Why isnt it fucking moving

why isnt it fucking moving

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It is. It's moving down.

Real head scratcher considering how the whole market has been on such a massive bull run the last few weeks.

dumped just like my DBG bags
fuck this scam

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Gas is about to pump

Screenshot this

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Then back into neo. Just like always

Theres 3 potential catalysts. 1. NEX security confirmation. 2. Decentralization. 3. The Ontology main net dump. All within 2 months. I just hope BTC doesnt fuck us up again like it does EVERY time

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NEO has lost about 20% of it's sat value in those weeks. It's under-performing everything else in the top 12 and likely the top 15/20. It's doing relatively very badly.

because this shit already pumped hard enough to make any early investor rich. you're supposed to look for the NEXT antshares.

which is NKN, dont miss out peeps

ZIL, QUARKCHAIN, ICON, EMOTIQ are taking away from NEO.

Emotiq isnt taking shit yet.


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The people who got in early dumped on the Redditors who are holding bags waiting for the Chinese government they know nothing about to just one day make NEO “the Chinese blockchain”.

Then they circle jerk each other on plebbit waiting for that day.

There is literally no use for NEO. And now, those that are in the know dumped and are riding the ONT hype train until the next thing. It’s all a Ponzi

This is the closest to the truth except for the dumping on Redditors. What is actually happening with NEO is that it is being burned to prop up and grow ONT.

If you take the daily trade volume deltas for each coin, you'll see a pretty disgusting pattern emerge where NEO and ONT have a huge amount of artificial volume that is swapped about in a shell game toward a NEO/ONT flip.

I'm currently running the same stats in different combinations of top 10 coins + GAS/ONT to confirm that the NEO ecosystem is getting fucked especially hard and will be adding NKN data as it becomes available.

NEO holders are at the very least being dumped on to realize gains in ONT. At best this is just a honey pot and the volume goes back to NEO after enough ONT price anchoring. At worst, it keeps going and gets even worse to establish NKN.

NEO is doing stuff and has recently updated its road map and set about some suitable github activity to get a more modular, scalable core in place, but it seems as though any kind of price movement is manipulated into growth for ONT.

Stopped reading right there

We'll know for sure when main net Ontology launches. Im 100% NEO and hoping the supply increase causes ONT to lose 50% and NEO get back to .012 where it belongs. But if it doesnt then ill wait for the next NEO run and sell all for Elastos probably

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Wow who would have thought the coin literally anyone with half a brain was calling a scam turned out to be a scam. Never change biz. Kek.

cause every neo ico has been shit so far


This is commonly referred to as a confirmation bias.

Just give it like 9 months you impatient fucks

>Market rallying because decentralised coins are not securities
>NEO is centralised

Gee I wonder why

People who use the words "stopped reading" gate themselves from so many ideas. It's pathetic. You're the biz equivalent of signalers who refuse to study something because an unvirtuous word was used in the opening paragraph.

FYI, the same pattern holds for USD trade volume, USD market caps and SAT market caps. Sat values are necessary to see if the NEO/ONT/other prices are fluctuating unusually beyond the changes in the BTC exchange rate.

You're not going to see much growth, the "Chinese Ethereum" is a meme by westerners. Chinks don't give a fuck about this coin.

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only chinkcoin that has a future, all the rest are only useful for private blockchains, like vechain, where the token is pointless, or are way too late, like icon.