LAVAWALLET is done. Holy shit, 0xBitcoin really was the best investment of this year

FOMO into this before it's too late. FUD is at an ATH, but if you look into this Jow Forums you will see the potential. Low supply, deluded community, fresh thing, good shills ... and this thing. Lavawallet is gonna be huge. Godspeed anons.

Attached: wr91c5Nor1miw69DRedzVlaAzRV7_nPTjD3E6rZb3NI.jpg (320x320, 15K)

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lol what's the point of this shit?

Dyor you faggot. I've already spoonfed you enough.

fuck off ranjeet, i'm not buying your bags

if anons want a real moon mission buy AMB, at least 3x by end of July. remember this. Your 0xbtc shitcoin will be about 50% up at best

lavawallet is way for people to send a shitcoin to one another and spend more on the transaction than if they just used MEW and ETH.

This whole project is a fucking joke, it's pointless.

It's up that much just today you faggot. Stay salty with your useless supply chain bags.

yeah I've done my research
it's a pointless smart contract

its an erc20 based wallet that allows any erc20 token to be sent without a gas price or eth.
it wraps the tx cost into the tokens being sent themselves.
its actually pretty big deal for erc20 tokens really as it works with all of them not just 0xbtc
the dev of 0xbitcoin is the goy who made the lava wallet tho

How do I use it?
Is there a UI or something?

do not fall for this pajeet coin they are trying to dump their bags

Attached: Screenshot_3.png (314x215, 10K)

im not completely sure. the 0xbtc dev said he just finished it today.
he said earlier in the discord that the only thing left to do to it is minor UI stuff.
expect the site to reflect the lava wallet soon and come with a user guide most likely id say

I genuinely feel sorry for the people that are missing out on the current moon shot!


Attached: DNR_1st_attempt_Lizard.jpg (937x712, 240K)

Don’t feel sorry for them, fuck em, accumulate. Why do you people feel the need to always spoon feed these morons. You just make it harder for us

kys you had a week to accumulate at least 23 retard

Remember, user, ALWAYS buy into something up 40% for the day. Nothing can possibly go wrong.

Lava wallet makes this awesome token even easier to trade. Love it!

>FOMO into this before it's too late.

stuff your shitcoin up your arse and fuck off

t.sold low

>stuff your shitcoin wallet up your arse and fuck off

>Don’t feel sorry for them, fuck em, accumulate

you do that go choke on your washtraded over shilled scam

Why so much hate. I really dont get it.

>literally describes satoshi's vision
it's happening

bought something else and am up 65% plus daily dividends for two weeks. Never buying over shilled 0x PnD garbage.

>he didn't buy bitcoin 2.0 merged into the ether virtual machine under $2

Attached: download.png (204x247, 5K)

>tfw cant even sell at $2 because the sellbots keep undercutting me

>he's selling bitcoin 2.0 for $2

Attached: images.png (247x204, 6K)

At least buy 21 of these, just in case.