Why is your country so shit?

Why is your country so shit?

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Jews and Italians


Because our average iq is a double digit number. We are incapable of running a decent country and whenever someone is we bash on them for no reason.

Lazy ass people, poor education and corrupt government. Perfect combo

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It`s not Finland

Civil Wars and naps

it isn't

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Islam and comunists.

wh*Tes and christianity


bad genes

Finns coming here to work.

we are neighbors to the two biggest cucks

the british

niggers and sandniggers
in fact, lefties

liberals and other right wingers

Finns coming here to work

Because we are nation of cucks but at least we have qts here which is nice.

Because it's full of Germans.

Fucking seriously?
Why would anyone go to Australia?

South peasant scum

no, the reason is because he is a foreigner

Because our country is better than yours.

wh*Tes (unironically)

russians & communism

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as if you deserve anything good in life

>mfw slavshit replies to me

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