Unironically $1000 EOY...
$10,000 EOY
BTFO'd Coins:
4. 75% of the top 100
Unironically $1000 EOY...
$10,000 EOY
BTFO'd Coins:
4. 75% of the top 100
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would ADA be BTFO? It, according to the SEC is also NOT a security...
he ironically believes in ETH will ever reach 10K
This. Securities are the ones getting BTFO
just calculate the marketcap then you will understand how delusional you are
Spotted the ADA bag holder.
Checks out
i believe eth will remain the king but you shouldn't overlook zilliqa..
10k per ETH with ~105 million ETH = a little more than a trillion
Not that crazy...
name me one serious business that uses ethereum again
thats just 10% of total crypto MC EOY 2019. Makes sense to me.
Google's marketcap is less than a trillion retard
Please tell me how Ethereum can become bigger than Google
erc20 tokens are shit, you need another coin to pay the fees, who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Nobody believes in Google, they only use it. People believe in Ethereum and they use it. x2 Google easy.
lol you can't live without Google
Google is the Internet
Makes sense if you are a deluded retard
Ethereum will become bigger than Google. Ethereum will become bigger than the Internet.
etherfags are the most cancerous people I've ever seen on the Internet
>That 24 year old boomer that still uses google
Literally every popular Internet product is built on top of Google or has some kind of relation to Google
Prove me wrong
The next google is ETH
Everything "depends" on Google search only because it's monopolized it for normies
such a boomer mentality
>muh Google
I don't even use Chrome anymore. Google's search engine is the only google product I use and I am extremely excited for the day I no longer have to use their pathetic, controlling and privacy invasive product.
>75% of the top 100
Jokes on you link and req arent in the top 100
HAHAHAHAHA ahhahahah hehehheheh ahhhhhh ummmmmmm
not like any ETH competitor already has this problem solved
oh wait
Top lul my main man
Google is a search engine. Ether is an economic force.
> he ironically believe Google is only a search engine
the absolute state of Jow Forums
I'm all in OMG so this is solid for me too.
Only OMG might eventually get a better ROI vs ETH right now
The only weakness of ETH is scalability. If anyone can achieve scale it is the ETH team, and when they do it is time to turn out the lights for all these other shitcoins claiming to do huge tps. No developer wants to build on an obscure platform, that’s why ETH remains on top.
>be business ceo
>"how much is this dapp thing gonna eat into our quarterly budget, Joe?"
>"hey boss, umm, about $50k"
>"wait no"
>"actually about 40k"
>"wait now $100k"
bullshit nigger. no developer wants to use shitcuck solidity. it was the only game in town previously but now better options that have scaled are already available. codius is much better
kek i'm an etherfag but I agree with you...web 3.0! we will all be brushing our teeth using the Ethereum network by EoY!
>testing a pilot
well obviously they'll test a new system before deploying it
You unironically don't? Must be a paid Btc shill, nobody is that stupid. Even if you think Ethereum will get knocked of by something else eventually, it's the safest bet there is.
meanwhile other projects already out there being used by a trillion dollars worth of businesses
As of today Ethereum is deprecated.
>muh partnerships
Axa insurance. And ever heard of the EEA? Yeah. All that shit is happening behind closed doors now and will be slowly coming online this summer.
massive partnerships using a functioning product
How about Holo Token?
my nigga
You fucking blockchain nerds. Shitoshi wrote a white paper for peer2peer currency. Notice how your garbage dApp platforms fail at their job of scaling? It was at MOST suppose to be currency and maybe smart contracts. Who said APPLICATIONS could be run??? I love how your "platform" is brought to it knees by digital cats...
I firmly believe most of you have no actual grasp of the technology involved here. Much less have an understand of what is about to come... My guess is most of you still don't have a clue how Holo works either.
>thinks Google compares to the world's leading smart contract platform that will moves billions and billions of dollars.
Yeah Volkswagen has an incumbent system for setting payments for their electric chargers, the idea is that Ethereum **might** provide a better alternative. Listen I'm a fan of Ethereum relative to the crypto alternatives, but I'm not an evangelist ETHiopan that shills ETH non stop and hails Ethereum as the future of everything. I think it's the best bet right now in crypto and it looks like legitimate businesses are experimenting with it, but I'm not implying it's going to be some world-eating phenomenon.
you know what the EEA does user don't you?
not deploy actual products with businesses, they just talk about stuff
>m-muh satoshi
>technology can never progress past its first alpha implementation
Everyone knows that you fucking idiot whales who collected tons of BTC over the past 8 years have an army of paid shills on here to keep the price up while you dump bags.
Better dump now, I know BTC is low, but ETH is gonna do a moonshot and you are better off dumping everything now and picking up lots of cheap ETH.
BTC will kneel before ETH by 2020
zilliqa already solved this (and yes their tech is legit). you guys need to be less conservative regarding new coins, you won't make huge gains like this.
>21 gorillion
Vitalik sought advice regarding sharding with the Zil team. Should see solutions with Casper. Vitalik is one of the brightest minds in crypto and will be around for when it takes over.
but why not choose zilliqa now if it's better and massivly undervalued? it's crazy how many people don't see this opportunity.
The vast majority of Google's revenue is still from selling paid search ads, this cash cow finances most of Google...in a way that guy is right
Because network effects are enormously powerful
once the tech is out there it's copyable. in the time it takes for a coin like zilliqa to gain any momentum and eat any % of eth's market, those sharding solutions or ideas can be reimplemented, tested, and launched.
every platform trying for the same market as eth is at a massive disadvantage going forward, especially as everyone now knows (apart from maybe the luddite bcash crowd) that sharding and second layers are the only way to sale blockchains in the next half decade or so
so if you want to tell me that the current top 5 will remain the same due to "network effects" then you better quit crypto as fast as possible.
you'll be left behind when platforms like zilliqa,dfinity,radix and cardano meet their deadlines, the big money wants the best tech, not the one that has the most angry teenagers.
The only two chains with network effects are bitcoin and ethereum, with bitcoin losing them at an accelerating rate to eth.
Nothing else has any noticeable organic use.
Ripple and Steem inflate their transaction metrics by spam, first by bots that constantly update dex orders, second by putting every upvote as a transaction. If steem users had to pay even $0.01 per transaction it would turn into a desert
>the big money wants the best tech
Bitcoin isn't 'best tech' for over 6 years now; even litecoin is slightly better, but it took the ico boom (something bitcoin can't do at all) and $50 transaction fees for ether to really steal adoption.
Bitcoin STILL being #1, rather than outside of top 10 where it belongs is proof that adoption >> tech.
I wonder, ethereum has quite backing, see:
However, I also do agree about up and coming block chains such as Dfinity, ect.
We may see something out of those as well.