Latin America surpassed by Balkans

>Best countries in Latin America are worse than average Balkan countries

How will spics recover?

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Drug wars are hell of a drug

Damn, you guys have very low standards

>Macedonia under Brazil, Panama, Mexico, Urugauay, Chile, fucking BOTSWANA
oh no no no no n

croatia and romania are wealthy and western
most of them are not balkans in any way
im surprised they were every below

Never, as long as we're ruled by cr*ollos with Sp*nish ethics and morals.

in their defence i'd remind that they recently went to shit, like realreal shit

By seeing the 2 counties above Croatia

To be fair Argentina and Urgay have been under serious recession

And you are under Brazil

Only 1 spot lmaooo

>literally under Brazil
Big yikers for me

you don't have to be Norway to surpass Latin America tbqh

Botswana ain't that bad desu, these countries in the south of Africa are liveable, unless you're a whitey in SA, then you're fucked.


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test test
not yet but we are currently growing faster
>average balkan country
what's an above average balkan country?

>im surprised they were every below

Talk for yourself, in 1990 Romania was a pure country trying to weave the splinters left by an DPRK tier rulership which aimed for autarky. Croatia was like Norway to us back then. However, even now you are economically in a standstill while we progress a lot.

>wealthy and western

Romania is only wealthy, upper-middle economy. The landscapes here are bad, it looks like Ukraine with better road quality. Croatia is western as well because of the historic circumstances.


I meant poor and I am typing like an american because it's early morning to me

>what's an above average balkan country?
Greece or Croatia.

My parents and grandparents still think "Czechoslovakia" and Poland are poorer than us

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Always forget Greece exists. Probably because they are never referred to as Balkan

The islands or the Peloponnese might not be Balkan but the North has always been part of the history of the region.

Also, which SA country is nicer, Argentina or Chile?

I would say Chile

ah yes, gimme those eurofundings
lets indebt the whole fucking region

Dimineata pe dracu. Trezeste-te mai devreme, coaie.

>However, even now you are economically in a standstill while we progress a lot.

No Romania isn't better.

Nibba our GDP/denbt ratio is among the best in Yurop.

It's true by East European standards.
Romania is one of the fastest if not the fastest growing eastern country (I'm not exactly sure about the latest trends) and Croatia is the slowest one

E 11:43, de obicei mă trezesc la 12.

This is what I said though, the only better thing with us is economic progress not based on gibs, since the EU doesn't unload as many gibs here as they do in Bulgaria.

But whatever economic growth can't do for the grey, shady past. Arabic countries are richer, though they aren't "better". As long as the ugly USSR-tier blocks can't be done away with, the cities will still have a gritty facade. You could also add the fact that 40% of our population is rural and as the big cities start looking Western, the gap is yawning wider between the city and peasant folk.

Compare this to the Titoist city planning which didn't think of cities as slaughterhouses for people to live in just to grind their lives away in a blue collar gargantuan factory and then corroding themselves away when they retire with 50% moonshine.

At this point i have no idea how we are growing. I think we have the most corrupt system in europe.
Might be the territory that we have. We literally have ex commies and ex kgb-wannabes running the country

stop insulting MIGHTY ROMANIA

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>the EU doesn't unload as many gibs here as they do in Bulgaria
You sure about that?

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Communism was a mistake anyway.

>I think we have the most corrupt system in europe.

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>competing for last place

Might have mistaken it for Hungary.

Bulgaria will always have this honorary place. For us, corruption doesn't really exist save for ths leadership, at least to the Bulgarian extent. Bulgaria will soon be some sort of Somalia with an ooga booga warlord staying with a rifle in front of your car waiting to pay his road toll.


why the fuck did we even bother joining

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>Being bellow Turky and Russia

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Do you know the story as well?

They aren't that bad.

Not really.

If you want context to that go to the subreddit called Romania or something. They really like to shit on PSD there.

Now I know Greece isn't a perfect country but I really doubt they are worse off than Russia

"muie" is some shitty subhuman slang for "oral sex", it's derived from romani language so patricians swear using "pula" and "pizda", you can play around these words and innovate a lot, so yeah, "muie" also means "fuck". He paid a lot of money to Sweden just to have this plate.