Made money

>Made money
>Work out
>Self Employed Entrepreneur
>10/10 taller white woman is carrying my seed

Pic related. Its me and my gf. Biz will never know the feeling of being rich in mind, body, and money.

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Did you type /b/ wrong?

>tfw 6’0

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Who shrunk your head?

congrats on this. seriously
t. tall loser with 8 inch schlong

>doesn’t mention he has a big dick
user I’m so sorry, but I’d rather have a big dick than any of the things you listed. Dicklet

matt bogus

She is fucking beautiful

h-how tall is he?
manlet meme btfo

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Seriously, do you habe some weird achonraplasia or whatever dwarves have? It's not that you are just really short, your arms are...your body is very incongruent. What's the word - disproportionate.
And you seem proud to be passing that on to your kid, without a care.
Well, congrats I guess.

imagine his face when little tyrone finally pops out


Here’s the problem. You still feel the need to qualify yourself with all that good stuff as if it balances you not being tall. You have the problem, and it’s inferiority complex. Specifically a Napoleon complex.

No one cares if you’re tall, and on an anonymous message board we are all 6”2 master race.

TLDR; gr8 b8

Do you still do g4p?

If you are posting it here to a bunch of people that really don't care then clearly something is bothering you.

tfw actually 6'2" master race

its ok. It does feel bretty gud. But not that gud

Mfw when only 6”1

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I guess I'll just have to comfort myself with my enormous cock and my ability to actually pleasure women sexually. Wish I was on OP's level for real

Lankys for whatever reason are impeded by their infatuation with their height. Kills them inside when my 5’10 ass is slinging pussy. Buff and manly but not tall > lanklet pussy (which is most of you lol)

you done good user
share your story

Same. Why live.

>still has little man syndrome - so insecure and needs to validate its worthless existence

the absolute state...

Actually I have had many girls tell me that they had a great time but in the long run even if they like me and sex is good they they just can't find themselves dating a guy that is not at least 5'10''.
Also I don't feel he has a need to qualify or anything, it'd seem he is spreading good feels for manlets in here, showing us that despite our height we can still make it if we work hard.

Hat? Are you reading this out loud to someone? Do you think your 'friends' are on this Tuvan Insect-Racing Advice Listserve. You boasted a mouthful of bullshit to a bait post, are you ok?

Fuck off, I'm 5"6 I feel like a little kid all the time

>arm tattoo

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*What, not Hat - sorry, I"m so tall I can barely see the keyboard from up here.

>spreading good feels

yet napoleon says we never be rich in mind body and money? fkn lul

Matt ogus isn’t a Jow Forumstard.

Next larp.

You only think that way because your are probably not Jow Forums let me tell you though that being Jow Forums is way easier than making money dude.

i eat well, workout and run 40km a week. get your napoleon judgement away from me

nothing more funny than watching the frustrated incel lanklets of the internet

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Lanklet, it’s only the truth. Calm down and eat a sandwich spaghetti boy

I'm not judging, you are. Why do you have to try and bring down the manlet? What have they done to you, does it feel so bad that someone several inches shorter than you managed to achieve this much? I really don't get it.

That’s a choice you make faggot. Manlet is a state of mind.

Nobody cares, manlet. I could still kick your shit in.

>t. 5’0

Maw, you are assumimg too much. I get along with everyone and am full of joie de vivre. Meeting women and enjoying them as equals with surprising and intoxicating intellects while still enjoying the bloom of youth and all that a lithe and supple sexual partner has to offer, well I'm waxing a little peotic. Currently, I love my wife and consider her to be one of the best people I know. I'm proud to be with her and am certainly a better person because of her.

But OP is a puzzlingly disjointed and oddly...?grown?-looking little person who is smashing our faces into his personal life, without a trace of irony, offering boldly that he is better than the aggregate. He is also passing what appears to be a genetic abnormality that affects body proportion and body image (dismorphia?) onto an unsuspecting and undeserving child.
That is apalling.

so deluded lol. You are 4/10 at most

>being a short faggot and having a gf that is taller then him

You never made it user and never will, sorry.

>Your seed
sure thing little guy

Whats wrong with having a gf taller than you?

>fatties on Jow Forums don't know matt ogus
lose some weight

you're not him I follow him on YouTube. quit larping you faggot

She is gorgeous. What's your workout?

Lol virgin detected
You telling me you don’t want a tall sexy lady with fishnets dropping her ass to the floor over and over again before arching her back and aiming her ass at your dick before turning her head slowly towards you to say fuck me?
Some legit pros on this board but my god are there some serious amateurs too

>Being this much of an attention seeking faggot.

Wish I was 5 10
5 9 almost master race here


This word gets thrown around too much these days. Does anyone use it correctly anymore?

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Your height is more funny, you pathetic excuse for a dwarf

You're not rich in any way, shape or form you irrelevant trust fund baby


>a fucking screencap from someone's instajew
>no timestamp/id on paper
>obvious larp is obvious, even if it were real it's sad you have to brag here to a bunch of cryptofag anons.

god i didn't think Jow Forums could stoop this low. leaving this board now. these kinds of threads destroy your credibility. eat shit niglet.

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>these kinds of threads destroy your credibility.
newfag spotted
welcome to Jow Forums

No women wants to be with a dude shorter then they are, face it dick heads. Also I have tall wife just lucky I am taller, and yes before me she had been with guys shorter then her and she didn't like it much at all, ask any women.

>Ancient men conquered cities put them to the sword and fire, meanwhile you go to Jow Forums by yourself and enjoy shitposting for hours a day, every day of the week.. YOU ARE GAY!!

fixed for us

This. Manlets are a genetic mistake being kept alive by modern society. It's just like people with Downs syndrome.

Maybe with your money you could get a face transplant you splinter looking rat fuck

Holy shit Matt... what have you become?

>i have a tiny dick, but my wife has been with with well-edowed guys before me and she tells me she didn't like much at all! i asked all my girlfriends and they told this to me!

disrespecting matt ogus, imagine being this much of a faggot

big if true

What you take on your cycle?

>60 replies
Sigh. This board is so pathetic.

OK buddy, Whatever helps you with deal with being 5ft something. Oh just so you know faggot, I met my wife the night before she left her ex, who was a short ass. I wonder why she left him that next day after being together for 3 years, sure it didnt have anything to to do with she just met a 6ft Chad the night before who she was very interested in...... But good luck short fag

I thought I just heard the last munchkin from the wizard of oz died


I know right?
Maybe the board needs to be flooded with this kind of bait till people here learn to ignore fake news

>Almost no one on this board knows Matt Ogus

A lot has changed since the misc

pretty sad

here we go

You feel insecure, buddy.

What if she gives birth to a black baby?

> trying this hard to appear intelligent on biz
You're just as pathetic as OP. Congrats on this, seriously.

I'm 5'10 and I get my kicks from fucking chicks with bfs. Quite a few of the bfs were taller than me, so what now?

>quote tattoo

fuck this thread.

cool pic AI might have some use afterall

Tall girls are a meme.

Do what this nigger does and fuck a shortie.

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>Matt Ogus
some Jow Forums fag?

btw, sage

real men tamed dinosaur and felled rex's before breakfast then roasted their carcas, city razeing is for homo's

all of my just paleometrosexual

2010-2014 era Jow Forums checkin’ in.

Manlet detected

Brittany Lesser

Probably just you co workers, because you can only work with the bitches yeah?

How did you do it? do you parents have money?