask for an above market rate.

And when I say ask I mean politely without burning bridges, because if you're really worth more than they're paying you shouldn't give a shit about a response you don't want because you can always leave and get a better rate elsewhere.

To finish, there's a lot of blockchain work going on at the moment, build some stuff and add it to a portfolio, the demand is higher than the supply for developers so companies are reaching out for remote experts

I get what youre saying but I dont see my current career path putting me where I want to be. I demonstrated my worth but my company is notorious for having a shitty turnover rate because they just dont give out raises to anyone who hasnt completely signed up to be with them for life. I am a very self motivated individual and the level of work/study I could get done if I didnt work would be exponentially more than what I could do at my best now. I see a window of opportunity closing, and I percieve that I am missing out on that opportunity by playing it safe and continuing to do the 9-5 game.

Make a plan and take the risk, I'm getting the impression you're a dev as well, there's always another job if things go badly.

But at least you'll have no regrets.

Please put together a plan of action beforehand though, without it you'll doubt your decision the entire time and it may cripple you back into not following what you want.

Make the plan, make a decision and take a risk

Or just do your job really half assed. Miss deadlines, show up late, get a few weeks left of a paycheck.

Keep doing your side gig. Just collect a few more paychecks.

Thanks user, my plan was to save enough for two years of rent + essentials before I quit. Then I would have two years to hit the grindstone and do what I need. I have multiple ideas I could pursue so the first six months I would probably explore all of them. At the end of six months I would cut everything down to one or two projects and work on those full time (9 hours +). If at the end of the two years nothing works out, I will atleast have some projects to show employers and coild probably get another dev gig. Thoughts on this?

please explain, I'm not in the tech field so I'd really like to know how they would know that you've been writing code just for yourself

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you lost a dick measuring contest to your boss like a bitch, he called your bluff. you failed to swing your tiny faget charles dickenson. what you do is get an offer and come when you have something to back up your needs. and if you cant get an offer - skill up or get fucked. nobody owes you anything.

suck my dick boi.
They can analyze traffic and discover I was working on something at work and would be entitled to my work per the contract I signed to work there.

I don't know what works well for you so consider this purely my opinion and based on my experiences.

I've thought along similar plans in the past and nothing worked out back then, when I expected it a second time I decided to be more focused.

Like you I had loads of ideas (still do), but I spread myself too thin doing them all, instead the second time I got all the ideas together, decided which one I was most passionate about and worked out a plan and schedule to deliver an MVP for it, the rule I had in my head was that I wasn't allowed to start anything new until I had at least 20 try the product.

It's like convincing yourself to go to the gym for 5mins, the hardest part can be dragging your ass there, but once your in and making progress it's addicting and before you know it 80mins have past and you're pumped.

It's so much easier to iterate on a product with early adopters than it is to keep creating new ones and finding them all over again.

I'd aim to have chosen a project, wrote out a rough roadmap and defined a working schedule before handing in your notice, that way there won't be any doubts and you'll hit the ground running

Why don't you just pseudo code shit in a notebook while at work?

Thats some really sound advice, I sincerely appreciate it. Having my ideas sorted is something I can accomplish while employed, I think youre right that it will be best to have something fleshed out before day 1 even starts.

i assume you mean internet traffic, so couldn't you just write some code into a usb at work, debug and compile at home, and have plausible deniability if it came to that?

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An MVP should be out in to more than 3 months, spend more time learning from your early adopters, you're aiming for product market fit, not a product you want, but what the market wants

LOL I do this. I look like I'm really busy but I'm writing code.


possible but they have cameras pointed at my desk and could sue me for intellectual property

jesus fuck OP is that standard or are you in a fortune 500 tech company?

you have no idea how much power we tech (IT, dev, ...) people have.

I dont really know, been here for two years and have never worked in the office before. Im definitely entry level but with my skills I think I am worth more, Ive been interviewing with some cool people but nothing officially offered yet

>tfw finished with school but no one cares
>haven't found work yet and just keep studying and working on things on my own because everyone wants senior developers
I knew this would happen, but I half assed myself during school and have become the stupid college grad meme.

user I have tons of skills but I only got my foot in the door because I knew someone and because they could pay me way below market value for my area. Its rough but stackoverflow and angels list are great job resources if you lack connections

>54k salary
eh r-right. those little faget balls though. just admit you were bullied as a kid which led into you being abandoned and shit on by society, which led you into escapist faget hobbies like coding and anime. while your gf dreams of sucking off your boss cause he is the man and youre his bitch.

lol cuck poster

Fug. It looks like it's only hard to get your foot in the door. After that if you're not retarded you have it good and can start job hopping after even two months is what I heard locally at a Meetup.
I always feel like I'm insufficient though. Probably just need to get into the mindset of not caring even I am insufficient and just apply to everything anyway. More rejection emails won't bother me lol

do those titties have milkies in them? asking for a friend interested in starting a milk farm.,

Attached: milk2.jpg (160x239, 4K)

lol who gives a fuck dude. You being insufficient is for them to decide not you. Make them read your resume regardless, youd be surprised how many people just dont apply because of whats listed as requirements. I get responses for stuff thay requires a degree and I definitely dont have a degree. The difference between arrogance and confidence is your personal limits, which you will never find unless you are brazen and go for what is "beyond your limits"

Ok daddy I'll get out there more.

Don't ever quit a job until you have another lined up. After you sign the contract for your next job, say you can start in two weeks.

Wait until you have a job or something to jump to.

If you're a software dev making under 100k you gotta be fucking up hard

I work for a software and tech company. I'm a project manager. We make about 100MM a year and have a staff of about 30-40 people, mostly developers. Always looking for good (American) developers (nothing wrong really with the offshore ones, but they don't talk as much as the Americans, which I particularly value).

Shoot me something. What languages you know. SQL? ASP?

Ah, I forgot. We are based in EST time, but everyone is remote. Pay hourly, reliably, weekly. Constant 40 hours of work per week.

They may own your work, but you can build something in pieces and never put it together.

Later you can just put it all together and they don't own that, it's a "whole new thing".

as a 28 year old who dropped out of college at 20 I want to kill myself reading this, considering I have never earned above a piss poor wage

Let's say i'm a poorfag from a shit country and I just can't keep on liking with 10k an year, I just can't, so since i'm already 30 and i'm running out of options I decided to give this thing a chance. I don't have programming skills but I probably could learn them since i have written many scripts for vidya mods and i didn't find them hard to do.
What are the minimum skills I need to start making some money in this business?

you probably want to build for eth user, EOS is gonna get crashed with no survivors for exit scamming 4 billion dollars.


community college, brainlet.

it starts with daily exercise and nutrition. slowly builds and grows like a plant

It's never too late user, don't be so down on yourself. The fact that you're obviously not complacent or happy means you deserve better. Go out and get it.

Good advice actually, when I look back at when I turned my life around, I had to change my diet and I started exercising 6 days a week. Once you do something positive for yourself, it snowballs and you can ride the wave. Also CC isn't a shitty black hole fuck place if you go there with a plan and usually is a great step in the right direction.