Universal Basic Income on the Blockchain



Attached: Pepe-John-Carter.jpg (900x461, 102K)

>free money

>no ASICs

Nothing to lose, setting up some nodes


It's the same old socialist shit dressed up in a new constume: take with force from those who are productive and give to those who aren't.

Appending "blockchain" to it is as idiotic as saying "if we only had smart contracts, we could try real communism". Fuck off.

I'm sure UBI is going to get used in my country in 2030 because too many jobs will be gone due to automatisation.

The idea with Partial Basic isn't that you take from the rich. It is similar to mining Cryptos with the only difference that everyone can participate, since it doesnt cost anything to set it up or to maintain mining.

> because too many jobs will be gone due to automatisation.

So when companies automate in order to increase profits or cut costs, you're going to tax that difference and give it away? What makes you think those companies won't just fuck off somewhere else and keep the difference? Because that is what you're talking about: increasing corporate taxes. That's all.

UBI is probably is one of the most retarded things i have ever heard of

>The idea with Partial Basic isn't that you take from the rich.

Yes it is. That's why people like this always cite examples like that. The money needs to come from somewhere, and it's the only model that people ever propose is that the government takes that money and starts redistributing it. It doesn't work.

>it doesnt cost anything to set it up or to maintain mining.
hol up

You don't tax everything away, but lets see it this way.
Taxes are a way to increase efficiency as well. If a majority of the jobs are automated and many people are unemployed, corporates pay taxes (for UBI) to buy security since these people otherwise would rely on theft (or other crime) to earn a living. This will lead to unstability (and therefore loss of efficiency) in the markets.

Another factor is, that the increase in taxes for UBI, will directly fall back to the companies due to consumption (which otherwise wouldnt happen).

What makes you think that anybody will still buy these products you retard?


Kinda funny how these people want to avoid paying their fair share so much that they even risk beeing the first to get hanged once the worling class had enough

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>corporates pay taxes (for UBI) to buy security since these people otherwise would rely on theft (or other crime) to earn a living.

Paying people welfare to make them not commit crime doesn't work. See: all the welfare-dependent "communities" in America, and elsewhere. Also, "theft to (or other crime) earn a living" kind of says something about your mindset, in a Freudian way. Theft (or other crime) is NOT a way to EARN a living, nor is relying on welfare.

>Another factor is, that the increase in taxes for UBI, will directly fall back to the companies due to consumption (which otherwise wouldnt happen).

The net result is still that you have stolen from people. It doesn't work. Never does.

>Kinda funny how these people want to avoid paying their fair share so much that they even risk beeing the first to get hanged once the worling class had enough
In other words...
>give us your stuff or we will kill you

Classic socialist thought.

What's your solution then to the automatisation of work?
We can't leave a majority of people starving or fearing to lose their job due to machines doing it better, and leave a small part with 90% of the money.

I think. we can't live in a majoritarian capitalist state if we go on like this.

no thanks it will only lead to more degeneracy

uhh yes you can? this is called progress within the work force. People will be forced to learn programming, AI, ML etc. in order to keep their job. Its like saying how will we support all of the people who tend to horses when the car takes over? ... more people become mechanics.

>We can't leave a majority of people
*part of all people

Nothing to do with socialism. If the people suffer there will be uprisings it was like this in all of mankind. And if you think we need billions of programmers you are even more retarded than i thought
t. Programmer

Would it be so bad if people didn't have to be productive to achieve a certain life standard?
I don't think everybody has to work for the world to function. Many people enjoy working and are able to create enough wealth for everyone.

Can some explain why Partial Basic is Bad?
Why shouldnt I set up some nodes?

Oh and why are you even scared? The strong will cull the weak its how ita supposed to be and you only have to fear if you are a weak soft pussy then yes you will be rightfully culled. No money will save you from that

>What's your solution then to the automatisation of work?
>We can't leave a majority of people starving or fearing to lose their job due to machines doing it better

It's been happening for well over a century now and the results have been that billions of people have been uplifted from poverty. Not by redistribution enforced through governments' monopoly on violence, but by the creation of opportunities. It is not when technology progresses that people starve, but rather when it is hindered.

It's literally socialism, and your attitude reflects the that of the typical socialist perfectly.

>It's been happening for well over a century now and the results have been that billions of people have been uplifted from poverty. Not by redistribution enforced through governments' monopoly on violence, but by the creation of opportunities. It is not when technology progresses that people starve, but rather when it is hindered.
pretty much this /

Socialism is to protect you weakling from our human nature. You are just scared that your money wont protect you anymore. Most of human history trash like you didnt make it. It is good and right. You should be thankful for socialism else your genes would already be gone from our pool

>The net result is still that you have stolen from people. It doesn't work. Never does.
Imagine a scenario where money and modern economy don't exist. There are only people. Now most people are starving, don't have homes and children are dying of disease. And then there are some people who are super smart and have created enough wealth for theirselves for many generations.
What do you think will happen if the poor people see this difference of wealth while their children are dying and the wealthy don't share anything, claiming they earned it (and they did).
The poor will fucking smash the rich with rocks.
This is the whole point of tax and government control - keep the difference of wealth in a reasonable balance to minimize crime. You can't take your wealth to the grave (unless you're a pharaoh)

what stops you from making 1 gorillion wallets?

nothing kek.

The idea is the same as mining. So there are also rich and poor. The difference is that everyone can participate in the mining process since there are no intial or operating costs.

There are people with 80 nodes already.
Kinda defeats the purpose when one guy has 80x people that hear about it in say 3 months when they can only buy 1 node. Nodes are capped at 20k

this is always an interesting problem with crypto.
i have a project in mind. i call it democracy 2.0

it's direct crypto democracy that is ran distributed.
anyone can submit a new law or paragraph to vote if they have enough support the voting begins. there is a complex mechanism with protest votes that escalates the vote from simple majority to qualified majority or 2/3 or qualified 2/3 so say you want jews to wear yellow stars and you even got 20% of the populations support and like 10% opposing strongly they can escalate the law to needing qualified majority and it will never pass even if noone cares.

anyhow tokens you can vote with or lend to your representative (you can take it back any time by revealing a secret nonce only you know if the rep betrays you) is anonymous but the issuing is based on your personal right to vote.

this is the dilemma how do you check someone has the right to hold a token without knowing that person and linking the identity to the token? i mean doing is easy if you want to but how do you prove you did?

Wrong, nodes are open. The supply is capped on 20k / day and is distributed acording to nodes

athene fuck off from Jow Forums


anyone interested in how you can solve this problem or should i just fuck off?

>itt: first-worlders who have never wondered where the next meal would come from unironically assume automation will somehow coincide with a mysterious removal of all current social safety nets, because they are so removed from poverty they assume poor people are actually starving