>what if we like ... *puff*... made the internet on the blockchain
What if we like ... *puff*... made the internet on the blockchain
this is what tron is except with less thought
This is what holochain is but using a distributed hash table instead of a blockchain
This is what nano is except not
This is how you get rich, except not
This is possible except not
blockchain is so 2017 lol. Just fuck off
>dude, what if we put Bitcoin on Etherereum
This is what TOR is except there is no exception .
Proven to work already
Everyone's been wanting to do that for years. You're not the only one who wants to give the middle finger to the ISP's.
The question is WHICH PROJECT will actually deliver and achieve mass adoption. There's many out there and some have been going on for many years.
In my opinion, if any of these projects ever make it at all, it will be the one who actively targets businesses as their customers, promising lower server costs, not the ones who try to pander to the normie masses into adopting it. First you make it convenient for the corps, then they make it convenient for the sheep. Same as internet until Iphones came in.
How high are you?
what if we could get a billion poeple to buy U$1000 of crypto at the same time? then all our problems would be over
Like, ATH.
>I just realized, like if half-chan was a crypto, like if we all were like smart contracts on the blockchan, and like our posts right? Like our posts Were like transactions...
>...awww fuck I was looking at the cat and I forgot what I was talking about
this is what skycoin is except in space
Thats Steem. You just described Steem.
>Dude, that's crazy, it's like I was thinking about it. But like those cats have actually done it. That's fucking spacey man.
>Wait... wait... uhhh so like what if like you have like a crypto like where you could make like your own cryptos... oh wait that's Ether. Fuck!
>Crypto is such a headtrip man
>I think I can trust you with my money bro. we gonna get rich
What would 3rd world niggers prefer to use?
Use skywire and play neopets with Kitty cash
Use internet and all the fun apps that come with it, beamed down to 3 million other niggas from mark zuckerberg's internet drone
>Awwww fuck that gave me an an idea like what if Facebook was on a blockchain, and 'likes' were tokens. Right? But like because it's blockchain it means like no Ambridge Cambaitica could spy on your NSA
>...No No wait, wait... ah ha! I got it now, like what if like, we decentralized facebook and like 'likes' were tokens so it was all private and shit
>so likes are tokens right? And so when I upload like a 420 video... I'd be like sooooooooooooo riiiiiiiiiiiiiich
>*laughs uncontrollably for 5 straight minutes*
>*coughs violently*
>.................yes. I see it now.
>haha! I does look like a cross.
>(squealing laugh)
>Dude if Facebook likes were tokens I'd be so rich from my 420 videos