
Kosovski Bozic

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Jedino me Hrvatice hoce i jedino me Hrvatice razumeju kao muskarca.

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Bulgarian Mercenary Chetnik talks about his adventures in /yu/go land.

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Koji je tu problem?

Kako ste dobri ljudi bivse yuge?

Pocinjemo jutro s energeticnom modernom muzikom


Kakvi su planovi za danas

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Jeл тo бaзиpaни Живкo?

Attached: Живко Иванов.jpg (960x960, 114K)

Joш јeдaн кpyнcки дoкaз дa cмo ми Cpби нeбecки нapoд.

top kek

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Igra se saha ceka se kafica

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Aли њeмy нијe билo јacнo...

"remek djelo" je preslab pojam za ovo,...... skinuo sve stvari s interneta, al kad sam ovo čuo, kupio original cd, samo da im dam pare, ma jebo 60kn....... svaka čast kraljevi!!!

Bitno je da je tvoj Vuk Jeremic pametan.
Zbog tvojih zutih je tzv. kosovo nezavisno od Srbije, najvecu krivicu ima tvoj Vuk Jeremic.

Paзбoли ce oд paкa бoтинo.

ko me kleo govna jeo, zuta botardo

jedes ti govna u svom sendvicu posranom

>биo јe миниcтap пpe двaec гoдинa кaд јe изгyбљeн paт aли мy тeк пpe нeки дaн пocтaлo јacнo

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wtf serbs?

you have to get your shit together. dont let a bunch of sandniggers play puppets for fucking (((usa))). let them know who is the boss in your house

vucic is a pussy and he is also a puppet of usa like his shiptar brothers

Attached: blair-vucic.jpg (860x484, 46K)


Attached: Apu čita u krevetu.jpg (1484x1094, 127K)


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And what exactly are we supposed to do about it, retard?

let everybody know whats yours. kosovo is no cunt.

Fuck off you genocidal kraut we're not going to war again


Well it's a bit too late for that now.

fuck off nigger

its never too late for justice

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you see, thats why these faggots lose all the wars. look at their posts, what a bunch of fucking pussies and cowards. they dont even deserve to have a country.

Just fuck off back to Jow Forums, moron.

jeste li spremni za još povijesnih slika

We're making diplomatic progress, it's just a matter of time we let them slip and take our what's ours, up to the city of Shkoder.

Attached: vucicputin201501.jpg (468x468, 37K)

indeed i see. we should probably take care of it.
>Jow Forums
pol is LARP only. Jow Forums is way more political than them.

>pol is LARP only
Which fits this situation perfectly because "hurr durr we will retake Kosovo and remove kebab xDDD" is nothing but a LARP, and Serbia won't do shit because people here are perfectly aware that if they tried anything funny they'd get curb stomped by NATO again.

>they'd get curb stomped by NATO again
you cuckold, we haven't lost to them 20 years ago when they were the strongest

>if they tried anything funny they'd get curb stomped by NATO again.
nope. trump wont go to war for fucking kosovo and putin would throw a veto in un safety comission.

>he still believes that Serbia won
Yes, such a great victory.
>implying Muricans would be willing to renounce to their Camp Bondsteel base and its geopolitical position

momci zasto gubite vrijeme na svabu

>implying Muricans would be willing to renounce to their Camp Bondsteel base and its geopolitical position
of course not. they will simply stay inside until its over.
so for like half a day.

Zato što mi idu na kurac ovi stranci i dijaspore koji konstantno shilluju za rat koji oni neće ni videti i koji ih se uopšte ne tiče.
>Americans will just sit all let a non-NATO country overtake their biggest military base in Europe
Yes user, I'm certain they will.


zao mi te je, nepotrebno se sekiras. Stranci ce uvijek shillat jer nemaju sto pametnije za radit i vole kaos. I ja bi shilllao za neki teroristicki napad u americi i njemackoj da nemam nista pametnije za raditi. Pronadi svoj unutarnji mir i toplo iztrolaj ove budale umjesto da se prepires s njima

this guy is a hungarian cuck from reddit
he hates serbs because they fuck his sister

>Americans will just sit all let a non-NATO country overtake their biggest military base in Europe
1. ramstein is their biggest
2. nobody is going to attack them or willing to take the base over. what for?


good to know. thx for the info.

np bro

Srbi gadni nema da go zemete kosovo nazad



slovenia return ajvar

ajvar is macedonian



>ramstein is their biggest
Meant to say "In this part of Europe," my bad.
>what for?
Because they have a self sufficient, high tech base-camp there? Bondsteel is one of a string of so-called forward operating bases and “lily pads” as Donald Rumsfeld called them, for military action to the east and south. Combine that with the use and upgrading of Croatian and Montenegrin Adriatic harbors for US Navy deployments and you have complete militarization of the Balkans.
>from reddit

>nisu dali svabu dotboi kopipastu

dabujem a bogami i vlonujem

samo ezgengovanje

Never crosspost to /balk subhuman faggot

Di mi je nova u exyu lokalu geng

more serbs and croats are needed there to stirr shit up

Tko /slusasvemirka/ ovde
Cuo sam da dolazi u bg ove nedelje

Fuck off, /balk/ is only for the native people, not subhuman slavs


zajebi te gej ustase


Kako da se zaradi makar 10 evrica online dnevno na gluposti?

Trosimo vreme na Jow Forums a sigurno ima negde forica da za to vreme dok shitpostjemo negde na klikove ili sta ja znam uberemo neki evric...

ima naravno
mozes profavati pakete s pornoslikama skandinavcima itd.

mili pitina

Sanjao sam da sam se jebao sa sestrom. Isuse kako je bila thicc neugodno mi razmišljat svršio sam tako brzo i jako isuseeeee. Još sam bio pun svršotine kad sam se probudio, jebeš mi sve kakva noć.

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sta hoces bas je super prica


Дpжи чacoвe eнглecкoг зa пape.
Пeт eвpa чac пo двa чaca днeвнo и eтo ти..

sprzzara hehara

to je gej, a i nemam diplomu za to

Ne treba ti za to diploma. Moja drugarica, koja nije ni prvu godinu faksa završila, je davala časove Azijatima za neke okej pare, tipa 10 evra po dvočasu. Ako uzmeš u obzir da ovde za rad u fabrici plaćaju nekad i ispod 200 dinara po satu, to ti uopšte nisu loše pare.

>yзмaњe лaких пapa oд Кинeзa и ocтaлих дeбилa
>гeј, диплoмa

Aхaхaхaхaхaхaхaхaхaхaхaхaaaaaaaaaa хaхa хa хa...

Pa jebote moram da znam celu gramatiku engleskog da predajem jebenoj grupi ljudi, nije to lako.
I kako ce mene neko da unajmi ako sam bez iskustva? Da ne pricam kako bi puko od smeha kad bi video sa druge strane te ljude kojima bi predavao.

ja sam jedno vreme predavao, bez ikakvog iskustva, i u principu ti ih učiš a1 i a2 engleski, znači ono što ti treba da bi komunicirao u kanteru bukvalno.

Kako su Hrvatice ružne to majkemi nisu istine

prave chorbatkinje

mmmmm hrvatice

jel ulazio onaj sto je slao pismo bivsoj?

nedostaje mi bgdn lbn, jedva cekam januar da se vrati na animex-yu

gdje je sad?

postaj sliku svoje sestre

prema tome,

evo me

Nije te dugo bilo

smrdske rune

>visok 195cm
>prosjek u hercegovini

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>visok 176

misliš nizak?

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onaj od prije par tjedana? nemam pojma, vjerojatno je bio zesce sposran od te zenske pa ga bilo sramota da jos to i ovdje posta

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Kultni autenticni ex-yu meme

Zaradio sam danas $11,91 na Clixsense, ma samo nitovanje.

koliko je lepa jebote

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Good edition

Attached: Slavslmao.jpg (1661x922, 401K)

>Deda hercegovac chad
>Ja manlet