>There are unironically people on this board that don't have at least 20% of their portfolio in NKN.
It's like you really, really don't want to make it
There are unironically people on this board that don't have at least 20% of their portfolio in NKN
It’s a heavy bag now, fuck me for listening to you.
Stop shilling, everyone who knows how to research projects has already seen it
>50m chink dump every month
I'll pass
>every month
straight lie
low quality fud. u accumulating right?
when is the next dilution? I believe they are cucking the hodlers every 2 months I'm planning to buy after the next one. was the most recent one 2 weeks ago aka another dump in 6 weeks?
you'll wait about 2 months... dont worry, prices will be much higher.
the majority of shitcoins will be higher, providing bitcoin is too
chink scam lol, remember bayan network
>Chinese Communist Party
>Decentralized Internet
China will never sign off on NKN for domestic use. It won't get the same endorsement NEO and ONT will get.
agreed although they are actually based in California
Priced in.
that's why it's decentralized u idiot... u dont need anyone's sign!
x100 this year screencap this. You poor fud fags are going to get btfo
exactly but this a thing new kind of nigglets will never understand
how low with your fud can you go?
Just keeping it real.
so what?
ONT has 500M circulating right now... and it has absolutely ok token economics... actually way better than Ontology.
Your trying to fud is so desperate
and most of it is held by VCs... and as you can see on CMC... they dont move their coins... because CMC tracks only coins that are from wallets that moved their coins.
i cannot imagine better environment
you're actually keeping it surreal, because the magnitude of this is way bigger, it's more of Bitcoin game-changer, than your other shitty tokens.
>>Chinese Communist Party
>>Decentralized Internet
>China will never sign off on NKN for domestic use. It won't get the same endorsement NEO and ONT will get.
Do you understand???? This will never pull of an ont. Also there is no backing by fenbushi.
And good luck trying to beat an increasing circulating supply in a bear market.
you probably understand shit if u fud with this.
and Kek Fenbushi... Fenbushi invested in shits like CPChain
Liking this new aggressive NKN shill tone...
>please sirs buy some fucking more you idiots are you fucking stupid etc
>Fenbushi invested in shits like CPChain
Straight up lie.
Best of Fenbushi contains Vechain, Neo, Ont, Factom, Sia....