I have never tried weed or any other drugs

i have never tried weed or any other drugs

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I tried weed, meth and MDMA when I was friends with this weirdo but hot girl in high school. It was her way of paying me back because I bought her food sometimes.

Cool story, bro.

I have tried and used most on multiple occassions but life caught up and now I use cocaine maybe once every month while I desperately try to finish university.

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go fuck yourself, redtugal



I've only taken really small bumps of mdma, I've never rolled properly.

I'm low-key scared of fucking up my serotonin

Less exp points before death

Abusing MDMA (it's super cheap over here) is what has defined my life for the last 6 years now. I started using at 18 pretty much every week or so and during summer sometimes 4 times per week. Around the time I was 20 I was a complete mess and I'm on my way to receive anti depressives now. 100% convinced it's due to MDMA.

Quit your MDMA shit, opioids, the first thing you feel like god. And that's why people get killed by it.

MDMA is nothing like opioids. And the damage is done.

Do antidepressants count? ;_;

As much as the dicks you suck, gaylord.

>drugs are bad for your brain
who would have thought

Tried hasch once and it fucked up my brain for a while, got really strong feelings of de-realization, spoke with a slur and some other weird shit

0/10 experience wouldn't do it again


>tfw tried caffeine
>I can never claim to be life long straight edge

I'm 26 and I have never even been drunk.

never did any drug and never will

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I smoke my own weed everyday
Don’t drink or done any other drugs, also fuck vaping weed and concentrations. Best way is the flower

*sips coffee*

I have done copious amounts of shrooms tho because I can pick them without having to interact with people.

The problem here is you not the drug.

I only drink various kinds of tea. Thank god for the british empire

Never tried any illegal drugs because I'm an autist and I don't have access to them. I do drink far too much.

Same, also never drink coffee or much alcohol

The only thing close to a drug that ive tried is some beer (tasted like shit) and that red stuff in thermometers, that tasted terrible and stuck in my mouth for a week


Never done drugs and never will. I’m comfortable being the guy at the restaurant who orders apple juice with ice if it means I don’t sip the drink.

Also alcoholism runs in my family and I don’t wanna risk it.

How can anyone go through uni and not do drugs?

I've tried weed, LSD and DMT. LSD is definitely my favourite although it does last a little too long.

Do you live in Brisbane? I work at a restaurant and we have an autistic guy that comes in frequently to charge his phone but he drinks a fuckload while waiting

Tea is all you need

Always hated doing what people expected of me, coupled with mental illness giving me lots of what people describe experiencing with weed anyway, so I always feel sorry for them that they need chemicals to feel like a mentally unstable person

Also I'm a hideously happy drunk, so I don't think anything can top it

>girls my age broke af, even with their parent's money
>meanwhile I've been clean my whole life and saving up to buy a house in 3 years
baka desu senpai

good, they're all degenerate shit, stay pure

Mental illness is not the same thing as a high you ignorant man

based and redpilled

I've done everything under the sun, AMA

Cause some people aren’t retarded

Weed, speed, mdma, acid, mushrooms
Speed is by far my favorite. I might have undiagnozed ADHD

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No, it's someone temporarily entering a state of mind similar to my own

It's the difference between a holiday and living in a place, one is exciting and interesting and the other is depressing and everyday

And what is this magic illness of yours? Being high on weed doesn't even closely resemble any mental disorder
t. abused drugs for over 13 years

Wrong flag.

>British education

What a fucking retard you are



i wanna try weed because i believe theres no way its as good as people say it is
how the fuck do i get some, bros

i dont know either, officer.

>i have never tried weed or any other drugs
I don't believe you. I don't believe you haven't tried coffee or alcohol.

It's not as if it's an amazing wonder drug. I just prefer it to alcohol as it's cheaper and doesn't leave me with a horrible hangover.
It's probably healthier too.

Are you implying that you are a girl?

If yes, can I sniff your feet?

Tried Booze, weed, mdma, coke, ketamine and nos if that counts.

I drink and smoke weed regularly. I usually have 1 or 2 of the others drugs like 2/3 times in a year.